Friday, May 6, 2011

Cardington, Shropshire

 Cardington, a village east of Church Stretton in Shropshire

I may have mentioned this before, but Herefordshire, Shropshire, and Yorkshire seem like the 'real' England to me, for some odd reason. I think it's a result of years of BBC TV. Shropshire did not disappoint me. It's not London, or anywhere near London, so it's not crowded with annoying tourists - like us. Instead, it was quiet, calm, and beautiful.

 Cardington Road, flanked by hedges, where you hope you don't meet another vehicle. 
Believe it or not, it is meant to be a two-way road.

We did give ourselves plenty of time to get from Point A to Point B, for the roads are either winding or narrow or winding and narrow.

 Another busy intersection

A couple miles west of Cardington lies the hill fort, Caer Caradoc (l.) where the Britons' last stand against the invading Romans was made by Caradoc (Caractacus) in A.D. 50. He escaped, fled north to what is now Yorkshire, only to be betrayed by the Brigantian queen who turned him over to the Romans. So much for neighborly hospitality.  Tactitus, a Roman senator and historian (AD 56-AD117), mentions the capture of Caractacus. There is, of course, controversy as to whether the Caer Caradoc near Cardington is the actual location of Caradoc's last stand. Nevertheless, legend has it that he and his family were taken prisoner to Rome, that he was held in high esteem, and that eventually they were released to return to Britain. (I doubt they settled in Yorkshire.)

 On the road between North Hill Farm and Cardington

 Pretty rooster. This is the England I love: the lanes, the hedges, pheasants, fences, gates, etc. At any moment, I expect to see Detective Inspector Foyle approaching in his 1936 Wolseley, although Shropshire is a little out of his territory.


and, of course, sheep

Whelping box in the kitchen of our B&B

Early springtime view over Shropshire hills

I hope springtime has come to your  home. It was here yesterday, and I see sunshine this morning!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Author, Second Chance - A Tale of Two Puppies
Check out my handcrafted soaps at Soap'n'Such


  1. Oh how I love Fridays here! Beautiful photos! By the way, I love my soaps!!!!!

  2. Spring? Oh, we skipped spring here and went right to summer. It was 98 degrees yesterday...should be 100 in the next day or two :)
    Love the scenery...wish I could go there right now, I'm in need of a major vacation!!

  3. Sigh, wishing I could go......Spring is finally starting to arrive here.

    Please Check out my FIRST GIVEAWAY:

  4. Judy, gorgeous photos, as always! Your England posts always make me feel as if I'm there! I, too, love the hedgerows.

  5. It looks so peaceful and quiet! I so need to take a vacation there!! Remember next time you go on vacation, you are sneaking me in on your carry-on!! ;)

    I love that old car!! Something about these pictures remind me of the Miss Marple mysteries I used to watch. Ah, I love those!!

    Happy Friday!!


  6. Beautiful Beautiful!! What else is there to say? ~sigh!

    P.S. Maybe you should publish a book, Tour England from your Armchair.

  7. I love it Heide!! Tour England form your Armchair, thats exactly what I need for a rainy day, complete with recipe for scones and tea. The pictures just look like from some fairy land.

  8. Sigh - just taking it all in. Lovely~

  9. English country roads at there best!! if you are lucky there should be passing places, but never in the right place, my Saturday steps this week is about the Romans!
    Gald to know spring is popping its head up for you;)
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  10. So lovely, I hope to be a tourist there one day myself. I was peeking around your blog and my 3 year old saw the picture of your raspberry cheesecake soap and said, Wow that is a beautiful plate but the cheese looks yucky. I explained to her that it wasn't cheese that it was soap. Ohh she said I still like the plate. What a nice blog you have!!!

  11. Another lovely tour of the English countryside sprinkled with a bit of history. Nice photos! You have a nice weekend also! Happy Mother's Day!

  12. So beautiful and relaxing. I love when you take me on a mini vacation with you.

  13. What a peaceful and idyllic village. You have captured some of the scenes that give this place life. I've never heard of Cardington before or the Roman Britain story either, but have stayed a long time ago in Wilderhope Manor Youth Hostel nearby. The reason I mention this is that i can't remember if one of the walk options I didn't do was to Caer Caradoc.
    It's pleasant to think of Inspector Foyle's car driving along the road but knowing my luck, it will be more like Farmer Giles's wide dirty tractor coming around the corner and me having to reverse into the mud on the left ! Nice post.

  14. We woke up to rain :-( At least this little jaunt through the English country side cheered me up some! Happy Mother's Day weekend!

  15. Wishing you a Mother's DAy filled with sunshine and daffodils!

  16. Travelling like a local is the only way to go...the further away from the hustle and bustle of tourism, the better for me, too, when discovering new places ;)

    ...partialemptynester ;)


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