Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Simple Things in Life

The snow has finally melted and we're seeing buds on the trees. Yea! It was a long winter, but there was never any doubt about spring returning - it was only a matter of when. Now we have seven great months ahead of us until we see accumulated snow again. We hope.

It felt wonderful to work outdoors yesterday. It had to have been at least in the upper 60s and sunny, so that it was a perfect day to get some outdoor chores done. I had a pile of bricks I wanted to move out of the way so I could plant flowers in that spot. There must have been 600 bricks at least. Of course, my husband or son could have piled that wheelbarrow high with bricks and got the job done in a fraction of the time, but there was no reason I couldn't do it. I just had to pace myself. After all, I did want to be able to walk today and tomorrow and not undergo back surgery anytime soon. So, I started out moving 25 bricks at a time. Then it got to 20 bricks at a time. Then 15 bricks. Then a break to run to town and pick up an inter-library loan item. Then 20 bricks at a time. It went on like this until I got the bricks moved and got the area raked up and ready to go.

This body, which had been pretty much hibernating all winter, finally was being made to move. I felt great, I slept well, and I'm thinking about cleaning out the pond today. Maybe.

I was scrolling through some photo files this morning, and thought I'd post this neighborhood photo I took last fall. I think there's something so beautiful in that simple sign, 'For Sale - Feeder Pigs.' 

For more on pigs, read Gloria's blog for today's post!

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such


  1. Yes, spring has sprung!
    I hope your back is ok and not taken too much strain from lifting, you worked really hard - men, it takes a woman to do a man`s job - Go Girl!

  2. Yey! Spring has sprung! I am so excited for you. It is amazing how much we wait and long for it! I can't beleive how excited I am that a daffodill is almost open!

    Have fun! And don't forget to just sit in the sun and soak it up:)

  3. Well, if you got out there and moved bricks, I guess I'll get out there and rake those leaves. LOL

  4. I am a little sad that spring is springing up all over the country, because that means spring is over here and get ready for a brutal summer. I am glad you are getting outdoors, it has been beautiful!

  5. Glad you're seeing signs of spring and getting to work on your garden! Love the photo... the sign, the green grass, white fence... I can imagine the pigs on the other side of the hill... nice shot!

  6. I like your attitude - break a big job down into manageable chunks. We can all learn from that.

  7. Thank you, Judy. I appreciate you so much. And yes, it is so much fun to just get outside and enjoy the beauty of creation. Of course, it's already in the upper 70's here--summer weather for you all!

  8. YAY! Springtime!! It looks so green!! Hope you are enjoying warmer temperatures!!


  9. Yay! Spring has finally come your way. Enjoy!!!

  10. Nice to hear that your snow is on it's way out and 600 bricks seems like a lot of bricks... other than that it's best for a man not to comment on a post like this !!!

  11. When I told my smart aleck husband that I'd moved all those bricks, he said, 'Oh, you mean you used a wheelbarrow??' (as though that was cheating.) :-)

  12. Good job on moving the bricks yourself - way to get it done:) I am cleaning out the attic (yuk) and breaking it down bit by bit too, that is why I am taking a break and visiting blogs!

  13. Why is it when I read that you are going to clean out your pond, my mind goes the the "pond" in Dances with Wolves and all the icky stuff John Dunbar found in there! ACK! I'm sure your pond have much less organic matter in it :-) Pace yourself and enjoy. Sounds like Mother Nature might not be done messing with us just yet! Time to make hay while the sun shines as we say on the farm!

  14. Actually, cleaning out the pond is a really stinky job. I've never had to clean out a sewer, thankfully, but trust me, decayed leaves and other plant matter don't smell good when they've been in pond water all winter and spring. Icky job, but I need to get it done by Mother's Day cuz that's when the nursery gets their water hyacinths. They help keep my pond clean all summer!

  15. I'm so happy that you are seeing spring. We are too, finally, although it has cooled off the last couple of days. boo! I had my plants outside and have to move them back because it's gotten so cool. It sounds like you got quite a workout moving all of those bricks. I'm glad you got it all done. Love the sign. Great photo!

  16. Judging from our flowering trees, it's spring here, too, but it sure doesn't feel like it. Your bread looks scrumptious! Our paper today had a photo of a heron about to swallow a vole. It looks like a mole but has a long tail. I've been puzzled by that mole gate picture because it looks like whatever's hanging there is hung by tails. Our moles don't have tails, so I've been wondering and wondering........

  17. Judy, I am glad spring is finally making its way to your part of the country! We had our first tornado warnings tonight, so I know it is spring in Oklahoma! LOL

    Don't work to hard, girl.

    Blessings & hugs,


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