Monday, November 24, 2014

Vintage Farmall and Standing Corn

Golden corn in the late afternoon light

Does she smell deer in that cornfield?

Ready to go indoors
where there's a good fire going in the living room
(Yes, Calvin, in the stove!)

 Keeping the house warm

I am thankful for sunshine, south-facing windows, and fire.


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Saturday's Critters


  1. Wow, what a lo of snow you have. Looks like someone is enjoying it :)

  2. That should have been "lot". Too early in the morning.

  3. Nice photos, Judy. Your tractor looks like our old beast. We have the fire on here most days now as it makes the home so comfortable and cozy. Deb

  4. I love the first photo of the old tractor and the cornfield behind. I bet there are deer out there! I just saw 4 of them on the hill 'frolicking'. It's rutting season. :) Enjoy the day!

  5. Great composition on that first photo - and the third one is to treasure!

  6. Gorgeous photos. John saw a deer run through our back yard last week. Enjoy that fire today!

  7. Love that first picture! The golden corn fields are beautiful to see contrasting with the snow. We melted down over the weekend and I'm delighted to see the ground again! imguess we have up to 6" coming but that's ok I can deal with it! The picture of the dog took me back to the days when I first met Dan. He grew up on a dairy farm and they had a collie named Tippie. He loved the snow and would lay out in it and be blanketed by the snow and not care!

  8. I just love that pretty dog!! And all the snow pictures as well. Stay toasty!!

  9. Looks like a good day to be inside by the wood stove!

  10. Brrr, looking cold Judy! Keep safe and warm x

  11. Oh my goodness, that snow and the golden corn is a beautiful picture:) AND that sweet pup... love him! Love a warm fire on a really cold day! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  12. My Grandpa had a big red tractor like that. Nice memories!

    These are wonderful photos.

  13. I wonder if the old girl still runs! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  14. our kitchen faces South, that is where the dogs and I live when it is cool outside... keep us warm in winter and cool in summer.. i love the golden color splashing on your fields. glad the fire is IN the stove

  15. Dogs love to romp in the snow. That farmer better get that old Farmall going and get his crops harvested. Nice pictures.

  16. How I wish my house sat north and south rather than east and west.

    Warmer temperatures have arrived with the wind, so much of the snow here melted yesterday. More on the way, though.

  17. Before I even read a word, I thought "HEY, that corn is golden, and it glows!!" Gorgeous shots. We have some corn here that has not been harvested yet, and so late in the season. Never saw that before. But I guess the birds will have a feast.

  18. Excellent seasonal post. Thank you for this. I almost felt like I was there! Hug.

  19. Morning, beautiful pictures, love farm scenes. I agree on the south facing windows and fire.Blessings Francine.

  20. Looks so cold, but oh so pretty!

    Visiting from Rubbish Tuesday,


  21. Dogs do love to be out in the snow. I'd prefer to be in front of the roaring fire, makes the house feel so homely.

  22. Cute puppy, they love it for a while but then they're ready to come back inside! I'm hoping we all have an enjoyable, happy and merry, not too brutal of a winter. Stay warm!

  23. I'm a BIG fan of vintage farm equipment! South-facing windows are a true blessing in winter, methinks.

  24. Beautiful photos! The poor dog looks so COLD! :-)

  25. Most all of the corn around here is picked now. There are a few stray parts that have partial patches. The corn helped make your photos to be very colorful. The dog is a wonderful looking dog. Yes our dogs too want to come in from the cold outside.

  26. It is snowing here right now and I have the Christmas music on! Lol!

  27. Love the look of that lovely snow against the golden field...I know it's cold but it sure is pretty! Keep those home fires burning!

  28. Lovely Late fall scenes. Love the dogs. Hope you're having a wonderful day. Happy Thanksgiving!

  29. Lovely photos, but oh my goodness, it looks SO cold!!

  30. Beautiful. You are so talented at capturing simple beauty.

  31. I am happy you are staying nice and warm. It looks like your snow is still on the ground. We have had rain and wind for the past three days, our snow vanished and now the process has begun all over again. Snowing like crazy!
    Happy Thanksgiving Judy, for you and your family!

  32. The late afternoon light is gorgeous! And your dog's face is precious! Awwww...who couldn't love a face like that?

  33. the light in the first 2 shots is amazing but it really looks VERY cold. Good to have a warm house to relax in.

  34. What gorgeous shots!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Hi Judy...just stopping by early this morning to send along my wishes to you and your family for a Happy Thanksgiving.

  37. Lovely images of your snowy world.. I love your cute doggie! I hope you are warm and cozy.. Have a happy week!

  38. Wonderful photo of your dog and his snow covered nose. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Keep warm by the stove.

  39. Snow can create beautiful sights, but I will let you keep it.

  40. I love the morning sun on that old tractor!!! And I second the motion about warmth...

  41. I don't envy your snow, though it's really beautiful, but I really envy your sunshine... It's been raining for three days now and the cats can't stand it anymore ;)

  42. Brrrr...I'm shivering just looking at the pictures. Or maybe because it's below freezing here this morning? LOL

  43. Neat farm shots, I loved the one of the dog and the field. It does look mighty cold there. It's cold here today. Having a warm fire or in our case, Gas Heat makes it nice for those chilly days to be able to stay inside.


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