Monday, December 16, 2013

The Magic of Christmas

Remember how you thought Christmas was so magical
when you were a kid?
Our son sent me this photo of his boys
decorating their Christmas tree.

And now that I'm older, I realize that
It IS magical.
God in flesh appearing!
Born as a babe in a manger
To pay for the sins of His people
And give us Freedom and Hope.
O Come Let Us Adore Him!
Christ the Lord

Let us delight in the world's only Savior,
God's indescribable Gift!



  1. It so is..
    Darling photo.
    Christmas Love & Blessings

  2. Great photo!! And I don't think I have ever stopped thinking Christmas was magical!! It's always been such a special time for me... even when I have spent it alone :)

  3. That is a wonderful photo of the kids and I love your thoughts below it! Yes - let us adore Him, indeed!!

  4. Love the photo. I agree with Jenn, I have never stopped thinking Christmas was magical. Your photo today just makes it come out even more. :-)
    Yes, let us adore Him!
    Blessing to you.

  5. precious photo and they will remember it for many years to come when they see the photo.

  6. What a thoughtful son--and creative to take it from outside!

  7. You are so right -Christmas IS A MIRACLE!

  8. What a beautiful photo and great reminder about the real importance of this season. Have a wonderful holiday. Blessings...Mary

  9. Behold The Prince of Peace. I love the image of the boys taken through the window.

  10. This is such a magical and wonderful time for young and old alike!! It does bring back so many childhood memories!!

  11. Both magical: The Virgin Birth and the Christmas joy of watching the children!

  12. Such a sweet photo and wonderful thoughts. xo Laura

  13. That is an adorable picture of the boys. It is special when everyone joins in to decorate for Christmas. Let us adore HIM. xoxo,Susie

  14. Amen I have to focus on the 'Reason for the Season' quite often, or I could get caught up in all the whoopla. Love the photo of the boys decorating their tree.

  15. That is a precious photo. You are so is magical, Narnia magic.

  16. sweet pic of those boys. Love the glowy light. Christmas def is magic...a pregnant, unwed teenager..a baby in a stable...kings from far and wide come to honor him. We have a magical God! This month, on facebook, I'm posting daily suggestions on how to keep the love of Christ close amidst the chaos. Check it out, if you'd like:
    Have a blessed holiday!


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