Thursday, June 20, 2013

Irises in my Backyard

 Rust-colored bearded iris in late afternoon light

 I have four types of irises in my backyard - a rust-colored iris (shown above and in the next two photos), a blue iris, a purple and white iris, and a black iris (which is budding, but not quite open).

 This reminds me of a kaleidoscope!

 I love the delicate, veined petals

 Blue iris among the hostas

 This purple and white bearded iris came from my mom.


I cannot look at these flowers without thinking of the design, not random chance, that went into making them. And I can't help thinking of the Designer - the amazing, loving, and merciful Creator, who put us in this world full of design and purpose.



  1. Thanks for sharing such beauty.

  2. They truly are a thing of beauty!

  3. simply stunning design by God and you captured all the beauty he created to share with us.. gorgeous colors and i love all the swirls

  4. Hi Judy Wonderful flowers from a wonderful Creator. Thank for sharing.


  5. Your irises are lovely!! Ours have been spent for several weeks. Enjoy them!!

  6. They are beautiful!! My irises are barely starting to bloom.

  7. i'm always a fan of iris. gorgeous blooms. great colors too. ( :

  8. Have you ever heard the expression, "God dont make no junk?" He really doesnt especially in the color and details in these beautiful flowers.

  9. As I was reading it I was going to comment about the Creativity of the Great Designer/Creator but I see as I read to the end that you already have. so I'll add "amen." Also enjoyed your book post! You should see our house! Bookcases in every room but none as exquisite as the one you have on your pinterest!

  10. Such beautiful flowers and the colors are magnificent. I often walk around my yard and only see the weeding that needs to be done rather than the beauty of the flowers. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Love irises! Just wish the blooms laster longer!

  12. They always remind me of my grandmother who grew them.

  13. I love seeing them up close like that - and I really love the purplish one! sandie

  14. so exotic with their fuzzy tongues. :)

  15. I love irises!! We use to have so many, but the grubs got to them. We were so sad. Hopefully, we can start re-building our collection again.

    It seems to be a great year for irises! I have seen so many around.

  16. Beautiful flowers! I remember having the purple ones in our backyard when I was growing up. Just lovely.

  17. Oh these are beautiful Judy! Lovely colours, must be a joy walking around there.

  18. Love your photo's! My favorite photo is the blue with the hosta.
    Thank you for sharing.

  19. Amen, Judy! And when I look at the beautiful tall bearded irises that pop up in my garden every spring, I think of my dear departed aunt who shared them with us from her garden decades ago.

  20. Oh my stars they are breathtaking.
    Oh marvelous is our Creator.
    Woolie Blesssings

  21. The irises are just beautiful! I think the purple is my favorite.

  22. flowers are best when past memories are brought to life!! thank you for sharing your beauties!! i have some that i love in my own beds!!
    ^)^ linda

  23. Sorry this took so long but I am getting caught up. These iris are so beautiful. I love all the color, some I have never seen.


  24. Beautiful! Do you do anything special to get them to bloom so nicely?


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