Friday, April 4, 2014

Portobello Market, London, Anglophile Friday

On this edition of Anglophile Friday, rather than going with my inclination to simply post more photos of sheep and drystone walls, I'm bringing you a few pics of Portobello Market.

map Portobello Antiques Dealers Association

On the way there...
As you can see, parking is quite interesting

Another White Building
(I'm sorry I don't know what it is)

And here we are, amidst the crush of people


Wooden bowls full of olives, and olive oil

 Lots of beautiful veggies

But the most interesting to me was this
stroller with a windshield!
I've never seen that before, but in England, I guess it's an essential.

Live Statue
She stood there forever before slowly moving to a different position!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

P.S.  We'll be leaving for Indiana Wednesday morning, April 9, to see that new grandbaby and her older brother - and will be gone for a while. Soap orders placed by Monday the 7th will be shipped out before we leave. Orders received after Monday will not be shipped until we return. I will be putting my Etsy Shop and HomemadeSoapnSuch website on hold until then..  - Thanks!

In Case You Missed The New Grandbaby Pics  ;-)

Check out my handcrafted, vegan soaps
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'Midnight Jasmine'
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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of the following: Inspiration Monday and  Mosaic Monday and The Marketplace  and Market Yourself Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and Treasure Box Tuesday  and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and  Coastal Charm Tuesday  and What we Accomplished Wednesday and Whatever Goes Wednesday and  Adorned From Above  and Rurality Blog Hop and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Good Fences and  Time Travel Thursday and Thrifty Things Friday  and  Weekend Reflections and  Freedom Fridays and From the Farm and   Anything Blue Friday and Junkin' Joe and  Serenity Saturday and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Photo Friday and The Charm of Home and  Share Your Creativity and A Favorite Thing Saturday and Weekly Top Shot and Shadow Shot Sunday and  Sunny Simple Sunday and Sunlit Sunday


  1. I asked John what that white building was but he had no idea lol -
    Beautiful photos Judy -
    Most carriages today come with that plastic protection from rain ( snow?)but it's usually clear plastic - that looked like a garbage bag lmho
    Have a wonderful time in Indiana - looking forward to photos of the newest addition to your family :)

  2. Well I am certainly glad that I could have that experience right here at Cranberry Morning because seeing that crowd and those streets would have meant turning away. It would either be that or hauling me off in a straight jacket. Did you make some purchases?

  3. How wonderful to be able to scoop your olives out and FRESH olive oil!! After visiting Greece and Italy - we use ONLY olive oil for all our cooking. Even baking cakes!!

  4. Such cool photos. Looks like I place I would love to visit.

  5. Judy, Back home again in Indiana. Hope you make a safe fun trip. I would love to have seen that market...everything looked great. Take care and enjoy your weekend. Get all the hugs you can squeeze in . :):) xoxo,Susie

  6. Wow...A view of London and then a mention of Indiana. Enjoy that grandbaby!

  7. It looks like a huge and busy market. That is something I enjoy visiting in the city on a Saturday morning when the weather is nice. It's not as busy as that one though. I can't imagine pretending to be a statue! I'd go nuts standing still for more than a minute. I am so happy that you are going to be meeting your new grand baby soon. Have a safe trip and a wonderful visit.

  8. Thanks for sharing your England photos, Judy. I'm still dreaming of making it there someday!
    How can a person stand like that for hours? I hope someone is paying her well.
    Traveling mercies for you and hubby as you travel to Indiana.
    I've traveled through Wisconsin for over 25 years during my children's Spring break and had some of the worst weather during this time of the year!

  9. That was a great post of those places, Judy. Wow! We rigged up something similar for SweetCheeks when we were at Disney World where it poured for 3 days straight. We used a clear vinyl shower patented it I can see!;>)

    Have a wonderful time with new baby!!!! Can't wait to see pictures. xo Diana

  10. I am so excited for you. I know you will have a great couple weeks.
    Have fun and drive safe.
    Hugs, Carla

  11. That living sculpture is really neat! Thanks for sharing these photos of London - have fun with your grandbabies! I've bookmarked your soap shoppe - will be shopping soon :)

  12. I am always a fan of Anglophile Friday. Wonderful pics as always.

    Hope you are having very blessed day!

  13. Loved your pictures, can't wait till I get back to England. Enjoy your visit with the new grandbaby and grandson.

  14. Oh, you'll have such a fun trip! Enjoy your time and thanks for sharing these amazing photos! Sweet hugs!

  15. A great looking market - it's world famous of course for the antiques which I'm sure are very pricey!

    We've had several trips to the UK when we've been in France.
    Once we went by Eurostar under the English Channel and once by ferry from Calais to Dover - both were fun.
    Each time we picked up and car and toured about - a great way to see the country and off the normal tourist paths!

    Enjoy your new baby Lucy!
    Judy, please have an extra cuddle just for me!

  16. How delightful to see your interesting pix! I don't think I'll ever get to travel abroad, so I love to see and hear about other's travels.
    Your grandbaby is adorable too!
    Did you get rid of your snow yet?

  17. I can't believe I've never been! Thanks for taking us there!

  18. Thanks for sharing these photos. Everything is pretty and the place is so awesome. I am.. i am impressed with these photos. Makes me want to visit the place. But alas its too expensive to go there.

  19. Looks like they have some nice Farmer's Market type places there as we do. Cannot wait for ours to open this spring... SOOON. Thanks for sharing these super photos!

  20. I thought she was a real statue. A crush of people = that is very descriptive and too crowded for me.

  21. When we were in London a couple of years ago I desperately wanted to see these markets but we just ran out of time. I will make it a priority to go there next time. Great photos and virtual tour-thank you!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  22. Some nice shots of the market, it reminds me of a daytime BBC contestant antiques programme called bargain hunt that is sometimes filmed here.

    I had no idea where this street was, thanks for the map, I don't think I've ever been west of Oxford Street in this area.


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