Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day Snow in NW Wisconsin

I hope you too had a wonderful and white Christmas!


'Honey Oatmeal'
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  1. absolutely gorgeous, all of these... i love the tree on the porch and the wreathe on the door. awesome...

  2. It sure looks beautiful and I know you had your home warm and cozy. Ours was white....white sand on the beach. We had a lovely day! Hugs, Diane

  3. Gorgeous. Love your porch and the red door, and of course, the lighted tree. I hope we get a little snow this year, but seeing that shoveled path to your door reminds me that I'm glad we don't get that much. lol

  4. Love the photos, Judy - especially the one showing the path to your door. That's a lot of snow! Do you have snowshoes?

  5. LOTS of beautiful snow. the blue jay photo made me grin. :D

  6. A nice Christmas but not white! Cold! I know you have your fill of snow but thanks for sharing your wonderful photos for those of us who wish we had some white stuff!

  7. Oh my goodness - that is a lot of snow - beautiful though. And I love those red berries in there - seems to just be the right touch of color. sandie

  8. Just beautiful pics! They were all awesome but I think I love the pics of the birds in the snow. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and received many blessings.

  9. Just beautiful pics! They were all awesome but I think I love the pics of the birds in the snow. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and received many blessings.

  10. Beautiful photos! I love the Christmas tree on your porch, the wreath on the old door and the Blue Jays in the snow.

  11. We had a white Christmas too although you have us beat!

  12. Oh my, that is a lot of snow, but it sure makes for pretty pictures!

  13. Very pretty...thank you for sending it this way. It has snowed gently all day. Love your new profile picture!

  14. We sure did! I love your photos. The one of the veranda and the Christmas tree is wonderful. (they all are!) It's been snowing all day again here. Never ending this year so far.

  15. Happy New Year, Judy! You certainly captured the bleakness of winter. But then you added the warming, decorative touches that humans bring to the landscape!
    I love that photos of the blue jays - so sweet

  16. Good grief, that's a lot of that white stuff! Nary a flake here.

  17. Oh, I'e never had that much snow in Brittany, it's amazing.

  18. Well, it wasn't white. That's for sure. But it was nice. And cold. As always, I'm hoping for snow at some point this winter. :) Birdie and Evan went to Indiana to his grandmother's for Christmas and they had snow.

  19. Oh, I love these pictures. Seeing pictures of the snow makes my heart sing, as I don't see it much here where I live, unless we go to the mountains.

    Happy New Year!

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  20. Wow, that's some cushion on that picnic bench seat :-) Thanks for sharing your great photos.


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