Monday, May 12, 2014

SISTERS - The Ballerina & The Singer

 Singer (left) and ballerina sisters
They will turn 18 and 16 in a bit.
Were we ever that young??

On Saturday we got to watch one of our granddaughters in a wonderful ballet performance by Reign Dance Theater in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. She's been with them for several years and is one of their best dancers. (Okay, I'm her grandma, so you can just dismiss the last part of that statement if you want to. But really. :-) Next weekend her sister has a spring concert that we will be attending. It was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon. It's pretty wonderful just to get to spend time with the grandkids, actually!

 The ballerina and her dad
(our son)

From the dance company's website:

"Reign Dance Theater: A refreshingly positive dance experience in classical ballet training for ages 7 through adult, including the disciplines of barre exercise, muscle strengthening, classical technique, and choreography, combined with the excitement and opportunity of theatrical performance.

Reign Dance Theater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to:

Classical balet training in a positive, family-friendly atmosphere that promotes modesty and moral purity, character development through godly role models and biblical scripture memory, quality theatrical productions which integrate the art of dance with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ."

The Singer and The Boyfriend
(He was there too.)


 I've never seen another two sisters who get along as well as these two.


 Sisters, sisters
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperone, no sir,
I'm there to keep my eye on her. 

Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome
She wore the dress, and I stayed home. 

All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain and sun
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one. 

Those who've seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can. 

Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man.

- Irving Berlin


I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!


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  1. Your granddaughters are absolutely beautiful, and it seems they are so gifted too! I was very close to my older sister while growing up and we remain best friends. Aren't grandchildren one of God's greatest gifts to us?
    Enjoy your day,


  2. Your granddaughters are just gorgeous and oh, so talented! I think having a sister would be the best thing ever! Great photographs!

  3. Your granddaughters are beautiful and talented too! Do they get their singing and dancing genes from you? It's nice that they get along so well. I like the idea of the Christian based dance theatre.

  4. What a sweet story and lovely girls. It's nice when they are close from the beginning, not just when they get older. We too will have a dance recital, but we're on the level of 5 year olds! Cute though.

  5. They really are beautiful and so talented, too. I know you are proud my friend and rightfully so! I mentioned you on my blog this morning...and Timbuctoo! heehee! HUGS!

  6. so very sweet - and obviously full of talent they are!

  7. Your granddaughters are both beautiful and obviously quite talented! I'd be shouting it from the housetops too. That's what grandma's do. There really isn't a whole lot better then a sister who is a best friend. I am VERY close to all 3 of mine and it's wonderful. Enjoy your day!

  8. Made me grin all the way's great when sisters get along!

  9. Your Granddaughters are lovely and it's wonderful that you're able to attend all of their activities. So talented!! You are Blessed in so many ways!! Lovely flowers!!
    Glad that you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!

  10. So pretty! That's so wonderful that they are best friends. xoxo

  11. Very nice that they get along with each other and with you. Also that you get to enjoy their talents.

  12. Your bouquet is beautiful just like your grandchildren. It is fun to get to be with grandkids any chance that you can.

  13. Lovely photos of your beautiful and talented grands! Sounds like a wonderful time ! And how nice that they get along...some sisters don't / much better to have one that is also like your BF! :)

  14. What lovely granddaughters. =) Happy Belated Mother's Day! Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

  15. What lovely pics of two sisters.

    And being reminded of the fun "Sisters" song from White Christmas. That was always one of my favourites in the movie.

    Wishing you a beautiful Monday.....

  16. What a sweet post. I love the photos and how proud you are.....with good reason!

  17. Beautiful Granddaughters and talented too! Beautiful post!

  18. The girls are lovely, and I am sure they are super talented. What a great way to spend Mother's Day weekend!!

  19. You have darling girls! Seems you had a sweet Mother's Day. Glad it has warmed a bit for you!

  20. Two very beautiful, and talented blessings.

  21. I loved "meeting" your beautiful granddaughters. It is so refreshing to hear of sisters who are friends as they grow up. What a blessing!

    The song "Sisters" is a favorite in our family too. Daughters 1 and 2 once sang it in a homeschool talent show, and daughter 3 played it at a piano recital some years later.

    Sounds as if you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

  22. Your granddaughters are beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous!! Hope you had a wonderful mother's day! :)

  23. I echo what others have said, they are both very beautiful, and what wonderful talents to have.

  24. Beautiful post. I love your photo collection.

    I love White Christmas...oh that song is so much fun. The boys got me White Christmas on DVD for Christmas because my VHS was acting up. :-)


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