Thursday, January 26, 2012

1913 Home Comfort Wood Range

I don't know why this looked pretty to me. Maybe because it's January and any amount of color is thrilling. And maybe because I really am attached to our old 1913 Home Comfort wood range. We only cook on it when we have sub-zero temps outdoors and want to use the wood range for auxiliary heat. And even then, only when I want to feel especially pioneerish. If that urge does hit me, it's usually when winter is new, not when it has worn out its welcome.

The license plate is a 1926 Wisconsin plate that Kevin found somewhere.

The tools on the stove are for (r) shaking down the grates and for (l) lifting the burner lids.

The cute red and black S&P shakers are from Ian and Becky who know that I love all things British, and especially phone boxes and post boxes!

It's smelling particularly like rosemary and mint in the kitchen. An upcoming soap post, perhaps?

I have leftover chicken stirfry in the refrigerator that will be dinner tonight. Love that stuff!

I'm hoping I can stick to carrots and a few almonds (that's always the trick - a FEW) later in the evening.

I am so thankful for the change of seasons, and the knowledge that we will eventually have springtime once again.  In the meantime, I'll attend my ladies' Bible study, knit, make soap, cook, clean (well, a little), read, take photos, and blog.

Because of the LORD's great love
we are not consumed,
for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning.
Great is Your faithfulness!
-Lamentations 3:22-23

I think about those first two lines a lot, for God could squish us like a bug if He wanted to. With hearts that seek to worship anything, almost EVERYthing other than the only Rescuer and Hope that we have, the Lord Jesus Christ, we deserve to be consumed! I am thankful that we have a merciful Savior. I am one who needs mercy.

With random thoughts from the kitchen,


  1. Now that is a thing of beauty! 1913 wood range? I am so incredibly jealous! Not that there is a huge use for one of those out here in the desert, but still, what I wouldn't give to have something like that in my home! Thanks for sharing, Judy!

  2. Thanks for sharing your random thoughts today. I found it very heartwarming! I love those little salt and pepper shakers, what a perfect find! I for one am dreading winter ending this year, 1) it's been a mild one and I'm not looking forward to a scorching summer 2) The years are flying faster and faster especially this one with my first in school this year. Winter over means his kindergarten year is almost over and that my youngest will be in kindergarten next year. I'm not ready, I wasn't ready and I just want to slow each day as much as possible:-) So I hope winter doesn't end anytime soon.

  3. Any splash of color in the winter is welcomed!

  4. I can't even cook on a regular - let alone a wood burning stove.

  5. That wood range is awesome! And your stir fry sounds yummy! Enjoy your day...hope it has some pretty colors in it! ♥

  6. My mom used a similar stove at the ranch. Not quite so fancy, didn't have the top warmer. It was amazing! She could made angel food cakes, biscuits and bread, as well as mash-- A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to our livestock--on this stove.

  7. Enjoy your day, Judy! Look for that beautiful Cardinal at the bird-feeder, a splash of color with a beautiful winter background. :-)

  8. I think you should call them lovely thoughts from the kitchen instead of random! I always wish for winter but I think yours would be too harsh for me! Although they would make me appreciate spring. Around here, not so much.

  9. Any splash of color would be a welcomed sight around here today. This must be one of the darkest gloomy days so far this season. It's not very cold but is raining and it's predicted to have thunderstorms. So, keeping in touch with my nice blogging friends and catching up on some work will keep my mind off the bad weather day. Your stove looks like it would do a good job of cooking and heating . We had one although different from yours when I was much younger and we stayed very warm and enjoyed cooking pots of beans or soup etc. on the top. It made our home feel very cozy. I always enjoy reading that particular scripture that you shared. Also like the song taken from the words. Have a warm cozy day.---- Shannon

  10. Love the stove! So glad you included a picture of your salt and peper shakers, Becky talked about them but I didnt get a chance to see them!

    It is just the time of year.....I can't seem to string two thoughts together for a post either. All I want to do is curl up with a good book!

    Stay warm and think spring!

    P.S. My sister bought me a Bright Pink Primrose yesterday! Beautiful!!

  11. I enjoyed your random thoughts today! I love that verse. And you're right, God could squish us all like a bug but instead He chose mercy and grace. Beautiful stove! Enjoy your day and your Bible study and your blogging!

  12. Great post, and I love those old thingies. It's nice with some extra color at this time of year! Have a great day! Big hugs x


  13. I love the smell of rosemary and mint!! :)

    I was talking to my "Dallas mom" the other day and she's trying to start up a Bible study, I'm excited, I haven't attended a Ladies' Bible study in over a year. Always love the fellowship of my sisters in Christ.

    Have a great day!!


  14. I gave my daughter a pair of those salt and pepper shakers. They are so delightful. That stove wows me. Lucky you!

  15. Love your stove and the fact that you still actually use it. And look at all those cast iron skillets! I need to have one of those in the house. Still working on new cookware. Hang in there with bland colors. I still have more Hawaii pics in the pile to share. If all the rain we had today had been snow, we would have been up to our you-know-whats in it! Honestly I would prefer snow to rain. Rain is so much colder to me that snow in the winter time.

  16. There's nothing like a good old wood burning stove. We've had two, but with the warm weather in Arkansas this year, we would burn up if we tried to use one.

    What a blessing to know the mercies of the Lord. I would that all did. Thanks for the great reminder, Judy.

  17. It must be a challenge to cook on that wood stove? My grandma was quite good at, I rely on modern technology. LOL BTW those Nemo mittens aren't too bad although there were lots and lots of ends to sew in! You could do it!

  18. Aren't you lucky to have such a fabulous wood stove? I'd have soup simmering on it all day long!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I really enjoyed this post, Judy. What fantastic treasures you have! I would love to have that beautiful stove in my house.


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