Monday, May 9, 2011

Daffodils, Gardens, & Ponds

They're baaaaaack!!

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day.  I heard from all of our kids with phone calls, gifts, and cards, even from the dogs and cats!, which was pretty wonderful. I still smile when I think of my husband in a card shop buying cards 'from the dog' or 'from the cats.' He's pretty amazing. Really.

We're hoping to have two of our little grandsons with us for part of the week. They'll get to go with us when we take our dogs to the vet for their Lyme vaccinations. That should be fun, but we may have to think of something a bit more spectacular to entertain them. :-) I'm pretty sure that riding with Grandpa in the Big Blue Truck to the BP for treats will be pretty exciting. lol

Our poor daffodils have appeared at last. In 2010, they were in full bloom mid April. But I'm not complaining (anymore) because we had pretty nice weather on the weekend. I even cleaned our pond on Saturday, which is a little like cleaning out a sewer, for a ton of dead, slimy plant matter (like leaves from the nearby maples and basswood) had settled to the bottom. It's worth the work, however, for it's such a pleasant thing to go out in the morning and sit beside the wee pond and hear the bubbling little stream.

Lydia in princess mode

I came across this photo last night. This is Granddaughter Lydia and the pond, both of which are a bit older now. Lydia is now 14, and the pond brick and stones are mossier, but I remember the day she was sitting beside the pond, singing a song from the movie Aladdin. It was so cute when she swept the water with her hand - and nearly fell in. She had a good sense of humor even back then, so it is a fun memory.  Wasn't she cute!! She still is.

My last fire
Good thing, for the ash bucket is full!

I built my last fire of the season (I hope) last Tuesday, I think it was. With a high near 70 degrees on Mother's Day, I have hopes that the good temps will continue and I will be able to plant peas and potatoes. Parsnips and onions are in.

Itty Bitty Carmens

I know. It's pretty pathetic. These little Carmen peppers have only one month to grow before I set them out in the garden, around June 5. I planted them indoors in mid March, but they seem awfully small. I've not been able to find Carmens at the nurseries. Let's hope that one more month makes a huge difference!

I hope you all have a good week!

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such


  1. Everything looks lovely! And your husband is super sweet to get you cards from the dog and cat! :)

  2. Glad to hear you had such a lovely Mother's day!
    I'm also very happy that you received my gift of warm weather :)

  3. Sounds like you had a good Mother's Day. I love how your husband gives you cards from your 'fur babies.'

  4. I hope you had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day. Sorry I didn't get a chance to email. When I got back from my parents, I went into "veg mode" and didn't get online or email.

    Love the pictures!! My goal is to get a plant for my office and not kill it (I tend to kill even plastic plants!!)

    Have a wonderful Monday!


  5. Oh, isn't it all just GORGEOUS when it comes back after the snow and cold??? :)

  6. Our peppers are always the slowest growers of everything that we plant so yours should be fine.

    I love the name Lydia! And your Lydia is a cutie!

    Here's to no more snow or cold weather until winter!

  7. Love your pictures. Oh, how you, Bonnie and I would enjoy a cup of tea out by your pond, listening to the bubbling stream. And of course talking about our beloved England.

  8. So fun!! It is garden season again! Can't wait until we get ours in. We tilled ours and put fertilizer in already. Have to make rows and then we can pop seeds in! I am going to try parsnips this year too.

  9. Sounds like you had a nice day. We did too~ a ferry ride, a yarn shop and Thai food as well as a morning of singing 2 lovely songs from Elijah. Luck you with temps up to 70-don't know when my wintered-over stuff will ever get out of the garage. You're right, it's been a very crazy spring.

  10. I hope your spring weather continues, because I know it is so welcomed after a long winter. Glad you had a good Mother's Day and are loved by all including the cat and dog!!

  11. Happy Mother's Day! Sounds like it was great. Those daffodils are gorgeous!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  12. How thoughtful that your hubby got you a card from your four legged makes my heart melt. How very sweet. Love the daffodils! They are my favorite. Excited to see those peper starts grow!!

  13. I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day! I love that you got cards from your furry babies. They are so cute! I am sorry I have not been back in touch about the order. My cousin is coming early, so I will have to order and then send them to her in Spain. I have been sick the past few days. The strawberry sounds wonderful! I am happy you do not have to think about making a fire to stay cozy for a while. It was a long period of cold weather. Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  14. You are inspiring! I have never grown anything. Maybe I will give it a shot. Blessings...
    Saved By Love Creations

  15. What a fun Mother's Day to hear from everyone...literally (gotta love that Kevin!)!
    I just love daffodils...we used them to decorate for a school picnic just a couple of weeks ago. Hope your carmens turn out well, just like it looks everything else do have a green thumb, for sure!
    What a cute picture of Lydia and what fun she must have had playing "in" the pond! I love the sound of water...mornings by your pond sound magical :)

    ...partialemptynester ;)

  16. Your last fire... I was wondering if you used up all those logs that we saw a while ago. The weather can only get better now.


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