Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

 He's thankful that his mommy is nearby.

I am thankful that this little guy is so easy going!

He's thankful for his first taste of popcorn.
(Recent test by the allergist showed that he's not allergic to corn.)

Sitting on the living room floor, watching Despicable Me. 
'Just like people in a movie theater do, Mom!'
(Made me cry.)

I am thankful for every new thing that child can enjoy.
(and no, he's not going to be eating all of that.)

I'm thankful for all our grandchildren.

I'm thankful for their parents.

I'm thankful that I'm the grandparent.

Praise God, from whom
all blessings flow!


We will be traveling to our daughter's home, a couple hours away, to celebrate Thanksgiving with them.  I hope all my fellow US bloggers will have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope my other blogger friends will eat a piece of turkey and think of us (in a good way)  ;-).

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