Monday, August 11, 2014

Pyromaniac Convention August 2014

Granddaughter warming her backside
No kidding, it had to be really hot where she was standing!

It's a highlight of our annual Family Reunion/My Birthday Get-together - the bonfire. All year the burn pile grows until we light it for the Family Reunion. Yes, it was my birthday last week, and although I'm not divulging the number, suffice it to say that for someone in their late 90's, I don't think I'm doing too poorly. ;-)

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal*

Top Row, center: Granddaughter, The Nurturer, keeping her baby cousin happy. That girl has amazing charm. Then there's her little brother who says the funniest things. I should be writing these down.

Middle Row, center:  Sweet grandbaby girl, the cutest and most cheerful baby I think I've ever seen. She was full of smiles and so content - as long as her mama or auntie were nearby.

It was a delightful weekend for me, a wonderful time with the family together. Only a few couldn't make it. The weather was perfect. Warm, sunny, a nice breeze. We ate breakfast and talked out on the front porch and the back deck. The little boys enjoyed rides on the  lawn mower (Grandpa's wonderful new tool), playing in the sand box, kicking the soccer ball around, and driving trucks on the front porch.


Another highlight for me was seeing the two little boy cousins playing so well together after having not seen each other since last August. They were constantly together, having a wonderful time, laughing hilariously at each other's lame made-up knock-knock jokes and playing in the yard.

How could I not love this!

Middle Row, center: Enjoying Grandpa's Full English Breakfast out on the front porch.

Middle Row, right: One family member is due to arrive on the outside any day now. We will be glad to meet Baby Oliver.

Bottom Left: A couple latecomers who didn't get into the family photo, but joined us for Sunday dinner.

Joseph of many limbs
Rob on a mission
Fire settling down a bit

The brothers set off fireworks and generally blew up stuff, made a lot of noise, and had a great time. There is a reason we live out in the country.

Older brother, roasting the green coffee beans
It takes serious attention and stirring
You'll notice I delegated that to more responsible handlers.

Daughter and Family

August 2014
In the alfalfa field


I love my birthdays. They're a wonderful excuse for the family to get together. There is nothing I like better, and I thank our gracious God for blessing us with this dear family.

Lord willing, we will repeat the family reunion next August. We're expecting two more little ones to be with us.

* I Kings 18


Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Inspired Monday and Mosaic Monday and Amaze Me Monday and  Inspiration Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday and A Favorite Thing Saturday


  1. Happy Birthday! Impressive bonfire and looks like great family memories made :-)

  2. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday I am singing good thing you cannot hear it.
    You have a lovely family and I can tell you all had lots of fun. Great shots and memories.
    Two more babies will be wonderful. Hug B

  3. Happy Belated Birthday! What fun photos. You have a lovely family and I enjoyed all the photos.

  4. Aw, what a beautiful family and wonderful time of celebrating your birthday and each other. That is quite the bonfire!! Lovely photos, Judy. Blessings, Pam

  5. Happy Birthday! What a great family event- love the photos- they really reflect a lot of love, fun and good times!

  6. Wow, that's one big fire! You could roast some really big marshmallows in it :). Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday! What a beautiful family you have, Judy. How fun!

  8. What a great set of photos of your wonderful birthday! That first shot of your angelic-looking granddaughter beside the massive fire is so strange. You have a wonderful mix of family there and have every right to be proud of them. Happy Birthday!! Wendy xox

  9. What a fun post. I started laughing at Elijah ! :) Beautiful family and happy birthday! :)

  10. Oh boy, I just teared up at that entire family picture. I could actually feel your love for each other. Praise out Wonderful Father for his gifts of family and love! And freshly roasted coffee beans!

  11. Hi... my name is Sandra and I am a pyromaniac... I love FIRE... what a way to spend a birthday... Happy Birthday and congratulations on having a most beautiful family

  12. WOW impressive bon fire! Looks like the PERFECT way to celebrate to me. Such a beautiful family. Happy birthday to you, and may the Lord richly bless you with many, many more!

  13. awww, love all the smiling face. so sweet. looks like fun times. i love the 2 little ones - that last shot. so precious. one for the books. ( :

    i have always found fire fascinating. but kind of scary too. the hubby & i when camping have the hardest time starting a fire to make our dinner (or supper if you prefer) ... & we have started taking lint from our dryer - trying to figure out the science to make it great. we must admit we don't get how so many fires happen?? they seem to start so easily, NOT for us. it is hard work. how did they do it in the olden days. i would starve. ha. ha!!

    enjoy your week. ( :

  14. A belated happy birthday Judy. As we get older there's not enough room for all the candles on the cake so a huge bonfire sounds like a good substitute.
    A lovely family and still growing...I miss the babies as our youngest grand is now 7.
    Thank you for linking up with Mosaic Monday to share your fun family event.

  15. oh, i forgot in my rambling away to say Happy Happy Birthday. enjoy it!! keep celebrating. there are so many folks i know that have birthdays in August. my Dad, Brother, my hubby, both my parents & my in-laws have anniversaries in this month. it is one busy month. ( :

  16. that's just awesome! great family. great fun. GREAT FIRE! :) good thing you're not under a burn ban like we have been for months and months. :)

  17. How wonderful to have an annual reunion...and I can't think of a better birthday present! You have such a lovely family...blessings abound!

    Happy birthday!! :D

  18. Happy Birthday, and thanks for sharing your happy family reunion with us. The grandkids are beautiful!

  19. Family--that's what it's all about--well and bonfires too.
    We are in the middle of a burn ban here but we got a huge stack ready to go.
    Happy Birthday to you!!

  20. Happiest of birthdays to you! Getting the family together is a great way to celebrate. Beautiful photos of each one. Love the last photo with the two cousins holding hands.

  21. What a grand celebration! And your family is positively lovely. Happy birthday wishes to you, my dear friend.

  22. You seriously have a gorgeous family!! And everytime I see your land... I pine for the North! All of that greenery, all of that beauty, you are so blessed, so so blessed!
    I hope you have a great week!
    Much love,

  23. Happy Birthday !!! What a good looking family you have...all of them. You know men love fire, scary isn't it??LOL. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  24. Actually, I love fire too, the bigger the better - as long as it's under control and not burning down a house.

  25. What a wonderful tradition. We have been building our stash for 7 or 8 years, and now we have a good sized tree growing up in the middle. I wonder what we are going to do. A Belated Happy Birthday

  26. You know how I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE family reunions!! Looks like you have wide open spaces for everyone to roam!! What a blessing!
    A very Happy Birthday and I know it was, being surrounded by all your family!!
    Boy!! What a bonfire!!

  27. Happy belated birthday! Now wait a minute, you wrote 90's? (wink)--what wonderful memories..I wish our families got together like that. Thanks for the smiles and sharing. Blessings

  28. Well happy birthday, a little late! This post is just full of so much happy, it is spilling off my computer screen! I don't know when I've seen so many smiling faces all together in one place!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us, Judy! Wishing you a terrific year ahead and an even better celebration at this time next year!

  29. Happy Birthday to you. You have a wonderful family reunion tradition. All the generations will have so many stories to tell. And the bonfire is wonderful.

  30. Happy Birthday sweet friend! What a beautiful family you have! And you are beaming in the family photo! What a fun tradition! Sweet hugs, Diane

  31. Awwww...what a great family! One that knows how to have a lot of fun, which is why you live in the country. Looks as if everyone had a really good time. You should do it more often!

  32. Oh how could I forget to wish a nonagenarian a happy birthday! You're making the late 90s look terrific!

  33. Happy Birthday! And what a beautiful family, Judy! It looks like everyone had a grand ol' time :)

    Enjoy your week!

  34. Happy birthday! You have a lovely family. Tell your grand-daughter I love her skirt!

  35. WoW...wonderful family photos, the bbf image was my favorite. i just adore seeing little ones hold hands!!

    happy birthday girlfriend, looks like you have a lot of love in your family!!!

  36. What a lovely way to spend your birthday! Happy belated birthday by the way! =) You have a beautiful family.
    Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

  37. My goodness....what a fun, loving atmosphere. So many smiles!!! Happy, happy faces.

    And a belated happy birthday to you Judy!

  38. Nice. That sounds like a lot of fun. I love bonfires.

    Happy Birthday.

  39. Happy happy birthday! Sounds like a really fun time, bonfires, who needs candles?

    We have all of the parks shut down here to the public, the threat of fire is so intense, it's beyond dry.

    Hoping for rain to douse the wildfires.


  40. Judy just wonderful. How blessed you are with your large family and that you can get together each year especially to celebrate your birthday (happy belated birthday).

  41. Oh my heavens - fire! What great pictures.

  42. A beautiful family and beautiful memories made, that makes a great Happy Birthday.

    I love that BFF photo. SWEET!!

    Two more babies. :-) How wonderful!! Our prayers to you all.
    Love, Carla

  43. What a lovely way to celebrate your birthday! Those cousins are just so adorable! Great pictures and memories!

  44. Belated happy birthday wishes to you.
    You have a lovely family.

  45. I had to come back to your family post to tell you what a beautiful family you have; both children and g'children
    It looks like such a fun day-what a blessing to all be together!

  46. Now that is one large bonfire! Looks like a great family gathering. The pictures are wonderful.
    Happy Birthday!

  47. Happy belated birthday! What great pictures of your family reunion. It looks like it was a wonderful time. I especially liked the bonfire pics. They reminded me of the bonfires we used to have at my grandparents. Pap was a carpenter and did a lot of remodeling so always had scrap material to get rid of. He had a spot near his shop where he'd pile it all year and then in the summer we'd light it and back the pickup trucks close, drop the tailgates and let the fun begin.

  48. Happy belated birthday! I loved all the pictures but I have to say, that last one touched my heart! What a fabulous time and a truly lovely family. You are blessed, without a doubt. :)


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