Thursday, May 1, 2014

Good Fences, Petunia Reflections, and Grandkids

I'm not sure what's enclosed by the woven wire, but there is a small pond in the middle. I see a horse, but I'm not sure if this is his pen.

It must be tough being a corner post, having to bear all that responsibility!

 'Aw, Lucy, don't cry.'

How could I resist this? Our daughter sent us this new photo of little Lucy and her big brother. We are so hoping that they will be able to move closer. Nine hours is just too far away!

The above are some additional photos I took while we were visiting them in Indiana. Lots of fences.

Linking up with TexWis
for Good Fences Thursday

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come join us!

'Climbing the Ladder to Nowhere'

Remember that petunia I found growing in my aloe plant? Well, look at it now! I had quietly sneaked out onto the deck the other day to try to capture a photo or two of the many robins (who all vanished instantly and never returned for me photograph), when I turned around and caught a glimpse of the plants on the other side of the patio door. There were no longer one or two blossoms, but the longer daylight hours had encouraged a multitude of pretty blossoms to appear.

Linking to
Weekend Reflections and Freedom Fridays

Ends Friday Night

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at


  1. Hey!
    Long time, no talk, my fault! :( such a busy school year! Guy Fawkes came up again the other week. It was my reminder to check on you!;) love the fences! And the petunia! Wow! You have a green, green thumb! Hope all is well. Haven't had time to do much blogging. Maybe soon! Come on Summer break!!!!!

    Love and hugs!

  2. What a sweet photo of the grandchildren, I'm still waiting on my new grandsons arrival it should be any day. You certainly do have a green thumb, I can barely keep my hanging baskets of geraniums, that sit on my kitchen table until warmer weather green.

  3. That is a nice, sturdy fence post. Interesting gate. Cute grands! Mine are 2 1/2 hours away and 4 1/2 hours away. Still not close enough.

  4. I like how you defended the corner post and it's strength!!

    LOVE!!!!----the photo of your grandchldren

  5. Morning, love a white fence. Oh those wee ones are so sweet, great picture, Blessings Francine.

  6. ps...LOVED your comment about the government drone today.

  7. Love those grandchildren pics. Keep them coming. So sweet.

  8. great reflection snap. sweet grands! i loved your note on the corner post. :) very cool arbor over that gate entrance, too.

    thanks for linking in!

  9. I hope those lovely grandkids move closer. Nine Hours is a long way.

  10. Always enjoy your fences. Adorable photo of your grands!

  11. Oh Judy, the photo of Lucy and her brother is precious! And your fence pictures are lovely!

    Hugs to you!

  12. Such a sweet sibling photo! (And I am all for Lucy & Co. moving closer! It's hard being a long distance grandmother. I know.)

    Lovely fences shots...although they can't hold a candle to the one of the littles. ;)

  13. the corner post gets favorite fence foto award.. and the other one i sat and stared and stared at all the different things used in that fence. and course baby gets adorable award

  14. Very nicely done post. I like the fenced in area. The reflection, too. Grandkids are always nice!

  15. I like that ornate gate and the sturdy fence post doing its job well.

  16. Lucy is growing so fast! And it looks like Big Brother adores her.
    How long until the Petunias can go outside?

  17. A nice variety of fences, I love that ornate trellis. Sweet shot of the grandees!

  18. Your blog is simply lovely. Such beautiful pictures. I am a new reader, and it has become a bright spot in my day. =) Thank you for the smiles.

  19. Such a sweet photo of your grandchildren!
    I love the arbor around the gate.
    Happy May Day!

  20. Great fences and gates. Adorable photo of the grandbabies.

  21. Yes, I think being a corner post is just as much work as being a Mom...having others lean on you all the time!...:)JP

  22. I like your fence with the sturdy post and the beautiful flowers, but my favorite photo of all is of your adorable grands! That photo belongs in a frame!

  23. Some very nice fencing....
    OMG that is the most precious picture of your grandchildren!
    Have a lovely day.....

  24. What an adorable photo of the grandchildren.

  25. Great fence shots. I like that you posted the corner post shot, that's a different perspective on a fence. I also liked the shot with the green arbor behind that fence. Oh my your grandkids are adorable, such a sweet photo.

  26. Lucy stole the show. what a cutie. have a great weekend. i guess i need to find more lambs/sheep to post. ha. ha!! ( :

  27. Some good fences there, but sweet Lucy and her big brother are the stars in this one.

  28. Great fences. I like the gated one and the corner post. What a sweet pic of your grandkids. Have a good afternoon. Pam

  29. I love the fences and that gate! Lucky horse to have such a pretty entryway! The petunias are being quite brave for petunias. I've never had them volunteer anywhere. Your grandchildren are adorable. I hear ya on having grand babies too far away. I'm on the west coast and mine are in VA. They're moving to TX this summer so they will be a little bit closer!

  30. Wow ~ very neat to capture the photo of the petunia. I love it.
    Your grandchildren are so sweet.
    I just love that photo as well.
    xx oo

  31. Nine hours is a long way away! What an adorable photo of your grands. How fantastic that the flowers are thriving despite the cool temps.

  32. Congratulations on your latest addition to the family. You have beautiful grandchildren. I also enjoyed all your other lovely photos.

  33. Great fences and adorable brother and sister picture!! She is precious!

  34. I'm late getting around to blogs - again. Such a precious photo of the two grands. I love your comment about being a corner post. Good description. Sometimes I feel like a corner post!

  35. Love that Lucy photo! She and her big brother are cuties.

  36. Hi Judy Great fence, cute grand kids and lovely reflection.

  37. Your grandchildren are adorable.. Lucy is precious! Wonderful fence shots. Have a happy weekend!

  38. Lovely petunias! I like the green vine arch, too, whatever it's for.


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