Friday, August 27, 2010

York, England, Part A

I've decided to divide my York pictures among three blog posts. So this first pic is the only one of the York Minster that you're getting this week. Although I think the York Minster is the best reason to go to York, it is because I have so many pictures of the Minster, that I'll save those for another post. Today's post will be pics of Roman York or Eboracum.

In July of AD 306, Constantine was with his Emperor father in northern Britain on a campaign against the Picts north of Hadrian's Wall. While in York (Eboracum) his father became sick and died, but had made it known that he  wanted Constantine to succeed him. This is the same Constantine The Great we all know and love from In Hoc Signo Vinces (In this sign you will conquer.) Please don't confuse this on the test with Julius Caesar's Veni Vidi Vici. Actually, I think that was pronounced 'weenie, weedie, weekie,' which just doesn't have that same proud, commanding tone we like to imagine. :-)

Streets that lead to an opening in the city wall were called 'gates.'

The City Wall

Bootham Bar
Stands on the site of the old Roman entrance to the City
The entrances through the city wall were called 'bars.'

Multangular Tower (built in early 4th century) containing Roman stone coffins
brought from graveyards in other parts of York

Same area, multangular tower

Part of York City Wall

We were just fascinated by the city of York and hope to return there some day. Although we did see a lot, there is so much we did not see. It's definitely worth three days of a 16 day trip to England.

Hopefully, I'll get the other York photos posted next week and the week after. One of my favorite pics from the entire trip was taken in York. I had it enlarged to poster size and it's hanging on the wall of a bedroom upstairs.

P.S. Be sure to stop in at Sherry's blog, Lamp Unto My Feet, for her Blogiversary Giveaway. My handcrafted soaps are being featured there this week! Enter her giveaway and you may come away with six luxurious, fragrant soaps for your shower! :-)

P.P.S. We're in Indiana, at the hospital where our daughter and son-in-law are having their first baby. I think she's been in labor about 36 hours now. Please pray that mama will soon get relief with baby's safe passage to the outside. I'm sorry that you haven't had e-mails from me, but I think you'll understand. :-) I will get caught up some time next week.


  1. Awesome post, you definitely left me wanting to see more.

  2. I love the old building and structures of England...they sure have stood the test of time!
    My thoughts and prayers are with your daughter...and the rest of your family too! Hope things go alright and she has the baby soon!

  3. Oh, what gorgeous, gorgeous photos! I've never been to England and I despise flying, but oh, does this make me want to go!!!

  4. We never made it to York while in England, but it reminds me a lot of Salsibury. I hope your daughter's labor is over and Mommy and Baby are having fun getting to know each other along with the rest of your family!

    On a different note! I just started my Christmas shopping at your soap store! I went with 2 variety packs to put in stockings. Some ding-dong on a blog reminded everyone the other day that it's only 4 months until Christmas! YIKES! Now that made me panic a bit! With both girls' birthdays in November, Christmas is just that much more crazy around here.

    Have a great snuggle with your newest grandbaby!


  5. Great pictures! Can't wait to see more! I'll be keeping your daughter in my thoughts and prayers. I had a very long hard labor too with my first child, so I understand what she's going through. Many blessings being sent your way!

  6. I'm so jealous! I LOVE the pictures!! Whenever I plan my trip to England, I'm contacting you for advice on where I need to go!!!

    Have a great weekend!


  7. Guess what, Rachel, someone else actually did that. I wrote up an itinerary for them and they followed it, with a few added excursions of course. How fun was that! :-)

  8. York is a fascinating place, there's always something different to see that you hadn't noticed the previous time, for example I can't remember seeing the multangular tower before.
    You may be interested to know that I stopped for the first time in Grassington recently and took some photos. If you do look in, sorry about the commentary, it follows an alternative theme to match the views.

  9. Oh, I so want to go to England! Beautiful post. I love that you are a history buff!! I can't believe I missed this tour on Friday:-(


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