Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feed the Birds - Tuppence a Bag*

Waiting for the Orioles

Each morning when I get outdoors early, let's say about 6-6:30 or before, the bird community has been up and at it for at least two hours. I love the early morning songsters! And because the song of the oriole is among my favorite and they've been very vocal lately, I bought a bag of oranges for them. Okay, I bought a bag of oranges to share with them. It's kinda like throwing money in the hat of a busker. Shouldn't they get something for their beautiful singing?? Who doesn't want to keep orioles around?  And I can do it for a measly orange now and then?

This post reaches up probably 6 feet from the edge of the deck and is under a huge maple tree. Perfect for the orioles.

Mama Robin and her babies, under the eaves

I'd love to be able to post a pic of the oriole, but their nests are high in the leafy maple tree and they keep their exact address as secret as possible. I have no idea why Mama Robin built her nest under the eaves right on the deck, RIGHT next to the picnic table. Bird brain. (okay, I don't really mean it...I love the robins too.) :-)

Do you feed the birds in the summertime? If so, which birds do you try to attract and what do you put out for them? I mean, because we just don't spend enough money already on [what Kevin calls] shredded-money cat and dog food! lol

* Unfortunately, those oranges did NOT cost tuppence a bag! 

Happy Birthday to Stacey!!♥♥

Happy Syttende Mai!!

Amazing citrus and patchouli scent!
Drag out that macrame cord and beads.
You know you'll love it!

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at


  1. Those oranges look a lot like grapefruit. Not that I'm accusing you of anything. :)

  2. I love to hear the birds sing, but since we've moved here to PA the birds and I have a love/hate relationship. It seems they LOVE to poop all over everything and I HATE that!!! Any tips on how to keep them off my back porch furniture????

  3. I love listening to birds singing in the morning, it's quite relaxing.

  4. Nope, they're not grapefruit, Bethany. They're oranges. And they're really delicious, so I make extra points with the orioles, right?

  5. We have to be careful about feeding birds out here.. the pigeons usually end up taking over and they never leave!!! lol

  6. We had a robin make a nest last year in our arborvitae tree out front. This year it is a house finch! We think. Very fun watching them hatch and grow.

  7. I love that you feed the birds! Now I am singing the song and my kid is looking at me like I am crazy!

  8. My neighbor has a bird feeder and we share our backyards without fences so I enjoy watching the birds from my angle. I don't want to entice too many birds for my cats are hunters.

  9. I used to feed the birds but we have so many cats around now that I'd feel like I'm baiting them. Btw, that soap fragrance sounds divine. And I actually *did* look for a macrame kit the other day. Ha!

  10. My husband really dislikes seed messes, so I keep our birdbath out. I also put out suet and seed cakes in the suet feeder. I Am so thrilled that we have a huge Raven in our area this year. I HOPE he's nesting in my biggest evergreens that are over 30 years old.....can't tell yet.

  11. ......and every time I think of the song title, I'm reminded of my daughter who has a friend who, for years, didn't realize that it was 'tuppence a bag.' She thought 'Tuppen Sabag' was the name of the lady feeding the birds. :-D

  12. Just thinking of buying a macrame kit and washing with my Patchouli Tangerine makes me want to sing something by the Mamas and Papas. LOL

  13. We saw an Oriole in Chicago last week. I've never seen one in my backyard. We have lots of birds and fed them for a while but had to stop. The bear had a thing for the bird feeder and amazing as she is we don't want to encourage her to continue making herself at home on our patio. We feed hummingbirds. The bear doesn't seem to have an interest in their food.

  14. Your pictures are amazing. I never thought to leave fruit out for birds. We'll have to give that a try.

  15. Do I feed birds in the summertime? YES! And all the other seasons too! I just LOVE that they come to the feeders and enjoy themselves. My favorite thing is when they splash around in the birdbath! Guess what started coming this week?! A hummingbird! Haven't gotten a picture yet, but I'm going to!

  16. We used to have one Oriole that visited every year in the late spring but he did not return last year. I never knew birds would eat oranges..i must buy a bag to share!

    Your pictures are fantastic and I loved the one of your granddaughter! My youngest grand has her recital this Sunday.

  17. Wow Judy, I thought you were my friend, but now I'm going to be singing "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins all night while I finish packing! Lol! Beautiful post!

  18. I have a bird feeder and enjoy seeing what shows up...they are so fun to watch.

  19. Your birds are very pretty out there girl - I don't believe we have orioles here or I haven't seen one. We did see woodpeckers peeking on our deck today. I do not try to attract that. I love birds and we do put out seed from the Bird Store.

  20. I love to hear the birds singing in a morning. We have a couple of bird feeders hanging in the tree in our garden, we put wild bird seed in them. Never thought to give oranges to the birds though!

  21. We feed them whole wheat bread crumbs, seed, and watermelon! The
    grackles and starlings love watermelon, and I really don't particularly like having them in my yard, but since they like watermelon better than seed, I put out the rinds, and they eat it instead. We have cardinals, hummingbirds, robins, sparrows, titmice, and various other birds that indulge in our food--and make nests in our little house and trees. Love those birds!

  22. Cute! I love feeding birds too. We had our first hummingbird the other day!

  23. When we moved in our first house I had the great idea to get a bird feeder. We set it up on our deck and waited a few days and no birds came. Finally a ton of birds came. It was only when they left that I noticed all the bird poop they'd left on the deck. Do not set up a bird feeder on your wood deck. :-)Vicky from

  24. Hearing birds sing, makes me smile.


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