Tuesday, December 17, 2013

English Toffee Recipe, Easy, Favorite Christmas Candy

This rectangular Tupperware box was almost half full.
Just look what 2 sticks of butter and a cup of sugar can make!

I posted this recipe a couple years ago, but thought you might not mind getting a refresher. After all, it easy, delicious, and an all-time favorite. What could be better than that! In fact, you might want to make two batches - and with this recipe, making two separate batches works much better than trying to make one double batch. Take my word for it.

Okay, I'd like a show of hands here: How many of you have been keeping this a secret from me these oh-so-many years?? If I'd known then what I know now, I would never have bought a Heath Bar, a Skor bar, or a piece of English Toffee.  Ever. This is simple.

When I did the Google Search for English Toffee, the entry that caught my eye was Cooking For Engineers. What??! So of course I clicked on that one. What I found next, as I scrolled down past all the usual wordy, imagey stuff, was this CHART which showed at a glance exactly what I needed, what I needed to do, and when I needed to do it. LOVE THIS. Just the facts, Ma'am. Just the facts.

(You'll need to click on the link above for the easy recipe.)

Toffee, after chocolate chips and crushed almonds are applied

English Toffee, Ready to Serve

A few things you will want to know:
1.  I set my burner between LOW and MED and toward the end, only lowered it. Be patient.
2.  It does take about 15 minutes of steady, seriously fast stirring as you're waiting for the toffee to reach 300 degrees. (It helps a lot to have a candy thermometer!)
3. Do not make a commitment to lose 10 pounds until this stuff is out of the house! Don't say you weren't warned.

P.S. The best price I've found on almonds is at Farm & Fleet, but I actually like the Blue Diamond almonds better. I buy the big bags at Walmart. They don't last long around here.

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  1. Now you have me wanting English Toffee! My sister-in-law used to make it and I haven't had any since she passed away.

  2. Looks so yummy and nicely done. Not sure if baking and candy making is going to happen this year. We are all going to Seattle for Christmas.

  3. I've been trying to avoid recipes for toffee...thanks a lot. No really thank you for showing us this one, it looks simply delish.


  4. as a non cook, my only comment is yum ..

  5. We haven't tried making it yet this year. Last years batches were utter flops. Not sure why as we made it with a thermometer and without a thermometer. We have a new stove this year, so maybe that will help!

  6. We LOVE toffee. Off to copy down the engineer's version! xo Diana

  7. I Love, Love, Love toffee. Did I say I love toffee?!!! :)

  8. That sure looks like a tasty candy. All the crumbs could be put on ice cream..no waste.:) My sister is a great candy maker. Not me, all I could ever make was peanut butter fudge.:) Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  9. I LOVE this Christmas candy!! Can never get enough of it!! thank you for sharing your recipe!! I won't cook it - but at least I have the recipe if my sister visits!!

  10. Great minds must think alike. I made English Toffee yesterday too!! And I haven't made it in years!! My recipe is cooking the syrup in the microwave. Otherwise its the same principle.

  11. Oh thank you for this recipe. I LOVE English Toffee. I may not have time to do it now but I sure will use it this winter.



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