Monday, September 22, 2014

Westby, WI and Vicinity, Amish Farm, Google+

Can you guess what this structure is?

 I love all the color!

I bet whichever kid mows this yard 
would love to have this:

Waiting for Dinner

Dear Google+ friends,

I don't want this to be a Dear John letter, but I can't tell you how much time I spend trying to track you down to thank you for your comment and to visit your blog. Did you know that Google+ does not allow me to leave a comment on your Google+ page because I'm not a subscriber? PLEASE include a link to your actual blog address (e.g. in your comment so that those of us non-Google+ bloggers can easily reach you.

Thank you SO much!!  :-)


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  1. Judy, I have the same issue with Google+ and am sad that I can't comment on a couple of favourite blogs anymore. Even when I join a meme and want to visit a participant and they're with Google+ I can't comment. It's frustrating. Oh well. I guess we both lose out on that. Great photos from your weekend. Happy fall to you!

  2. It is an uphill battle to fight google but I'm with you. So frustrating. So, is it a compost holder? And that lawnmower, wow, memories! That's just like the one I used when I mowed our lawn as a kid (because I happened to be the only child without allergies. LOL.

  3. i do not like the google+ i.d. either. i have an account so i can comment, but it is still a pain to load the g+ i.d., then go to 'about' if they don't have any recent posts belonging to THEIR blog. and no matter if they have their email published, it won't allow a reply from their comment in your inbox. grrr...

    i do like the scenes you shared, though. :)

  4. Great pictures. I went to your last post. What a wonderful family you have. Sorry about google. Here' s my address. Http://

  5. I'm so glad you addressed this! I have the same problem with Google+ and feel badly about not commenting back to nice people.
    Also, WP bloggers need to check spam for comments that disappear after clicking "submit." The ones I have been able to contact were very grateful for the info!
    Also, hope that chicken can stand up and move around in that small cage! So sad.

  6. GREAT pictures, Judy! They are just wonderful.

    I HATE Google+. I think it is the worst thing that has ever happened to Google. I don't know what they were thinking. xo Diana

  7. Great photos, and no, I don't know what structure the sign is against. Love the kiddos on the mower!! Adorable - all three of them! :)

  8. What beautiful and unusual treasures your pictures are! Google Plus gives me an absolute fit, too. I am not a member and do not want to be.

  9. Hi Judy Google plus GRURR!!! I don't think you have trouble commenting on my blog. I don't really understand it. I love all your shots of the Amish village. I have now safely arrived back from 6 weeks away so have LOTS of editing to do!!

  10. Is that a compost heap the sign is against?
    Enjoyed your post and colourful pics.


  11. Great blog, that first photo looks like a compost heap and the chicken could be dinner. You can always follow my blog if you do not use Google+

  12. Is the hen waiting for dinner and waiting to be dinner? Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. Your pictures are gorgeous! I am also not a fan of Google+. I STILL don't get it. Or use it unless by accident : )

  14. google+ drives me crazy, too. I would prefer not to have it. Love all your old finds, except one which brought back a bad memory. That darn lawnmower. I slipped and fell once while my brother was mowing. My finger went into the blades and it nipped off the tip when I was 4 years old. I screamed for hours until some man in the doctor's office offered me a quarter to stop. Back then a quarter would buy at least 5 candy bars. I shut right up. Thanks for joining in!

  15. I too dislike Google+ with a passion!!! It's so unfriendly. What's the use of being a subscriber when hardly anyone can peruse their posts without some long time consuming hassle? You and me both!!

    Love the mail box hidden in all that beauty.

  16. I too thought the caption could have read, Waiting to be dinner. Lol! Either way lovely photos once again. I love your perspective behind the lens. Have a great day my friend. Off to do outside painting and not waste this great weather...that is perfect for getting it all done before the snow flies. :-)

  17. I do hope the chicken is waiting for HER dinner and not YOURS.. LOL.. i love the dear john letter, sigh me tooo
    the photos are great, love the mailbox pic.. now you will think i am crazy but when i saw the old building with the shoot coming down, it looks like the Tin Man with a plank in his eye. SORRY. sometimes i am just NUTS

  18. I zipped through all the comments so I wouldn't cheat, but I think the structure looks like a compost pile. Your pictures make me want to grab my camera and spend an entire day driving around here snapping pics.

  19. Love the photos of the countryside. Looks so beautiful at this time of year. And thanks for mentioning the google + issue. I took my word verification off and promptly got 27 anonymous comments so now I'm trying the other option. SHISHHHH!!! Takes away some of the fun, doesn't it? Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  20. Wow....all these comments about google + Just add me to the list. I had issues when I lost my blog. I'm not involved with google* now.

  21. Not sure if this is the same thing but I have to Google your blog title to be able to leave a comment, I don't use Google+.

    I love the ride on mower, I can see the kiddies are loving it :)

  22. I have no idea what that first photo is. This post had such a variety of photos. I especially like the one with the mail box - how very pretty.

  23. Well, I see that I certainly am not alone on the Google+ issue! As for the chicken, she wasn't going to be in the little cage very long. I asked the guy if she was scheduled for dinner and he nodded yes. :-( and yes, it is a compost pile in the first photo.

  24. Great photos- I was thinking that first structure might be a chicken house? I am no fan of google + interference with blogs. They should have left well enough alone. They are worse than facebook ever thought about being.

  25. Judy. That Google right. Why do they torment us. I loved your pictures. xoxo,Susie

  26. I still don't understand Google +! I can never figure it out :)

  27. What an amazing farm. Great photos! I too hate Google+ You know they should just read this post and all the comments and realize how dissatisfied the users are! I think I subscribed to it once, and then got disgruntled and didn't know how to change back. I've often wondered what people see when they click on the link to my blog. Is it just my blog, or the awful Google+ page? I wish someone would tell me. Anyway, what's up with the "Join Circles" business too???? Why do you need that? Your followers are your friends. And I have to tell you about something that happened to me, and I don't know if Google did it or what. But, when I posted the first pictures of our July vacation, they were centered on Canyon de Chelly, and not long after that, this thing popped onto my screen with my pictures all in a different format with the title "The Carmeans Go to Arizona" and asking me if I wanted to post it. I was livid! First of all, I live in AZ, and our trip encompassed a whole lot more than those few pictures (and two more states) and secondly, what right do they have to take my pictures and make something out of them of their own design! Like I said, I still don't know if that was Google+ but I am very "easy, simple computer use" oriented. I don't like all those bells and whistles!

  28. I agree with you on the Google+ problems! This is a nice collection of photos. I have always wanted to try out one of those old mowers just to see how effective they are.

  29. I love your photos, Judy.

    I feel the same about google+.

    Hope you have a nice evening.

  30. Judy,
    Love your phots. Glad to see the compost photo was what it was (my guess too!) I don't like or hardly ever use Google+, I have not figured it out yet.


  31. Hi Judy,
    Fun photos today.
    And I know how frustrating all this can be. I got hit with SPAM so bad, it was ridiculous.
    I do love reading your blog and you stopping over and reading mine.
    Thank You,

  32. Lovely pictures. And yes, Google + is a nightmare. There are also a number of blog I can't comment on because I'm not a Google + user.

  33. I looked at Google+ as well and decided that it's not for me. It took me sweat and tears to initially set up my blog with the constant help of a ex workmate and probably now an ex blogger.

  34. Enjoyable photos here. Was that a chicken coop?
    I have a Google+ account but so rarely use it. I think people can comment on my blog because I'm still on blogger for my posts.

  35. Fun photos! I keep scratching my head and trying to figure out why anybody would sign up for Google+. I have yet to see a benefit, and there are a lot of problems created when one does participate in it. I guess it is supposed to be Google's answer to Facebook. And I don't touch Facebook with a 10-foot pole!

  36. I could comment on so many things about your post...but the folks who use google plus to host their blog...well, I can't figure them out...I can't even get to the posts sometimes...and I cannot comment there either. That google plus has caused me so much frustration...when it works it's excellent...when it doesn't? Ughhh!

  37. Thank you Judy for your note about Google+ .
    I tried it for a short time and really didn't like it, so got off of it!! I don't like it at all!!! And you're correct - you CAN'T leave a message on someone's blog if they're connected to Google+.


Hi! And thanks for stopping in at Cranberry Morning. I love reading your comments and visiting your blogs. I am unable to respond to No-Reply bloggers, so please make sure to enable your email address on your blog. Also, many Google+ blogs don't allow me to comment because I'm not a member of Google+. So, I'm not deliberately avoiding you, but Google+ is not commenter friendly.