Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Moo Goo Gai Pan, sorta

Moo Goo actually means 'mushrooms,' and that's one ingredient I didn't have on hand. So this is a variation of Moo Goo Gai Pan (Gai meaning 'chicken' and Pan meaning 'sliced.') I suppose it would more accurately be named, 'Pea Pod Gai Pan.' Good. Now we've got that taken care of.

I'm starting with this nice picking of Oregon Sugar Pod II peas from my garden (I'll use some in this recipe, keep some in the refrigerator to use later in the week, and freeze the others.)

Aren't they gorgeous! I just love the look, the taste, and the CRUNCH of sugar pod peas!

3 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, diced or cubed.
1 clove garlic, minced

1 onion, sliced
2 large red peppers, sliced into strips
1 c. diced celery
2 c. fresh sugar pod peas

1/2 c. Kitchen Basics beef or chicken stock
2 T. white wine
1 T. cornstarch
1 t. honey

Basmati rice, cooked

Stirfry chicken and garlic in olive oil until golden brown.
Remove from skillet. Stirfry veggies except for pea pods, until slightly translucent. Add peapods, Stirfrying until they are tender-crisp.

Remove from heat.

In a small bowl, mix the following:
1/2 c. Kitchen basics beef broth
2 T. white wine
1 T. cornstarch
1 t. honey

Add chicken and garlic back into skillet. Pour sauce over top and stir in on low heat. When it is a nice, clear glaze, it is ready to serve. 

Sprinkle roasted cashews on top and serve on Basmati rice.

This post is linked to Tasty Tuesday Parade of Foods
and Tuesday Tag-Along
and Tuesdays at the Table
and Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
and Tip Me Tuesday


  1. mmmm that looks really yummy!

  2. mmm, that does look good! Thanks for the great recipe!

  3. PS-your soaps look amazing! I'll have to save up to get some!!!

  4. Hi! I am a new follower from Tuesday Tag-along. Great site. I will be back. Yummy!

  5. Michelle: Her soap is WONDERFUL! I was lucky enough to get some as a gift from my special sister and the smells just make you want to keep washing and washing. Worth the money!

  6. Looks fabulous! I love the ease and simplicity of stir frys. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Look at those gorgeous colors!!! I'm ready to make this for dinner tonight!

  8. That looks amazing! Great photos of it too! Now if you would just send me some of those beautiful pea pods, I will be all set. :0)

    Thanks for sharing that recipe. My family is going to love it.

    Have a great day, Candace

  9. Looks delicious, though you know i"m going to toss in some mushrooms! I had no idea that is what moo goo gai pan meant! It's beautiful.

    Yes my bulls sit on the couch, and our feet, and they used to sleep in our bed until really there was just no more room for us so that had to stop. That and they're sooooo old they can't really get up on the bed anymore. They are the best dogs ever! My oldest turns 11 this month! My girl is 10 in October. Sadly, I think they're days are numbered. It's starting to hurt them to walk too much. :(

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  10. Oh, that looks delicious! And your comment on my ice cream post made me laugh. I'm technically not supposed to be eating ice cream right now (but I keep cheating one spoonful at a time...shhhh, don't tell!). I can't wait to try a dairy free version, just for me!

    I just found your soap blog, and I'm so glad. I can't wait to check them out!

  11. Hi, I am a new follower from Tuesday Tag-along. What a GREAT!!! recipe with lots of YUMMY!!! veggies and I like that it's made with chicken.
    Come by and visit, maybe you can do the same.


  12. I Love that second photo! I just stopped by to let you know I left you a blog award on my blog!

  13. Thanks for all the comments, everyone. :-) I'm trying to answer individually, so most of you will be hearing from me via e-mail.

    Tami, I'll have to be sure to pay you for that great advertisement. ;-) So glad you like the soaps. I do too, and will be making a couple new ones later in the week, so stay tuned...

    I don't suppose any of you has a great pea pod salad recipe? There is a restaurant in our area that had a great recipe for a wonderful, colorful, and crunchy pea pod salad, but they're not handing out company secrets. And I've not been there in a while to try to guess the ingredients, cuz their prices have soared!

  14. That sounds really good and I just bought some chicken today. :)

  15. I think what I love most about this one is HOW colorful it is...I love it so much when my food is actually as PRETTY as it tastes!!

  16. Hi my friend, I love your recipe and the photos of the Oregon pea pods, but as I gaze at the photo it makes me a little sad. I bought these same peas to plant in my garden on your recommendation. Plant them I did and in the beginning they looked wonderful and I was sooo excited until one day I went to water my garden and ALL the pea plants were gone!!! (with out a trace) Okay, I guess no Moo Goo Gai Pan for us. I was looking forward to eating those peas too. :( Well there is always store bought.

  17. Oh, my ! This looks delish! I love Oriental food!

  18. Oh, some absolute yum right there!!!! MmmmMmmm!

    I lOvE fresh, crunchy sugar pod peas!!!!

  19. Oh...and with all the talk about soap, I remembered that I've still not ever ordered any...I've always meant to, but now I have! I bought the sample of five and can't wait to see what all you pick to send me :)))

  20. This looks yummy! I am going to have to try this recipe! Have a great night!

    Mama Hen


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