Saturday, December 28, 2013

Taking a Short Break, Again

We had a great four days with our daughter from Texas when she came to visit last week. It was wonderful to have that time with her. She and our two youngest sons indulged my wish to try out the  new Christmas crackers, sent to me by Samantha from ''

Beautiful Christmas Crackers

Thank you, Samantha. We had so much fun, as you can see from the collage above!
It was our very first Christmas Crackers experience.

 Our granddaughter and her boyfriend
and K&Me

Last Sunday we attended A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols with our granddaughter and her friend after meeting at Brit's Pub in Minneapolis for lunch. 

Carolers at Brit's Pub, Minneapolis

 at St. Mark's Cathedral, Minneapolis
(probably deserving of an entire post, for I took a lot of photos - 
all before the service began)

So why another break??

I want you to know that you might not recognize me after next Monday, the 30th. I'll be wearing a new hip. Just want to say, don't get too close to me with a strong magnet.

(I've seen it, and it looks just like this)
photo from

Please pray that my surgical team has a happy and restful weekend, 
and shows up Monday morning refreshed, focused, and alert!

Have a great weekend, friends.
See you in about a week.


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...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at


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Our Etsy Shop 

NOTE:  My Shops will be closed from
December 27 - January 5 


P.S.    Re. 'No-Reply Blogger' and 'Google+'

I would love to respond to each of you, but I'm not able to reply to 'no-reply' bloggers. Also, for some reason, when I try to respond to those who have Google+, Google won't let me past their Google+ signup page (and I refuse to join - for  many reasons.) So, please, friends, consider enabling your email so everyone can respond to the lovely comments you leave on our blogs. And, if there's some way around Google+'s  annoying persistence that I join, please let me know about it.

A couple dog pics

I came across this old photo of Bridger and Misty from some bygone winter. It made me laugh, for he always wanted to play with her, but she wouldn't play. Here, he's got his mouth around her middle. He was a huge dog with a huge mouth. She would tolerate it for a few seconds and then snap at him. Poor Misty. All she wanted was a little peace and quiet. :-)

Poor Bridger. All he wanted was someone to play with.

Misty 2003
(for you, Deb)


  1. Oh yes, I love to pray for the new-to-be bionic set because the benefits are so dramatic. Praying that your team is at the top of their game and that you get wonderful meds and terrific results. God's richest blessings on you...

  2. My friends with new hips have done amazingly well. Will pray on Monday for those surgeons and that the pain will be managed! May it all go well! A new hip for the new year!

  3. Best wishes! One of my relatives had that done a couple years ago, and he bounced back amazingly quickly! Love all the photos! All the flowers in the church are amazing!

  4. I am so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. I will pray for you, my friend in South Dakota has had quite a few and is always doing well.

  5. I love your family photo! And I'll keep you in my prayers for a successful operation. Sending you bunches of HUGS! Your buddy, Diane

  6. glad you had a great christmas and time with your daughter. i do hope your hip replacement goes perfectly well!!!

  7. Looks like a great Christmas! Best of luck with your new hip. I will be thinking about you. I'm sure you'll be up and at'em before you know it. Happy New Year!

  8. Praying for you and hope you are in good hands.... and praying for a quick recovery. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!


  9. Judy, you will be in my prayers for a successful surgery, and for a quick recovery!! Rest and recover, and then please tell us all about it! You should feel the warmth of all our good thoughts and many prayers as you go into surgery and then come to your room, afterwards! Love & hugs.

  10. Glad you had a wonderful time with your daughter!
    Will be thinking about you as you get your new hip. Praying all does well and you will be up and around in no time.

  11. Judy, I will pray that everything goes well with your hip surgery on Monday! God bless the doctors and all in the OR and may He bless you with healing and a complete recovery. Soon you'll be up dancing! Blessings, Pamela

  12. I was going to order some Christmas crackers from Amazon but the ones I wanted were unavailable by the time I got ready to order. Next year, though. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  13. Had no idea you were heading to hip surgery, Judy! I hope you have as quick and easy a recovery as possible. Everyone I've known to have the surgery love their new hips!

  14. Dear Judy,
    Ex-RAF hubby and I send our best wishes that the surgery goes well and you soon back on your pins (literally!).
    Thinking of you and wishing you and yours a wonderful and happy 2014!

  15. I will be praying that the hip replacement surgery goes well! My DH had one done 2 years ago and has done very well with it. My knee replacement was not as easy (by a long shot), and it has never been half as good as the original equipment.

  16. Monday the big day! You will do just great. And when it is all said and done - you will be so glad you had it done. I KNOW! I will be praying and write as soon as you can. Happy new year with a new hip.


  17. I wish you a speedy recovery from your hip operation.
    Take care.
    Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.

  18. You will be amazed quickly when you awake from the surgery.... the pain you probably have known for some time will be gone. There will be some surgical pain, or course... but when I had it done, there was no comparison to that surgical pain and the relief I had from that daily awful pain I was experiencing w/ a bad hip. I am a "neighbor" to your south, in the Madison area, and it will be nice to be waited on and kept warm for a few days with these awful temps we are about to experience. Good luck & I know you will be so happy you had this done!!!!

  19. Happy New Year - Happy New Hip! I've had a few friends have the same procedure and was amazed at how quickly they were jumping around! Praying the same speedy recovery for you too.

    Lovely Christmas photos of the church and carolers.

  20. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Thank you for sharing the family pictures.

  21. Merry Christmas and wishing you all the best. I know everything will be just fine. I will pray. The pictures are wonderful! There is nothing like celebrating Christmas with the family! Wishing well on your surgery! Happy New Year!

    Mama Hen

  22. Sending all good wishes and lots of love - best of luck with the surgery!!! I know folks who've gotten new knees and hips this year, and it's the best thing they've done. It looks like you had a beautiful, blessed Christmas; now it's time to get the shiny new hip for the new year!

  23. Will be praying for you. My hubby has one just like yours! Love you pix. Be kind to yourself and med quickly.

  24. Praying that all goes well and for a speedy recovery for you!

  25. Thinking of and praying for you! A dear friend at school just had this done over Thanksgiving. She was up and about in a very short time! Let us know how things are going!

  26. I pray that all goes perfectly!

    Blessings for the New Year, Judy!



  27. I will pray that your hip replacement goes well and that you make a quick recovery.

  28. Get well soon, my friend. Hope to visit when you are feeling perkier.So glad you will be able to take lots of longer walks and feel no pain.

  29. Lol, I thought the dog pics were a separate post so I am back to say, I love the pics of the dogs together and especially the beautiful one of Misty. I love that dog! :-)

  30. Hope you are recovering well with the physio and you do everything that they ask you to do.

    That looks like a wonderful cathedral … like you said, it might be nice to see a full post of this.

    Finally, I would like to say thank you (maybe on behalf of a lot more people here too) for your input in the past year with your blogpage & meaningful interactive replies and look forward to what you have to contribute in 2014. Happy New Year.

  31. Glad you had such a great Christmas and wish all the best for 2014 - and with the op! No doubt you'll be skipping about the place again in a trice (I never found out what a trice is - should look it up). The Brit Pub looks fascinating... And I hope you and everyone out there is coping safely with the awful weather that's hitting parts of the US at the moment.

  32. Hi Judy, I pray that all went well with your surgery. Keeping you in my prayers. Love, Robin

  33. Wow, I love every room in that home. Her use of color is fearless. And she executes Florida style to perfection! I'm looking forward to seeing more of her work.delightful room inspiration


Hi! And thanks for stopping in at Cranberry Morning. I love reading your comments and visiting your blogs. I am unable to respond to No-Reply bloggers, so please make sure to enable your email address on your blog. Also, many Google+ blogs don't allow me to comment because I'm not a member of Google+. So, I'm not deliberately avoiding you, but Google+ is not commenter friendly.