Friday, July 2, 2010

Making a Clover Wreath

How to Make A Beautiful Clover Wreath Like The One Pictured Above

1. Own a field that is full of alfalfa and red and white sweet clover.
2. Have a son who has a sweet girlfriend who loves to make things.

Our youngest son's girlfriend made this beautiful wreath. After dinner, my husband and I walked with our dogs through the alfalfa field to the top of the hill to our 'crop circle*.' What did we find when we got there?

C. was sitting on the grass, braiding sweet clover into a lovely wreath! What a clever girl!  I was so impressed! 

I'm not really sure how she did it, or I would present a tidy little tutorial. She said that she just 'sorta kept braiding more clover in.' I think it was kind of like doing French braids. Anyway, when she was done, she then inserted the blossoms into the braided green clover/alfalfa wreath.

Presumably, any of you who know how to French braid should be able to do this, providing you have access to something green and growing with long stems and pretty blossoms.

I absolutely love the wreath and wish it would keep forever.

And now, may I introduce our son's girlfriend. She is intelligent, sweet, cute, and we love having her around. She's here often enough now, that I think of the fourth room upstairs as C.'s room.

Yes, I asked her permission to include her photo in a blog post.

* Our 'crop circle' is made by our son when he mows my walking track. He mows the perimeter of the field (so I don't have to take the dogs out on the road) and then mows a nice circle on top of the hill where I like to stop and look at the views in all directions. Sometimes my husband and I take camp chairs to the top of the hill and just sit a while with the dogs, enjoying the weather and watching the cars go by.

You may recognize this photo, but I thought you needed a visual of our hilltop. And besides, I knew you couldn't get enough of my dogs. :-)

This post is linked to Friday-Follow


  1. Lovely wreath, lovely new addition to your family, lovely pets....just an all around lovely post. Very much enjoyed it!

    Thanks for stopping by this morning and sharing the website with me. I am visiting it now. Great information! Candace

  2. Beautiful Pic - I am a new follower from Friendly Friday Follow!

  3. Hi there.
    Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
    Thanks for playing.Please post our image so people know to comment and follow.
    Have a great day!

  4. Beautiful:
    clover wreath
    Scene on top of the hill

    Kevin and

    This list is NOT necessarily in order of importance. tee hee! Lovely post, my friend. :D

  5. So cool... reminds me of the (far less sophisticated) ones I would make as a child:)

  6. I love that wreath! I used to make wreaths out of dandelions when I was little and wear them on my head or around my neck (so maybe I have a knack with those weeds after all, huh?? LOL)

    I love that you take time in your life to go somewhere beautiful with those you love (husband and dogs and such) and enjoy the view. That's what life is about to me!

  7. What a lovely wreath! How nice to have a talented "someone special" around!

  8. Oh my Gosh I completely forgot about the dandelion necklaces I use to make as a kid.
    Thank you Eneida, for jogging my memory on
    that. :)

  9. Wow! That is talent. My little girls would love to learn how to make that! Thanks for swinging by Between the Lines. I'm following you back!


  10. Wow! Love the wreath! :D That is sweet that your son's girlfriend was willing to show it off for you. :D

  11. Oh she is a keeper!!! Such beautiful work, such a beautiful girl.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower -- love your blog already!

  13. Your son's girlfriend is very cute, and talented. I love the wreath.

  14. Thanks for all the nice comments about the wreath and C. I am sure it will please her when I pass them along to her. :-)

  15. Thanks for visiting! -your newest follower!


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