Monday, October 27, 2014

What's Happening

I think this is the biggest corn crib I've ever seen, used in times gone by.
Now corn is stored in huge cylindrical steel bins.

Earlier in the month I wrote about the sand mines in our area. These are a few other photos I took on our little trek through the farm country near the sand mines.

I'm writing this on Sunday afternoon while waiting for guests to arrive for a hymn sing. I still have on the black pants that I wore to church this morning. I had been thinking recently, that I should change my profile photo, lest you get the idea that I've always got a cat on my lap.

So there I was, relaxing on the sofa, checking my email on my phone, when you-know-who crawled up on my lap to make sure that I got the requisite cat hair on my black pants before company arrived.  Sigh.

There's no escaping Tuppence.
She loves me; she really loves me!

Baby Oliver, held by his sweet and nurturing cousin, our granddaughter

The loveliest of all nerds, another granddaughter. :-)
Notice, she's pouring tea to enjoy with her dark chili chocolate.


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Saturday's Critters


  1. Love your photos of old corn cribs, trucks, fall pics of unpicked corn, (or maybe it was picked, I will have to go back and check), grandchildren, babies, nerdy hats, (which I liked), black legged pants with a curled up cat . . .
    Very nice way to open my Monday morning.
    Oh . . . I forgot . . . The weathered gray barn with the three cupolas . . . really nice pic too . . . and if I forgot to mention any others . . . liked them too!

  2. Judy, I like the cat in the lap, don't even think about changing it.. it is very difficult to get a photo of Bob with out Jake in his lap or standing in the photo. he doesn't lay on mine because i yelp from the pain of it.. your grands are so beautiful... that corn crib is fantastic and I have never seen one like it.. would not have known what it was... i have seen the kind inside a barn, and that is it.

  3. What a great post filled with so many interesting and cute ( Kids) things!!

    Thanks for visiting!!


  4. That is a huge corn crib-- interesting shape too. Yep, if you have a cat and a lap, they often meet!

  5. Neat old corn crib...just imagine how many bushels of corn have been stored in it. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. love the big old corn crib! sweet family you have. cat hair included...

  7. It sounds like you had a fun day yesterday! My dog loves doing that too like climbing in my lap when I'm all dressed up! You got to love them animals! Have a wonderful day.

  8. Oh that darling little sleeping baby. So sweet. Great photos of barns and countryside. And I'm with your granddaughter - tea and chocolate make a perfect pairing.

  9. Hello Judy
    Your photos are very interesting and your family members look really sweet!
    How can people choose between your handmade soaps when they all look so delicious?

  10. No, noNO do-NuT chAnGE yOR foTO!!!!!!!!!

    xoxxoo, joSE pHiNE

  11. Afternoon, love that corn crib, love it. Always a joy to visit, Francine.

  12. No outfit is complete without cat hair!! Seriously!

    Love your grands....such beautiful children!

    Also (always) love your farm photos. Thanks for sharing them. I enjoy them so much.

  13. My husband, and I, were just talking about how we miss seeing the old corn cribs. I saw one on our drive, here in SE MN, and took a photo. Of course, it wasn't in use & was very dilapidated~

  14. What beautiful photos! Here in Croatia there are corn cribs everywhere but they're full! Btw, cute grands!

  15. Wonder farm country and photos. I like that big white barn. I would enjoy an old fashioned hymn sing around someone's living room. It's not done up here anymore but I remember them as a young teen.

  16. Well, that is SOME corn crib...and never have I seen anything resembling it! I do miss wide open spaces in the country. Being from Ohio, I saw these scenes so much growing up. Many of the really open spaces around here are blocked by all of the tall trees. And about your seem to be wearing my pants are a staple in my wardrobe too, except mine are usually wearing dog hair :) BTW, those shoes on the floor look like they would be quite comfortable!

  17. My father built a lot of those kinds of corn cribs. The picker back then just picked whole ear corn. He would fill them up and then feed them to the hogs. Cute kids and baby and great cat too.

  18. I enjoyed this post. Loved the little baby and the chocolate! Seriously, your grand children are lovely

  19. Pet hair not all over your clothes? What is that and does it ever exist? Lol!

    Loved seeing the photos of those beautiful grandchildren!

  20. Hi, Judy!

    I've never seen a corn crib like that.
    It's so interesting the different things & places we get to see while blogging.

    My husband holds one of our cats every morning before he goes to work...LOL


  21. You have a variety of photos - I had no idea there was that big a silo (?) to hold corn. Farmers are amazing.

    Your grandchildren are so wonderful, but I know you know that!

  22. Great photos! I love that giant corn crib!

  23. I love seeing the countryside there and it's nice to see some of your granddaughters, too. Enjoy your week my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  24. You do have some pretty Fall colors in your area. Thanks for sharing them. Yep - kitties are great about laying on dark colors, something you are trying to read or work on, etc. I miss having one, but allergies and kitties don't get along.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  25. Love the barn and that amazing corn crib! Great-looking truck and Fall foliage too! And oh, the sweet baby and your sweet grand-daughters. Lovely shots! Cat hair on the black pants...of course! :-)

  26. That is a beautiful, old barn. Sweet to see your grandkids :)

  27. Very sweet photos of the children and Tuppence. Everything I own has cat hair on it. I keep an old sheet on the sofa, the bedspread etc. and wash the sheets often!

  28. You are a good cat mommy! As I looked at Tuppence in your lap, however, I must confess that I looked past her at your red sofa (I love red!) and at your pretty rug. I am slightly obsessed with rugs right now. I moved my living room rug upstairs to my bedroom this summer, and now that it's getting cooler, I am wondering what I'm going to put in the living room. Not a bad problem...I just tend to over think house-y things.

    I want to hold dear little Oliver!! I'm glad that we're going to have a new grandbaby in a few weeks! Love the photos of your granddaughters too. I seem to see glimpses of their personalities through those photos...

  29. That truly is a huge crib--biggest one I've seen, too!

  30. Let's see now, my favorites are the fall tree colors, your cat and your granddaughters. Chili chocolate sounds good to me. For that matter, any chocolate sounds good. I don't know when it happened, but I've become a chocoholic!

  31. Lovely photos as always. I don't mind a little pet hair, it's nice to have a cuddle. Such sweet family photos.

  32. Wow, That IS a big corn crib! The barn is so beautiful, as is the baby and your granddaughters. We have a cat, too. Hair is inevitable :)

  33. I love the photos, it looks so beautiful there now with all the colours. Your grandchildren are cute, love the hat of the older one, that's cool.
    Have a great week ahead!

  34. You always have such lovely scenic photos.

    I love your nerdy granddaughter's hat! :)

  35. That's a nice, random, meandering kind of post. Great family pics. I've just waved my son off, so feeling a little sad.

  36. you have beautiful grandchildren and mr tuppence is cute, love his name too! i really like that old corn crib!

  37. Beautiful grandchildren!
    I just gently removed Charlie (one of my SIX cats!) from blocking the screen so I could read how Tuppence needs to be the center of YOUR world!

  38. I've never seen a corn crib quite like this one. Nice! Beautiful girls, cute baby!

  39. Love the sweet activity of your family home. I've never seen a corn crib before.

  40. I hope you had a wonderful visit with your family. Love your gorgeous photos! Thank you so much for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  41. Any barn with multiple cupolas is good by me! Your grandchildren all look grand, Judy.

  42. Lovely photos - all of them! I'm giving you a shout-out on the Knick of Time FB page here -

    Thanks for linking up at the Vintage Inspriration Party!

  43. Well I don't think I've EVER seen a corn crib before - wow - look at the size of that.
    Oliver is too precious for words ( so are the girls )
    I just love your photos Judy - you amaze me with what you can capture through a lens and I would definitely buy a book filled with Cranberry Morning images!


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