Saturday, August 28, 2010

O Henry!

 Henry, born August 27, 2010

I was going to post a 'before' pic of our daughter when she was in labor, but thought she might not appreciate it. :-)  So, here's one of our newest grandson who took nearly 48 hours to muster up enough courage to emerge from his warm, liquid environment. 

In an instant, little Henry went from getting his oxygen through an umbilical cord to getting his oxygen through his lungs, and came out already knowing how to suckle. Baby is alert and looks from person to person, recognizing familiar voices. Grandpa just mentioned how amazing it is that little Henry, never having used his vision before, is now looking from face to face. Why doesn't he look at hands? Why is he looking at faces? Why does he look at eyes?

What an amazing Creator we have!

Praise God for a safe delivery. Mama, Daddy and Baby are all doing well. So are Grandpa and Grandma. :-)

7 lb. 11 oz.  21"  Lots of dark hair. :-)


  1. congratulations! That is the exact same blankie my two used at the hospital 8 and 10 years ago. Brings back memories!

  2. Congrats! He is adorable! I'm sure your daughter really appreciates you not posting her before picture. :)

  3. Oooohhh... he is so cute!! Congratulations to you and your family...may his days be filled with love and joy!

  4. Absolutely adorable! Congrats to everyone who helped, prayed, and especially who pushed ;-) You have a beautiful baby boy!

  5. Congratulations! There is nothing like a grandbaby! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! I pray for his health and most of all that he will grow up to love the Lord with his whole heart, mind and soul, and that he will be a tool in the Lord's hand.

  6. Isn't he the little cutie? I bet your daughter wouldn't have been happy with picture of her in labor. Congrats to all! :)

  7. Oh, there is nothing in the world more beautiful than a brand new baby! Mazal Tov!!! He's gorgeous ... :)

  8. What a perfect beautiful little blessing! Congratulations to you all!

  9. Congratulations! He is so beautiful!
    I am glad you liked my letters this week :)

  10. Congrats Grandma! Precious little bundle of joy :)

  11. Congratulations! He is one handsome little man. :-) Many blessings!

  12. Congrats, Henry is beyond precious.

  13. Adorable! Congratulations to your whole family! What a little cutie! You are never too old for a carousel! Soon you will be taking your little grandson on on! :) Thank you for your comment yesterday! Have a super Sunday!

    Mama Hen

  14. He is so precious! What a cutie! Congrats on the new addition!!

    Regarding your comment on my page about baseball cards- that is a bummer they were thrown out. My mom threw out my brothers' cards one time when they were moving. To this day they won't let her live it down. I'm glad I kept an eye on mine!!

    Have a great week!!


  15. Beautiful entry and a beautiful boy. God is so good.

  16. He is so beautiful. Congratulations!!

  17. Welcome, Henry!! You are so handsome, what perfect little lips you have!!! Thank you for posting the sweet picture and updating us on his arrival!!!! Enjoy him for all of us :)))

  18. CONGRATULATIONS ~ what a precious little blessing!! :-)

  19. Ah, congratulations!!!! So cute! We have a new nephew named Henry!

  20. Congratulations! How wonderful. He is one of the cutest newborns I've ever seen. (My babies were red and wrinkly!)

    He looks so content. Maybe he'll be an easy baby for mom to look after.

    I am so happy for you. congrats again.

  21. Congratulations!!! He's beautiful!!

  22. He's beautiful, Congratulations! All praises are do and owing to God for this little miracle. I know you're all over the moon with happiness and I'm happy for you! Henry. I like that name! Smiles.


  23. Following you from Nimbler Grove's Tuesday Hop! Congrats! Love the pics of all your furbabies too! Hope you'll stop by to say hi!
    Beth @ Two Monkeys & a Washtub

  24. Thanks so much for linking up for our Tuesday Blog Hop! I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll stop by and follow me back! :)


  25. Congratulations! What a precious little grandson you have!
    I am here from the tuesday blog hop! I hope you'll stop by!

  26. Congrats for your cute little grandson!
    Also I am now following you thanks to Tuesday Blog Hop and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog! Plus, don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy HTML tips, you know where to come!
    Today we talk about how to create a pop-up window, so come on by to find out that and more! Happy Tuesday!

  27. Hi,

    Congrats!!! Im your newest follower from the blog hop. I hope you have a great Tuesday.

  28. Congrats!!!! Henry is beautiful and so bright eyed!!! Classic royal English name by the way. Welcome King Henry! :)

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  29. Congratulations!! The Lord is good!

    A a good visit and safe travels!

  30. Sorry about the typo :(

    Have a good visit and safe travels!

  31. Henry is absolutely beautiful. Congrats!

  32. He does seem very alert! Hope his parents are ready for a bright, inquisitive boy :) Congratulations to all!


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