Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Local Farmers' Market

Most days of the week it's just a normal, unassuming dairy farm in Barron County with a small bulk foods store on site. But on Thursdays, it steps into a phone booth, takes off its glasses, and bursts forth as Super Farmers' Market!  Naturally, the Puppies sign caught my attention! I'm a hopeless dog lover!

Why is it easier to remember puppies names than people's names?? Cute girl! (who was kind enough to let me take her picture) Cute puppy! (that I wanted to take home.)

 Golden Retriever pups, 8 weeks old. Awwwww.

Cotton candy, for my never-diminishing sweet tooth

I think these are bluebird houses, but in my experience, the busy little wrens budge in, take over, and pack them tightly with itty bitty twigs! Of course I know it's their way of building a nest, but it's not easy getting all those little twigs cleaned out and the house tidied for the next PGs.

The fries (peel on) sold here inspired me to think about making fries. They were delicious! Bobby needs to remind me to make them while she's here!

 Next to the puppies, the best reason to go to the Farmers' Market!

Beautiful herbs and coleus

There's a bison burger stand as well as this hamburger stand.

Mennonite ladies with their kettle corn stand

Angela's purchase for her and her dad - I'll stick with fries!

Colorful jams and jellies!

Purses made out of neckties

 Felted hats and bags

Kinda like Whole Foods in the country

Zinneas, my favorite

John Deere 1929 gas engine -  ice cream maker!

Eager customers

I'm hoping that Bobby is planning to go to the Farmers' Market with me while she's here, if it's still open in September. It's huge and lots of fun! Maybe I'll find another Border Collie-Springer Spaniel! :-) Oops, both Bridger and Misty just sat up and glared at me! Okay, okay. I was just kidding! Sheesh!

Have a great weekend!!

This post is linked to New Friend Fridays


  1. Wow! What colorful zinnias! I am going to have to plant some of those next year. They are my dad's favorite. You have a great farmers' market. Thanks for the tour!

  2. That is some Farmer's Market! Ours is mostly veggies & a few typical crafts. Stopping by from New Friend Friday!

  3. Wow, that is some farmer's market! Almost like a fair meets a farmers market with all that food and cotton candy. I love those bird houses.

  4. that's an amazing farmers market, puts ours to shame!!

    Here from FFF, happy friday!

  5. Next time we drive through Wisconsin, I am going to your part of the state. I'm also going there on a Farmer's Market day :)

  6. Our farmers market isn't early as fun as that one! And the puppies, well that's what I'd be coming home with, too :) Adorable!! Those fries look delicious, too. I wish I had them now for breakfast LOL, hey if they're from the farmers market they're healthy by default. Yeah, that's my story & I'm stickin' to it LOL :)

  7. Stopping by from NFF...those puppies are SO cute! Looks like your farmer's market has a lot of great stuff like crafs to look at. I wish ours were like that!

  8. Your posts are like eye candy! I wish we had a Farmer's Market like that near us. Delightful. And I am with you on the french fries and PUPPIES! Oh my....

    Thank you for the advice on homeschooling. You are right! Choosing curriculum is fun, fun, fun! You are also right about switching if necessary. Very wish words and I will keep them in mind.:) Lori

  9. Oh, I wanna go!!! The flowers are so beautiful ... and the vegetables, jams and pickles -- I can't even believe how gorgeous they are! I want to go shop, buy one of everything, then go home and cook ....

  10. Wow, so awesome. The puppies are so cute. The cotton candy and fries look very yummy for my tummy. Everything looks great, would love to stroll the market with you dear.

  11. Nice photos! Now I need to find that county on a map! The bluish birdhouse has a hinge which should make cleaning no problem....wish we had bluebirds near us.......

  12. That looks like so much fun!! I LOVE the puppies!! I so want a house so I can have a dog! I'll have to wait a few years before that can happen!

    I love the purses and the homemade ice cream!

    Happy Friday!


  13. What a fun fun place that I wish I could visit. Or maybe not... I would have wanted one of each of those birdhouses.

    Thanks for visiting me over at Pittypat Paperie. Hope you can drop by again sometimes.

  14. Wow, i wish i had somewhere so fun to go!! i want a birdhouse, a tie purse, some kettle corn, maybe a puppie, some of that beautiful jelly, zinnias, ice cream, lotsa fesh veggies....awww....maybe it is a good thing we don't have anything so wonderful nearby! But thanks for sharong the great photos, I enjoyed going along with you! =)

  15. So fun! I'm lucky - our Farmer's Market is open twice a week, year round. I've heard it's one of the largest in California, but I don't really care about that. I go for the kettle corn!

  16. I wanna go to YOUR farmer's market! Love theshot of the bright zinnias!

  17. Oh my those fries look awesome! LOL Great closeup :-) So which puppy are you getting? LOL I would not be able to resist! My husband has always wanted a golden retriever puppy to raise, they are awesome dogs, I had one growing up. Wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I had to laugh on the part of making tents with your friends and your sister as a last resort, ha ha I have an older sister so I can relate. My Sally (lab) just turned 12 years old. I love that dog to pieces. We have a yorkie and a jack russell, 2 balls of ernergy hard to capture on camera! Have a great weekend! Blessings,

  18. That was a lot of you had us all tagging along behind you. Wow, those fries looked good! And they even had cotton candy..I also loved those felt bags, bird houses and the homemade icecream. Now that's what I call a fun day at the farmers' market. Lucky you!


  19. Wow what a great set of pictures, I love the zinnias, I plant those every year in my flowerbeds.

  20. Farmer's Markets are neat! Those fries do look yummy, and I have a feeling you'll dress them up and make 'em look even better! How did you resist those puppies???:o)

  21. Wow! What an awesome farmers market! I haven't gone to ours in a while, but yours looks so much neater than ours. :D THose puppies are absolutely adorable!

  22. What a fun market! I sure want one of those puppies :)

  23. Those puppies are so cute! I love markets! Yummy ice cream! What a nice way to spend an afternoon. Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  24. I haven't been to our Farmer's Market in ages. Now you've made me want to go again!

  25. Looks like fun. The puppy cute!!!

  26. Wow! What an amazing farmer's market! Ours is just some cars in a parking lot - it would be amazing to have something like this in our town!

    xo Erin

  27. Love these photos of the farmer's market. I miss going there and it has been about a month since Mike and I went to get the homemade ice cream that we love. Imagine Angie buying her dad some popcorn!!! I think Kevin is starting to resemble Orville. (as in the popcorn mogul) The puppies were very cute and I would not mind having one of those at home. (oh ya, I forgot Annie would eat him for supper) :D

  28. what a fun post and gorgeous pictures...Happy Weekend


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