Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Springtime Ballet Performance

Flashback, performed by Reign Dance Theater

Last Friday Kevin and I had the privilege of attending our granddaughter's annual springtime ballet performance. It was spectacular! It was fun to see her fluid, precise, and graceful movements as ballet skills, poise, and interpretation have been further developed.

We are so impressed also with Reign Dance Theater in general. Unlike other ballet theaters, the various ages and skill levels are not isolated with little performances of their own. Instead, the dancers are integrated throughout the entire production, giving it continuity and making it more enjoyable and more effective in telling a story through dance. And telling a story through dance is one thing they do superbly!

The mom, the granddaughter, the proud brother
after the performance

I've often wished that all of our children lived next door to us (what mom doesn't wish that?), but  after attending these performances and seeing what a great opportunity this is for our granddaughter, I told my daughter-in-law that if my child were involved in something that so benefits her physically and spiritually, there's no way you'd be able to pry me away from the Big City.

From Reign Dance Theater's website:

A refreshingly positive dance experience in classical ballet training for ages 7 through adult, including the disciplines of barre exercise, muscle strengthening, classical technique, and choreography, combined with the excitement and opportunity of theatrical performance... Classical ballet training in a positive, family-friendly atmosphere that promotes modesty and moral purity, Character development through godly role models and Biblical scripture memory, Quality theatrical productions 
which integrate the art of dance with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Everything about Reign Dance Theater is top quality, from the script to the choreography to the graphic design to the lighting, costuming, and performance.

It was beautiful!

When she was a bit younger, for Santa Lucia Day

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Colossians 3:17

...If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. - I Peter 4:11

 ...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. -  I Corinthians 10:31

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  - Philippians 4:8



  1. I think it's so great that you got to see her perform! And thank you for sharing your experience with us! I bet my mom wishes I lived next door too :)

  2. How wonderful you were able to see your granddaughter perform!!

  3. I took ballet when I was younger, but had little aptitude for it; I still love to watch, though, and have such admiration for the skill and grace of the dancers. How wonderful to have been able to watch such a glorious performance, and to share in such a moment with your family!

  4. How wonderful that you were able to see her perform! It looks like a wonderful performance!

  5. Looks like a great performance! Wonderful verses you quoted at the end. I enjoyed yesterday's post as well.

  6. Special moments like this stay in our hearts forever. Great photos.

  7. Unfortunately I don't have any grandchildren. How wonderful that you have a ballerina for a granddaughter.
    It must have been sheer delight to watch her perform.

  8. You have a precious granddaughter. It's the little things in life that bring us joy especially when our family is involved.

  9. Wow Judy. Proud much? LOL I just know the whole thing was gorgeous! Getting the right company to dance with is key. I felt that way when Deanie danced with the Charleston Ballet Theatre. It was magical!

  10. It sounds like a wonderful performance and I'm happy you were able to attend. I'm now a new linky follower and I would love if you could follow me back. Tx

  11. Judy,that is awesome that you got the opportunity to see your beautiful granddaughter perform! It's such a blessing to see them happy and doing what they love, isn't it? There was a ballet company in Louisiana that was similar to this one. We had some friends whose daughter performed with them. It was such a wonderful opportunity for her. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  12. So glad you got to share this precious event with your grand-daughter. She's beautiful and the photo reflects the happiness of that special evening.

  13. So good that you get to see her performances. And, kids like all the activities that cities have to offer.

  14. That is so awesome that you got to go and see her perform! What an amazing experience for your grandaughter and for you guys. It sounds like it was truly amazing!!

  15. What a lovely family and so great she enjoys performing and you got to see her and enjoy the special time with your family.

  16. How fun! I love ballet. Jeremy treated me to the Nutcracker for my birthday. It was so much fun.

  17. A Christian ballet studio and company? That is awesome. Your granddaughter is just beautiful as is the rest of the group! Congrats to her.

    Love, sandie

  18. I loved hearing about your grand-daughter's dance company. What a wonderful talent to have. The photo of the three of them was so nice. So glad you and Kevin were able to go. :)


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