Friday, May 9, 2014

Yorkshire Sheep, Anglophile Friday

Yorkshire/Scottish Blackface Sheep
my favorite

It's been raining like crazy here, although the temps have been pretty pleasant, and it's reassuring to know that it's too warm to snow.

If you missed yesterday's post and happen to like sheep and fences, you might want to go back and catch that one.

If there had been any way I could have taken this fella (above) home with me, I would have (or as they say in England, 'I would have done.') Isn't he a beauty! Something about him reminded me of a German Shepherd.  Do you see the resemblance? A sheep is probably cheaper, but I doubt they're as good at keeping out the riff raff. 

 Striking terror
when needed

(Those of you who follow my blog can tell I'm missing my Shepherd
who died a year ago.)

Sheep and typical Yorkshire byre.
Rocks on roof presumably holding down the corrugated steel.

I know, you're expecting James Herriot to emerge from that barn any minute, aren't you!

The achingly beautiful Yorkshire Dales landscape.

Let me know if you hear of a contest with a prize of 3 months, all-expenses-paid stay in the Yorkshire Dales. What a treat that would be!

Too cute! These sweet sheep snuggled together in the shade,
Bolton Abbey.

Near Buckden

'You can't see me, right?'
Near Askrigg 

Okay, I feel better now that I've had another couple posts about Yorkshire sheep. I hope you didn't mind.


yesterday's post

Wood, Stone, Barbed Wire, Woven Wire, Steel


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This post is linked to
Saturday's Critters

I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!




  1. Catching up on your posts .. have enjoyed these sheep. Not sure which photo I like the best. There seems to be a certain romance about English sheep! Have a good weekend!

  2. You'd love where I live Judy, one direction is the sea and the other is fields and sheep. I was looking at the little spring lambs yesterday.

    I know how you miss Bridger, but he has a special place in your heart.

  3. I don't mind at all, and enjoyed seeing all the sheep and that beautiful country! I really like the three black-faced cuties cuddling up to what looks like a crypt!

    Has it really been a year already, since you lost you sweet shepherd? Hugs!

  4. Lovely photos! Dogs do provide wonderful service, don't they? Happy Mothers Day to you too!

  5. Morning, lovely pictures of the sheep and rolling hills. Beautiful dog, Francine.

  6. No, I'm expecting Christopher Timothy to stroll through at any moment. Ha! Incredibly beautiful scenery. Now I want to sit down to a morning of All Creatures Great and Small.

  7. Good day Judy, I'm going to comment on this post and yesterday's Good Fences one here. Awesome! I LOVE them both and seeing all the wonderful stone fences and the sheep makes my heart go pitterpat. Beautiful photos! Have a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day. Blessings, Pam

  8. Sheep and especially their babies have the sweetest faces. if you happen to find that contest please let me know. I will be packing my bags in anticipation of my win. xo Laura

  9. I always love seeing your sheep pictures - they are just too cute :)

    Hugs to you!

  10. don't mind one bit! just gorgeous countryside and lovely, sweet sheep!

  11. and that handsome, smart, alert guard dog!

  12. Love your pics! Love the Yorkshire landscape!

  13. Our pets certainly leave a huge gap in our lives when they are gone.
    Did you encounter the sheep grazing on the roadsides? They are never in any hurry to move out of the way to let the cars pass.

  14. There you go again. We also visited Bolton Abby. The photo looking over the green valley on a hill looks like Orcup in Herefordshire.

  15. Always such lovely shots!! Love those sheep, and that distance shot!! but that STONE fireplace!! WOW!! Astounding. Would love to take it apart - rock by rock and then put back together on the back of my house!! That's wishful thinking about like your wishful thinking of the contest!! Sign me up too!! All lovely Judy!

  16. Just loving your pics! They make me feel I've taken a journey.

  17. In the town (in southern Italy) where my dad is from, we see sheep on the road all the times. At times even blocking the road, so we hav to wait for all of them to move...and they are not the fastest animals

  18. Aw...sweet Bridger. :(

    Love the pictures! I'm such a city girl, I'm like, ooh, look, a sheep!! :)

  19. you make me smile. cute post. i wish i had more sheep / lambs to photograph. lots enjoyed it when i shared recently. but it is not something i see often. only once in a blue moon. ( :

  20. Those black faced sheep are gorgeous. Makes me want to watch the movie, Babe. Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for making mine even more special! Happy Mother's day!

  21. I found your blog via a comment you left on Larry's photo blog. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous and delightful. Thank you so much for sharing.

  22. Those pictures are so beautiful and it looks so peaceful!

  23. Paging James, in his wellies please.

    I would have done a bit of sheep snatching myself...that's one gorgeous bundle of pre wool.


  24. I love the cute sheep and your beautiful photos. The babies are adorable.. The countryside is lovely.. Growing up I had a German Shepherd, they are awesome dogs.. This would be a great post to link up with my Saturday's Critter party..

    Enjoy your weekend!

  25. I enjoyed seeing the sheep. They look different than the ones we have here. Fergus, our Border Collie, would enjoy herding them. Since we don't have sheep, he herds me. lol Our Black Lab, Willie, left us last June. I know how you feel. I still miss him terribly.

  26. The sheep are beautiful. I have never seen ones that look like these. The dog is beautiful. Remember Rin Tin Tin, he reminds me of that dog.

  27. Swooning here. Oh my goodness, what darlings they are!

    What a prize that would be, huh? :D

    I am sorry that you are missing your beloved German shepherd. Pets become such a big part of our lives and hearts, don't they?

  28. I LOVE the Bolton Abby photo. I would love that photo on my wall.
    Fun post, I love sheep too!

    My prayers for you missing Bridger.
    xx oo

  29. Oh the beauty of the Yorkshire Dales - you have captured it so well Judy!
    There's nothing quite like the English countryside in Spring!
    The black faced sheep are quite endearing - we have a flock in the park where I walk - it is run as a working farm so there's always something of interest happening there.
    Happy weekend

  30. Ah I love that photo with the little lamb :)

    Such scenery and beauty there.

  31. Love the photos of the sheep and your beloved dog.

  32. I collect sheep, so this was a real treat, Judy.
    Oh, what I would give to visit this beautiful area!

  33. Wonderful shots of the Yorkshire sheep and love the dogs too ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  34. The sheep are gorgeous ... i bet their wool makes a beautiful sweater! Hugs to you ... Bridger is always in your heart. Happy Critter Day!

  35. Judy, just stopping back to say thanks for linking up.. Happy weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

  36. HI Judy Love the sheep and little lambs and of course the dog is handsome

  37. Those were beautiful photos! What a lovely visit I had here tonight as I sat by the fire relaxing. We are getting rain, but feels like snow could arrive soon. Everything is turning a beautiful lush green, I just love it. :-)
    Joy! Debbie

  38. I like those black headed sheep. :)

  39. Love those black-faced sheep! Imagine all the yarn hidden in just one coat?

  40. Remind me to send you some pictures...actually, there are some incredibly ugly-looking sheep around here. Please don't take that the wrong way.

  41. Lovely post ... considering at the moment whether to blog about a recent Scotland trip or my trip to Yorkshire in March ... you have stated your case.


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