Friday, January 27, 2012

Barns of England

Near Castle Bolton

It's been a few years since I've seen these barns, but there they were, just as we turned onto the road to Bolton Castle in North Yorkshire. There was something about the weathered wood and stone - and so near a real castle, that I found charming.

 Northeast of York

Much less charming, but possessing the redeeming factor of those darling sheep, was this barn near Sutton on the Forest. March has its perks: lambing season being the best.

 West of Leyburn

This just said, 'All Creatures Great and Small.' I expected the veterinarian 'James Herriot' to come walking out of that old stone byre any minute! This is one of my favorite pictures from North Yorkshire.

 In 'downtown' Hawes

I found it so odd that right in the middle of this town, just a short walk from the (Wallace and Gromit) Wensleydale Creamery, to find a barn and a horse pen - with a real horse and a border collie to boot!
Can you find the horse? 

...and here's the ever-watchful border collie

 West of Leyburn

Looking stark against the landscape, this barn caught my attention, along with that beautiful, lichen-covered drystone wall.

Near Dorstone

And then there are the barns that I'm not sure whether they have been standing for a couple hundred years or if they were built in 1990 and made to look old! These days, it's often hard for the casual observer to tell.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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  1. I have such an appreciation for these old buildings. So much history. Thanks for taking me to England in your posts.

  2. Oh I love these pictures! I always say that I wish we could live on a fram. I would probably save many cats and little animals and love having a horse for Little Chick. These barns are beautiful. There is something so peaceful about animals in their pasture. I long for that tranquility often. We live in a stressful area where everything is always go, go, go. I try to make sure my daughter learns through nature and does not get so caught up in that stressful expectation placed on our youth today. However, no matter how hard I try the world is moving so fast around us. So my friend, you can see where I would love these pictures and the idea of running with Little Chick through the fields with the sheep! :) I hope you are doing well. I guess I went off a bit on a tangent, but it shows how beautiful and thought provoking this post was. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Mama Hen

  3. Yorkshire was on my mind this morning (as you will see), so I especially enjoyed your gorgeous photos. I do so love a nice barn!

  4. I feel like this post was just for me! I love old barns and sheep! Perfect!

  5. The pictures are beautiful, glad that you included a picture with lambs in it. I have to totally agree, lambing season is the best. I love Yorkshire. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Those barns were made to last. There is a beauty in the brick and stone work, and I think of all the hours that it took to build them.

  7. Brings back the memories of my trip to Bolton Abbey and Dorstone. Thanks.

  8. Great post! The sheep are too cute. Some of those barns look like they could be from Wisconsin.

  9. They are so beautiful. I love the barn with the sheep grazing in front and the beautiful countryside in the background. Very nice! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. I love barns. Sometimes I stop and take photos too.

  11. These are great, Judy! I love your "All Creatures Great and Small" picture. My family loves that TV series, and I really need to read the books.

  12. What a treat to see these pictures. I read James Herriot's cat book till I got sleepy last night. 1 a.m. sad to say, it was just one of those nights when I stayed awake toooo long.

  13. I collect sheep and loved your pictures. Thanks to the fabulous public footpaths all across England I've walked right thru pastures filled with them. I love that you can walk across farmland there!

  14. Great Post! I love your photos! I can hear James, Tristan and Siegfried talking as I look at them. :-)

  15. Oh how I love barns! These photos are awesome, Judy.

  16. Those are such lovely photos and I just adored the Herriot books. I had to read through the series as soon as I started as I was hooked.

  17. What gorgeous buildings. I love these photos!I am not a farm girl at all, but I can appreciate some beautiful barns. :)

  18. Lovely thematic post. There's nothing like a Yorkshire Dales stone barn set amongst the labyrinth of dry stone walls.
    Having said that, I have a fascination about barns now that I have observed the unusual and interesting wooden variety on several photographic blogs from your side of the Atlantic.


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