Monday, July 12, 2010


Lionel was born to a promiscuous neighbor who presumed to saunter up our driveway and give issue in our barn. That was in May of 2000.

Living the first years of his life outdoors, Lionel learned to be a terrific mouser. That was back when we thought cats were mere animals. Now we know better. Cats are dictators. Lionel is still a great mouser. He eats everything except for the skull and little beady eyes. I have learned to sleep with a flashlight on my side of the bed.

Perfecting the dictator pose. Lionel has watched too many WWII movies, and I'm never quite sure whose side he is on.

Lionel, on that wondrous day when my husband discovered that the cats would eat their Petromalt right out of the tube. No more chasing down suspicious cats, trying to avoid their claws, holding their squirming bodies, and mashing a spot of Petromalt onto their paws so they can spend the next five minutes in a panic, trying to flick it off.

Lionel, sitting for his 2006 portrait. It now hangs in the National Gallery.

Contemplating his belly fat after the vet told him he'd only lost a half pound in the past three years of dieting.

Mesmerized by the gorgeous and fascinating cat in the mirror. Plum seemed like a great choice for carpet color in the early 90s. :-) I tend to be of the 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' school. And if it is broke, take time to consider your options.

Lionel's birthday cake on the day he turned eight. The grandkids were here, otherwise Lionel may have spent his birthday as he does most birthdays...

...just snuggling up with his best girl - Tuppence.

So do you have a cat or dog who's taken over your house?

Jean from The Delightful Repast inspired this post by her flattering comment about Lionel.  As I told Jean, Lionel's still blushing! :-)

This post is linked to Meet and Greet Monday 
and Making the World Cuter



  1. That was too cute! I'd rather a round cat to a scrawny one any day ... :)

  2. oooh, I am so excited you blogged about Lionel because....I am hosting a giveaway on one of my blogs for cat owners! Please check it out and consider entering! It ends on Sunday!

  3. OMG... your cats look almost identical to my two cats!! LOL Seriously, I have two cats, one is Bailey, he looks a lot like Lionel and one is Savage, he surprisingly looks a lot like Tuppence...they hang out together just like your two!! How cute!!

  4. Beautiful cat! We had Oliver once upon a time who was very round and slightly insane....okay.....EXTREMELY insane. After him, I shall never be allowed to have another cat for a pet and keep the same husband. Hubby wins that toss up every time. :0)

    I do love cats and dogs and someday when I have plenty of time to be at home and blog all day, I'll get another pet of some sort...although I suspect it will be a dog.

    Thanks for sharing your friends with us!

    Have a great day,

  5. Judy, I am seriously in love with your Lionel! If his doctor ever tells him he needs to move to a milder climate (or some such thing), you must let me know! Tuppence can come along as well. But you're on your own with the dogs. I've never had a dog in my life, can't start now.

  6. Oh I just want to rub my face in his belly!!! Come on so cute. My dogs have totally taken over the house. But when you have 2 old bullmastiffs they tend to do that!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  7. Oh what a fun post! Love the pictures :) What a gorgeous kitty!! We have two tyrants, I mean cats, that rule our house, and worse yet is that they dislike each other and enjoy fighting loudly at 4am. Right outside my daughter's door.

  8. Love your cats. They are adorable. My husband hates animals, so we will never have one.

  9. Aww! What a big cutie! :D

    We have 1 older cat - Pumpkin that is a little darker in color than yours. WE adoped him from my brother and then we have a 4-1/2 month old kitten named Muffin who is a spunky gal. It is funny, because my hubby says he doesn't like cats, but he loves on them as much as we do. They even come snuggle on his lap. :D

  10. This post truly made me smile. I love Lionel. I have a cat, her name is precious. Believe me, she knows she is precious, lol

  11. Too fun!!!!! Love this post! My sister has a houseful of cats, gerbils, fish, turtles, and dogs that coexist in joyful bliss...however, my home is run by the weimeraner and bulldog, leaving little room for cats...but I can certainly respect the likes of Lionel!

  12. Cats are TOTALLY dictators! But that's why we love them, they have their own mind, they do as they please, they make sure they're happy and because of all that they are able to fully give to others...ahhh, the great examples of our cats!! Good job Lionel!!

  13. I love this post about Lionel. He is a very handsome boy!! :D

  14. Aww sweet Lionel! He and gigi look so much alike to me!! Gi even stands on her hind legs like that too. Thanks for coming for FFF again=)

  15. Love this post. My favorite line of course is "we now know better." They do have a way of bringing you around to their point of view, don't they.
    I had to post a different story for Furry Friday.

  16. He's supercute. My cat Bun Bun has got my Dad and I wrapped around his little finger.

  17. Awww!! How precious!

    I have 2 cats! Bubba was an only fur child for several years. And then entered Fritzy who quickly took over and now dominates Bubba and our domain! :)


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