Thursday, August 7, 2014

Good Fences Make Good Gardens

Next on the agenda will be canning the green beans. Right now they are full of flowers, but only a few baby beans have emerged. The fence you see in the photo below is actually hog panel(s). They are so strong and sturdy that nothing will bring them down or cause them to sag. I think next year we will put them in for my Oregon Sugar Pod II peas to climb on also, and maybe even to help support the inner rows of raspberries.

Green beans coming soon

Raspberry patch, winter

Right now the raspberry patch is a jungle. I cut back the canes last fall, but since they're pretty much outa sight/outa mind behind the barn, I forgot to cut them back this spring. But the carpeted aisles are still there, so picking is okay and there's been a bumper crop!

Every other day

No ducks, but an abundance of quack

Boston Daisies, Echinacea (leaves), and some purple flower
Do you know what that is? I don't.


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Good Fences

Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Inspired Monday and  Inspiration Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday 


  1. I guess the raspberries were ok with not being cut back. They look so good. Do you know the name of the purple flower? It surely is beautiful, such a rich, deep color.

  2. Great photos of summertime (well, except for the raspberry canes!). Your raspberries look delicious ... mmmmm! Could the purple flower be wild flocks? Here I've only seen pink and white. It's pretty though. Wendy x

  3. My neighbor has been canning beans this week. The raspberries look delicious!

  4. So beautiful, Judy. A great way to start my day!!

  5. good jars make wonderful photos .. love that shot and the berries mmmm mmm good... the fence shot is beautiful and so is he one with the sturdy fence in it...

  6. Oh My.. the razzberries are beautiful! Awesome snaps of the colorful flowers. We use hog panels for everything around here.. great garden fence! Not sure on the purple flower but that is a lovely picture. That "we" concept really works!

  7. Those berries look so good.....

  8. Oh, such beautiful raspberries! I love raspberries! Yum!

    Flowers and veggies seem to be thriving in your gardens!

  9. With the heat index here, that raspberry patch in the snow looks mighty inviting!!!

  10. oh, your raspberry patch is awesome!!! yup, hog panels and cattle panels do wonders for quick fixes and bean poles! :)

  11. Oh, I remember those canning days. My brother and his wife freeze everything now, and I have no garden. Sure would love some of those raspberries! Your flowers are gorgeous!

  12. Well I am with everyone else...those raspberries look sooo them! Wish I had some of those right now for breakfast!

  13. Oh my goodnes, what delicious looking raspberries...also lovely, lovely flowers! I have never grown red rasperries but we used to grow black raspberries hubby's favorite. And there's just something about an aqua Ball jar that makes me smile :)

  14. Oh how I wish I was your neighbor Judy, fresh green beans and raspberries, my very favorites!

  15. Oh Judy, those raspberries look divine! I can just imagine how sweet and tasty they are :)

    Enjoy your Thursday!

  16. Judy, you have incited my envy! I really must try planting raspberries someday. I've always thought they'd be too much work, but I need to learn more about it.

  17. Everything looks so wonderful. I can see how those fence sections would be perfect for anything that climbs. Beautiful shots of flowers.

  18. Your raspberry canes are awesome! I just planted raspberries they are brand new and the canes won't be that tall for awhile, but I will trellis them too. Looks like you get a great yield.

  19. I love those aqua bell jars and do you know how much money those raspberries would bring in - you are rich in those beautiful raspberries!

  20. Morning, yummy raspberries, very nice patch. Such color full flowers, not to sure what the purple flower is, blessings Francine.

  21. Very nice.I love raspberries. Thanks for sharing..Blessings

  22. Wow, did you ever get a load of raspberries...that's amazing. We have a few bushes, and got a handful this summer, but are desperately hoping for more next year.


  23. Hog panels, what a brilliant idea, and they'd just fit my raised beds too!
    What a cheery sight the flowers and raspberries make; thank you for the smile.

  24. Great post! And I loved all your photos. I loved the snowy one, even though I also am loving our summer months and the pictures of your raspberries and others were such a pleasure to see.

  25. Lovely photos, every season too. Especially the winter scene offers a cool reminder!

  26. Oh, I love raspberries! I have some in my garden, but right now the summer berries are over and I'm waiting for the atumn ones (they give berries twice a year).

  27. Your raspberries are wonderful I like the way you have them set up. It looks neat and clean. I am going to have to get some hog panels. What a great idea.

  28. That is a beautiful purple flower, but I don't know what it is! Love the shot of the jars!

  29. OMG, look at those beautiful raspberries! YUM!

  30. I certainly agree with everyone that your garden is very productive and your photos of the berries made my mouth water. Canning jars do make great photos, and most impressive is the fact that they are actually used for canning. A lost art for sure. Well done all around.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  31. My daughter just gave me some pretty green canning jars, I just love them!Your pics always look so awesome!

  32. Your raspberries look delicious! And the green beans are doing very well. I love the pretty purple flowers.. Great fence shots. Wonderful series of photos, enjoy your evening.

  33. How neat to see the raspberries in the winter. You've had a great crop this year. I love freezing these little jewels in ziplock bags for later. Sweet hugs!

  34. Love raspberries look so delicious! Enjoyed all the pictures.

  35. I love blue canning jars but mine are used as pretties:) I don't know the first thing about canning. Mama always put things in the pretty in bags and used a funny made from Tupperware. I loved helping her do this. The bet the soap smells yummy!

  36. It's winter here and today we have had a bit of snow. Your raspberries look delicious and I've enjoyed looking at your other summer pics as well.


  37. The bowls of raspberries look tasty! We had a great crop for the first time from our raspberries this year as well!

  38. Those raspberries look so good :)

  39. i LOVE those jars, they are especially beautiful. there are so many wonderful things you can do with them, my little brain is in overdrive!!

    your garden looks great and a great big YuM on those berries, they are gorgeous!!!

  40. Judy such gorgeous pictures. Love raspberries. Good luck with your canning.


  41. I am not sure whether it is a curse or a blessing...all those beautiful raspberries. Do you use them in soap-making, too? I'd give a fair amount for a bowl of raspberries with a bit of cream and sugar about now.

  42. Oh, what wonderful photos today! I just love blue canning jars and those raspberries look like you could just eat them right out of the screen! I love where they are growing beside your beautiful barn and silo. My phlox is blooming right now, so I am suspecting maybe that is what your beautiful purple flower is, or maybe some type of larkspur - not sure. Busy canning days ahead for you - keep cool, my Dear. Hugs xo Karen

  43. Your flowers are so pretty. That is a lot of raspberries, and the picture of them is beautiful. laurie

  44. Dear Judy,
    Your raspberries look yummy! My folks just made a big batch of pickled green beans! I had never heard of them before...but they are yummy. =) Best of luck with the canning. It's a hot job but worth it. Blessings, Valerie

  45. Looks like your garden grows quite well. Yum on all those Raspberries.

  46. Those raspberries look so good I wish I lived closer:) Hug B

  47. Ok, I was gonna comment on your post, but I just found Muker the Sheep and I can't stop playing with him!

  48. too funny- about no ducks but lots of quack!!
    lovely summer photos!!

  49. No ducks but an abundance of quack~ love it! :)

    A truly gorgeous garden.

  50. I love your flower picks, Carlene...and all of your cute garden decor!
    Relaxing Garden Ideas

  51. I had to give up my raspberry patch...too close to the woods and deer. I think I might start another patch in the spring, nothing beats the taste of fresh raspberries!

  52. I can't wait till next summer when I have the time to plant a kitchen garden !
    Those raspberries look incredible Judy !!!
    Beautiful photos as always ♥

  53. To get those raspberries every other day, oh wow!! They are beautiful! You make me think of the times we picked blackberries when we were little. Thanks for reminding me of that.

  54. Great looking raspberries...I would love to have those in my garden! Great flowers...good luck with the beans, too!


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