Thursday, May 8, 2014

Good Fences in Yorkshire

There is a reason that people visit England in the springtime and summer. The weather is nice, the flowers are abundant, and every possible tourist venue is up and running. That is definitely not the case with the month of March. You might find that the Elizabethan manor house or abbey you wanted to visit is closed until May. But if you want to see the landscape dotted with sheep and new baby lambs, March is the time to visit England.


I'll admit that sheep and lambs were not the main reason we first decided to visit England in March. Lower prices on airfare, lower prices on B&Bs, shorter lines to attractions, and because March is just prior to the time when Mr. Cranberry's construction business revs up, are the reasons we took our vacation to England in March. (Not this March. We had to stay in Wisconsin to watch the snowflakes accumulate.)

So although they were not the main reason for visiting England in March, the sheep and darling baby lambs are a HUGE bonus. They were dotting every Yorkshire pasture (it seemed).

Come back tomorrow for more photos of England and sheep on my Anglophile Friday post. Yes, it is the month of May, but here in NW Wisconsin, it does feel more like March in England. And besides, I was due for a dose of cute sheep.

There are five types of fences (and gate) materials in this post. Can you name them?

March visitors can find a few flowers in bloom
thanks to the sweet daffodils.

Click on this link to see English Country Gardens images from Google. Although the flowers are beautiful, I would rather be there during lambing season.

Maybe next year.


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  1. What wonderful photographs, really enjoyed your post!

    Hum....bob wire, wood, post, pipe... :)o


  2. The stone fence is a favorite, but all pics are wonderful. Re Rubbish. I'm opening the Tuesday link on Monday to accomodate some, but it stays open until Wednesday midnight, so post anytime you want.

  3. Beautiful area, I always enjoy visits to Yorkshire. Your photographs are wonderful.
    I think we are getting a little better at opening places earlier in the season here in England. We have often complained how everything is closed during the months we would prefer to be indoors.

  4. Hi, I do love that stone fence - lovely photos :D)

  5. the sheep too!!

  6. Very nice pics. Think I named all the types. The stone fences are really clever.

  7. Adorable animal, photos are so beautiful. Brings back memories of when I was in England - I should have taken more photos.

  8. All we see here in Florida, are cattle and horses in the fields. Where I grew up, in Ohio, was mostly pig and corn country. The sheep are prettier - especially against those lush, green fields!

  9. I ♥ sheep! I will be back tomorrow to see some more warm and fuzzy sheep/lamb pictures!

  10. I love the sheep pictures. My favorite fence of all is the one made of the stones. Hope you are getting some warmer weather...I heard on the weather report that it was snowing in the Dakotas. BRRR. I expect crazy weather in April...but please this is May. xoxo,Susie

  11. just love these views! marvelous rolling hills filled with sheep and GREAT fences. love the stone ones. wish we could have them here.

  12. Beautiful scenery, so lush. Also love the stone fence, I want one, Francine.

  13. Wonderfully charming photos...just the kind I love this time of year. No, I can only name three. I'm missing something.

  14. Okay without going back, barbed-wire, to protect those darlings, wood, metal or steel, and stone. But I think I may be missing one, so now I'm going back. The flowers are beautiful too!

  15. Maybe I'm missing the word post? Or perhaps just wire by itself! In any case they are all beautiful!

  16. These stone fences have to be my favorite!! A little Americanized with the bob wire??

  17. Wonderful photos...fences...gates...did I mention sheep??

  18. All lovely, Judy. Give me sheep and and I'm happy. Throw in a rock fence with daffodils and it's even better.

  19. Ahhhh... I have missed your England pictures :) Hope all is well... love these pictures!!

  20. Aaaahh ... lambing time in the Dales ... sigh ... love a dry stone wall myself. Also spotted barbed wire (known in some parts of the country as bob war!), wood and aluminum or galvanized or some kind of metal.

  21. I love the scene with all the sheep and the barn! Also the rock fence and the daffodils!

  22. It looks like it was a perfect time of the year to visit. All the spring flowers are up and the lambing would be going on then too.

  23. Love to see the places in Yorkshire; they remind me of my visit there and those daffodils. They seem to grow wild all over the UK.

  24. I love sheep, so thank you for that. I like the stone fence, too. Awesome.

  25. Beautiful scenery! love stone fences! We raise hair sheep, and enjoy them so much. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Such beautiful photos...what a great area!

  27. oh i adore your pictures. How beautiful and your stone fences and fences. I think it is every girls dream to live where you live.

    You are blessed to live there.

    Animals the sheep. Oh my.

  28. I was trying to think of the English word for barb wire to impress you, but alas! it has flown my brain. But I now I need to know? Do you remember?

    Lovely lovely pictures. James Harroit always said lambing season in the Yorkshires was the best time of year!

  29. Oh, great views, love that stone fence.

  30. Oh my....LOVE these shots! What is it about a fence...regardless of what it is made from???

  31. Oh how absolutely gorgeous! I love these photos, each one like a perfect picture postcard. Thanks for sharing these, they've made my day. And yes, isn't it interesting how we are all looking at fences in a different light :) Have a great day!

  32. I remember driving through the English Highlands and having to shoo the long haired sheep out of the road. Nice fences, Janey

  33. Wonderful photos! Yorkshire looks like a beautiful place to visit. It's on my bucket list.

  34. I love the rock fence- I always think of how much work it takes to build one, and they are so beautiful when finished. Lucky you to visit England- it is on my bucket list, but very doubtful I ever will get to it. Thanks for sharing your visit!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Your blog is so warm. I can feel the heat as far away as Poland. Congratulations.

  37. Very pretty - I love the stone walls! Beautiful.

  38. Those sheep and lambs are gorgeous. Love, love your photos. I love the stone fence too! Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

  39. I love the beautiful countryside and the cute sheep! Great shots! Have a happy weekend!

  40. I would not mind a trip to England! I love all the rock/stone fences. I would never tire of looking at them.

  41. I love the stone fence and that third shot is such a beautiful pastoral scene! Wonderful series of shots!

  42. I love the lambs and you're right...Marach is the month. I live in Holland and they pop out everywhere here in March, too. Very nice blog.

  43. HI Judy Love all the lambs and also the lovely stone fence. Looks like Ireland.

  44. That is one fluffy sheep! Love the stone fence!

  45. I love the rock fences and I was going to cheat and look at the comments. Rocks...wire....I'm not a very good cheater, obviously! I'm late joining Good Fences! Hugs!

  46. Lovely shots of this countryside. I loved the photo with all the sheep dotting the countryside, very pastoral. Neat rock fence. I could only see Wire and Stone so I'm not sure what the other 3 items were.

  47. I love the stone fences!
    It looks pretty nice there in March to me.

  48. I just love your photos! I can see myself spending a long time here, and enjoying every minute of it.

  49. Hi Judy
    The pictures are stunning and I love the one with the baby sheep :) enjoying my lunch while catching up on blogs. Thank you for the visits to my blog and enjoy your day.



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