Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pumpkin Cheesecake Gluten Free

This may be my only post this week, for our son is getting married on Saturday, October 1, and I really need to spend serious time cleaning the house for family who will be staying here. Oh, who am I kidding! It's been misty and raining all day and I feel totally unmotivated to do anything like cleaning. Right now I've got piles of books (and dog hair) just about everywhere, but there is hope for the books because at some point Kevin is going to build bookshelves. There's no hope for the dog hair issue, and I don't want to hear any of your non-dog-lover-peanut-gallery solutions to this problem! Trust me, I've heard it all before from You-Know-Who.

The other problem is that we need to get the huge Christmas cactus, Jade, and Yucca plants, which have been living outdoors during the summer, into the house for October - May. There are about 15 others that would like to live in the house with us too, but I've finally decided to limit it to a few herbs and my aloe and smaller Christmas cactus. I'd planned on trying to winter over the basil, but it's already looking uncooperative.

Some of you may recognize this cheesecake recipe. I posted it last fall, but today, when I was thinking about pumpkin, I remembered this delicious cheesecake. So, just in case you didn't get the recipe the first time around, here it is again. It's the perfect dessert for a cold fall evening. Hope you enjoy it. I know I did...way too much. ;-)

 Pumpkin Cheesecake, just out of the oven

Chilled and ready to serve
I made an Autumn Apple cheesecake also, but that's another story. Both cheesecakes are delicious!

Just a wee sliver for...a taste test?

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe:


1 pkg. Gluten-free ginger snaps, crushed. I used Mi-Del, which I find at WalMart. Makes about 1.5 cups of crumbs. After I'd munched a few of the ginger snaps out of the bag, I had about the right amount remaining. Works out so well!
3/4 c. ground hazelnuts
3 T. brown sugar
6 T. unsalted butter, melted

Preheat Oven to 325 degrees F. Grease (cooking spray) a 9-inch springform pan.

Toss gingersnaps, hazelnuts, brown sugar, and melted butter until mixed. Press this mixture onto the bottom and a little up the sides of the springform pan.

3   8-oz. packages of cream cheese, softened
1 c. brown sugar
1 1/2 c. canned solid pack pumpkin
1/2 c. heavy whipping cream
1/3 c. maple syrup
1 T. vanilla extract
3/4 t. ground cinnamon
1/2 t. ground allspice
4 eggs

With an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and brown sugar until fluffy. Stir in pumpkin. Mix in the cream, maple syrup, cinnamon, allspice, and vanilla. Beat eggs in, one at a time. Mix all until smooth.

Pour batter into prepared crust (above). I also set it on a cookie sheet because my springform pan was filled right to the top. I was supposed to bake it in the preheated oven for 90 minutes, but it took a good 120 minutes before it was done enough.

Remove from oven and allow to cool in pan for an hour, then refrigerate several hours before serving. I made mine in the afternoon of one day and served it the evening of the next day, so it was well chilled.

Which reminds me: Once I was in a restaurant in Stillwater, MN and ordered cheesecake. The server actually warmed it in the microwave before serving it to me. What?? She was young and ignorant. What more can I say. (well, plenty, but I won't.)

This is a great recipe to serve to guests.
(if there's any left)

Cut into 16 slices.

Reading this post again makes me hungry!
See you all next week.

This post is linked to: Making the World Cuter Mondays and Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and Making Monday Marvelous and Made from Scratch Tuesday and Delectable Tuesday and Anything Related Tuesday and Take a Look Tuesday and Tasty Tuesday  and Tasty Tuesday and Tasty Tuesday and  Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays  and Two Maids a Baking and  Wandering Wednesday and What's Cookin' Wednesday and We Did it Wednesday and Cast Party Wednesday and Thrilling Thursday and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Lisa's Gluten-Free Blog and Favorite Things Friday and I'm Lovin' it Friday and It's a Hodgepodge Friday  and Fat Camp Friday and Fun With Food Friday



  1. Looks and sounds wonderful. I love pumpkin anything! Good luck with the cleaning and "DOG HAIR!! Congratulations on your son's wedding, enjoy and have fun! See you next week.

  2. Family definitely comes first! Hope all goes well with your son's wedding!
    The cheesecake sounds so yummy!! Wish I had a slice of it right now :)

  3. Judy-I plan on making this cheesecake! It looks just wonderful! Anything gluten free puts my radar up b/c of a grandson who is allergic to gluten. Thanks for putting it up again!

    Also- have a wonderful/joyous/festive time at the wedding! Yea for godly celebrations!

  4. And by 'that's another story' I hope you mean you'll be posting the apple recipe SOON?! I am definitely going to try the pumpkin one! But I won't be putting it in the microwave. Yuck! LOL

  5. Sounds great! I have seen a few recipes for pumpkin cheesecake, haven't tried any. Not sure what the response would be from the male poplulation in the house. They love cheesecake and I am not sure they would be happy if it was different. Though I don't know why I am worried, they tell you how much they dislike it while eating a plateful, so either way there is never any left!

  6. How exiting that must be for you. I certainly understand if you need to take some time off blogging. Family has to go first!

    This cheesecake looks very tasty :)

    Enjoy your day!

  7. Makes me hungry too. Not long now til the wedding - how lovely. I'm sure you can get the dog hair under control - but your guests will be here to see you and won't notice anyway!

  8. Best to Joe and his lovely wife to be. I will be praying for them. Have fun!

  9. What do I want to say first? Okay, I love cheesecake and pumpkin pie, two of my favorites, so I will try this recipe. It sounds delicious!

    As for the dog hair, I feel your pain! If you find some magical solution, let me know. I hate to admit this, but I love those little members of our family so much, I really don't notice it until the kids say something when they're here.

    Now, if you find the other magical solution for getting the house clean and presentable, let me know that, too!! Enough said.

    Have a wonderful time this weekend!

  10. Mazal Tov on the upcoming wedding - how wonderful!!! Many, many blessings upon the happy couple and upon your family ... :)

  11. Oh NUM! I want to come to your house! Have a sweet day sweet friend...........your pictures are the best! Makes everything look beautiful!

    Blessings on the wedding.........will be a precious day for you I am sure!!!!!!

    Hugs, Linda

  12. Dog hair. I completely understand, our dog loses LOADS! But I'm sure if you sit that cheesecake out somewhere noticeable, everyone would keep their eyes on it, and not the dog hair, lol! That cheesecake looks so good lookin'! And it's PUMPKIN too! :) Keep up the great work! And congratulations to your son!

  13. Well, about the dog hair: I could brush Bridger all day long and the next time I run the brush through his hair, more would come out. There's a never-ending supply it seems.

    I will soon post the Autumn Apple Cheesecake recipe in October. It's worth coming back. Oh. And there's caramel involved!!

    Thanks for your many happy wishes for the wedding. :-)

    Hannah, I tried twice to post a comment on your time travel, which I love! but both comments evaporated upon hitting 'Post Comment.' Sorry.

  14. Congrats to your son on his wedding!! I can't wait to hear about it!!


  15. Pumpkin cheesecake, an unusual variety, but one I would certainly like to try.
    Over here in the u.k pumpkins are very rarely eaten, let alone done for halloween! but they are rare.
    Nice variation! xx

  16. This is Denise. Delicious recipe, congrats to your dear son.

  17. Hope things are going well with the wedding preparations and that everyone has a fantastic day on Saturday. Pumpkin should a bit more popular this month here in the UK but it's culinary use is not matched with the other use !!

  18. Have fun at the wedding! Looking forward to the apple cheesecake recipe!

  19. What a perfect gluten free dessert option for the Fall! Have a great time at the wedding :)

  20. This looks delicious! I always love your recipes! Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the wedding and take lots of pictures!

    Mama Hen

  21. Judy, how exciting for you, your son's wedding. I hope it goes beautifully and that he and his wife have a long and happy life together. Your cheesecake looks delicious, and this IS the time of year for pumpkin, so I see myself making this fairly soon.

  22. Oh, yum! That sounds delicious. And I always appreciate gluten-free recipes because my mother-in-law has celiac disease. I would love it if you'd link this to my pumpkin challenge party!


  23. MMMMM!!!! One of my favorite things on earth!!!!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  24. I tried to bring in a basil plant once - didn't work at all! Congrats on your son's wedding. Will love to try the cheesecake.

  25. this pumpkin cheesecake looks
    so divine
    that i am featuring it this week
    on fridays unfolded!


  26. Its a Pumpkin Cheesecake morning! Made this last night and having a slice for breakfast. Only thing is I had to use pumpkin pie spice because I didn't have all spice. I wonder if that makes a lot of difference? Still so yummy. I have been struggling with my GF diet and craving fall sweets. This is fantastic!

  27. That looks great and how wonderful that you were able to make it gluten free. I am a new follower from Making the World Cuter. Vicky from Mess For Less


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