Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baking Bread With Whey

 fresh from the oven!!

Now is the time to use that jar of whey from the mozzarella, feta cheese, or yogurt you made. Don't worry. If you threw it out, you can still bake bread with this very easy recipe:
Home-baked Bread with Whey (or not) Recipe:

1 qt. whey (or milk)
6 T. butter
6 T. sugar
4 t. salt
4 pkg. dry yeast (8 t.)
10 1/2 - 11 c. all-purpose flour
Melt butter in a large pan on the stove. Add whey and stir, heating until just tepid. Remove from burner.
Sprinkle yeast on top. Wait a couple minutes and stir yeast in to dissolve.
Stir in sugar and salt.
Move to Kitchen-Aid mixer with dough hook and gradually add 10 1/2 - 11 c. all-purpose flour
Mix on low speed for 4-5 minutes.
Remove dough to the counter and knead for just a bit.
Place dough ball into large bowl (both dough ball and bowl are greased) and cover with a cloth.
Set in a warm place and let rise until double.

Punch down dough to get rid of air bubbles. Divide into four pieces and shape each into a loaf.
Place in 4x8 bread pans that have been sprayed with a non-stick spray.
Let loaves rise again until about 1/2 inch above rim of pan.
Place in preheated 400 degree oven.
Bake for 24 minutes. 
Remove immediately and turn out onto racks to cool

Yield: four 4x8 loaves of the most delicious bread and a crowd that's gathered around you in the kitchen

Butter the top crusts. 

Hand out freshly-baked, thick slices of buttered bread to make instant friends.

You can thank me later. :-)

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such


  1. What does the whey do, Judy? I don't know much about it except from Little Miss Muffet.

  2. Yum! Nothing beats homemade bread!! We are having a baking linky party on our blog today! Would love for you to link up!!!

  3. Those loaves look incredible!! And your house smelled amazing, I'm sure!

  4. I think it would be easier if I just moved you down here to make all your wonderful creations for us! LOL

  5. Okay, Judy, you need a new post: "What whey does for the bread." It would be "whey" helpful to know that. The bread looks so delicious that I was tempted to tear apart my computer to get to it. But never mind; that doesn't work!

  6. Oh, what a perfect idea!!! No waste! Those loaves look SO beyond gorgeous ... :)

  7. Your bread looks perfect!
    What a wonderful blog you have! Following you now from Delectable Tuesday! Would appreciate a follow back on Pinay in Texas Cooking Corner.
    Thanks! Have a great week!

  8. Okay, I see that you all expect me to know what the whey does?? lol. I do know that is contains protein. So where I used to use milk in my recipe, I now use the whey that was left over from when I made yogurt or cheese. It's simply a savings, and the bread tastes just as good!

    And what does the butter do? (just in case anyone was wondering!) It makes bread and anything else taste amazing instead of just good. :-)

  9. I'm sure the bread tastes as good as it looks.

  10. Oh Yum!! We never think of putting butter on top of the loaves. Sounds good!

    I have read of reciepes that use potatoe water (the water after boiling potatoes), not sure what that would do either.

  11. These loaves look PERFECT! WOW!

    I would like to invite you to join in on a WEEKLY RECIPE LINK PARTY I host on my blog.


    "Made it on Monday"...link is open every

    I hope you will join in on the fun :)

  12. Judy, the bread looks wonderful. I've tried to use it but have had less than stellar results when I do. I'll have to try your recipe and see if I have better luck. I hope you have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary

  13. You have got to be the handiest person I know! You knit, garden, cook, make soap, blog, and much more... and you do it all so well! Have I already told you how much I want to be like you??! :)

  14. Sorry, Judy, for posting a distraction from what looks like a delightful bread recipe. I just had all sorts of puns and plays on the word "whey" in my mind and decided posting a poem might relieve me so I can get back to work. The Svendsen kids did this chorally about 15-16 years ago.

    Guy Wetmore Carryl

    Little Miss Muffet discovered a tuffet,
    (Which never occurred to the rest of us)
    And, as 'twas a June day, and just about noonday,
    She wanted to eat - like the rest of us:
    Her diet was whey, and I hasten to say
    It is wholesome and people grow fat on it.
    The spot being lonely, the lady not only
    Discovered the tuffet, but sat on it.

    A rivulet gabbled beside her and babbled,
    As rivulets always are thought to do,
    And dragon flies sported around and cavorted,
    As poets say dragon flies ought to do;
    When, glancing aside for a moment, she spied
    A horrible sight that brought fear to her,
    A hideous spider was sitting beside her,
    And most unavoidably near to her!

    Albeit unsightly, this creature politely Said: "
    Madam, I earnestly vow to you,
    I'm penitent that I did not bring my hat.
    I Should otherwise certainly bow to you."
    Thought anxious to please, he was so ill at ease
    That he lost all his sense of propriety,
    And grew so inept that he clumsily stept
    In her plate - which is barred in Society.

    This curious error completed her terror;
    She shuddered, and growing much paler, not
    Only left tuffet, but dealt him a buffet
    Which doubled him up in a sailor knot.
    It should be explained that at this he was pained:
    He cried: "I have vexed you, no doubt of it!
    Your fists's like a truncheon." "You're still in my luncheon,"
    Was all that she answered. "Get out of it!"

    And the Moral is this: Be it madam or miss
    To whom you have something to say,
    You are only absurd when you get in the curd
    But you're rude when you get in the whey.

  15. Actually, I had considered titling this post, 'Whey Good Bread,' but thought my daughters might see it and groan. :-)

  16. Yum! Just came across your wonderful blog and am a new follower!!! Love the animal pics!
    - Jessica

  17. I wish I had some whey around...guess I'll try the milk version. Does it turn out as pretty with the milk? That must be the prettiest bread I've ever laid eyes on :)
    I'm visiting from my mom's blog (my mom is Gloria)

  18. Oh wow. Looks beautifully delicious. I want a slice or two or three right now. You make gorgeous bread.

  19. Those are gorgeous loaves of bread. I love how using the whey left no waste from other food projects. Actually, your recipe is quite similar to mine, only I use water in place of the whey. I will have to try milk one of these days.

  20. As much as I love baking, I've never been patient enough to bake bread. Strange, especially since I love eating it so very much!!

    Your loaves look truly mouth-watering!


  21. I wanted to let you know I baked your bread today...and it was DELICIOUS! Thanks for sharing the recipe :)


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