Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hodgepodge & American Idolatry

My Cheery Indoor Flock

Join Joyce and the Gang
for Wednesday Hodgepodge.
She writes the questions,
and we write the answers.
Check it out with the button link below.

1. American Idol is back for a 14th season. Are you watching? Have you ever watched? If you were to audition for the show (or were made to audition), what song would you sing?

I do not watch. I did watch the first two seasons, at least part of them, because I remember Kelly Clarkson and Ruben Somebodyorother winning. I also saw Carrie Underwood on her winning episode. BUT, it's not my favorite thing, seems like deja vu all over again, and the only redeeming feature was Simon Cowell, in my opinion. 

You couldn't give me enough money, I detest the idea of fame, and you couldn't force me to audition, even at gunpoint. 

2.  Mark Twain is quoted as saying, "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first." 
So when did you last have to 'eat a frog'? Or two? How'd that work out? 
I don't remember the last time, specifically, but assuming this is metaphorical, it is the way I was raised. I always tackle the biggest and least desirable task first...well, almost always.

3. If you were going on safari, what is the number one animal you'd want to see?

A German Shepherd. Definitely. But if you're restricting it to animals usually found on a safari, I'd say giraffe. They're so pretty, graceful, and exotic.

4. January 21st is National Granola Bar Day. I know. Do you like granola bars? Chewy or crunchy? Your favorite flavor? How about regular granola? Let's exhaust this topic in honor of the holiday okay?

I don't eat granola bars. I try to stay away from grains, and besides, granola bars are about the worst thing possible for your teeth.  I try to stay from chewing on crushed ice also, because that's the other thing that's really hard on teeth - all that warming and cooling of the enamel. Yes, I learned that from my dentist. He has a plaque on his wall that reads, 'Only take care of the teeth you want to keep.'

5. If only_______I had something constructive to say today._________________.

 My favorite view
(Unfortunately, not anywhere nearby)

6. You can add one item to your bedroom. What will it be? Keep it family friendly please.

A German Shepherd puppy, eight weeks old.  (You can add to #5: "and if only I weren't obsessing over German Shepherd puppies.")

7. What is one thing you've enjoyed about winter thus far? If it's not winter in your corner of the globe, what season is it, and what is something you've enjoyed about whatever season it happens to be?

I loved Christmas time. I love having family here and a fire in the stove and little white lights strung around the room.  I'm enjoying the longer days (more daylight hours) and that the calendar is already past the mid point of January.  I'm also enjoying planning a trip!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Family is here this week and I'm getting some PJs sewn. I don't know why it is, but the week and month are rushing by. This is not typical of January!




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  1. I agree with you about fame, not me, i like my life to much. do not want to be famous. we watch American Idol and The Voice, we like the Voice better than AI and liked it better when Simon was on it. we don't LOVE it like we did in the past.
    If Only I were not so afraid of things my life would be happier.

  2. One of my favorite views too : ) And I also feel like January is flying by. Enjoy your family!

  3. I just love reading these kinds of posts so I can learn more about you! Thank you so much for popping in to see me and your kind words.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Your photo with the sheep is beautiful. I assume it's from somewhere in the British Isles, but it reminds me of our drive through northern Utah and southern Idaho.

    I also like your first picture with the birdhouse and neat window in your house.

    Great answers today!

  5. National Granola Bar Day? I thought today was all about ME? hahaha! Thanks for singing to me first thing this morning. It made my day! Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. Enjoyed this as always. I would have chosen giraffe's too. Just soo different. I still watch Idol. I just love to hear people sing I think, lol. Enjoy your day!

  7. Believe it or not I have a box of granola bars in my office right now :) good timing!

  8. really think you need to get yourself a german shepherd pup. just do it. :)

  9. Go get that German Shepherd puppy. It's waiting for YOU. Hugs, Deb

  10. Giraffe's are my favorite! Your view is amazing and so gorgeous. Yes Christmas is definitely the best part of Winter. I'm still loving my soaps.

  11. With any luck, I'll be able to see something similar to your favorite view next year, as plans are currently being made. It's been on my list a looooong time.

  12. It's always fun to read through the answers, and how so often the answers could be my own! Big dog lover here too!

  13. We watch idol and we love it!! I would love to see a lion in the wild!!

  14. Never heard of granola day. Haven't had a granola bar in a long time. Didn't know that about ice-- not that I eat it. I think the "mild" January the Midwest has had helps keep it moving instead of dragging like usual. German Shep puppies just might be the answer to everything!! ;)

  15. Hi Judy,
    I joined the Hodgepodge today.:-)

    I really think you need to get that puppy! :-)
    We will take care of he or she while you travel.
    xx oo

  16. Hiya, Judy!
    Just this morning I saw a buncha pix online of a hotel in Kenya where the giraffes come and stick their heads in the windows! Cool.
    I have horses on my blog today. And my cat in the window looking at the snow falling. And I have a temp of 100 and feel ick.
    :) m & jb (who does not have ick)

  17. I love german shepherds. We grew up with one of the best ones around, in my opinion!!

  18. I think German Shepherds are gorgeous dogs, and it sounds like it is time for you to be finding one to love and be loved by.... Maybe when you return from your trip. This was another fun Hodgepodge!!

  19. Judy, I loveeeeeeeeee the puppy picture. That is what our "Coffee" looked like when he was a puppy...those ears!!! I wouldn't trade him for anything, even wth the mounds of hair he leaves behind! Loved your answers. PS I think it is time for you to get another one...just saying...I know how much you miss yours. Blessings

  20. You seem to be crazy about German Shephard puppies like I am about Shih Tzu's. So adorable! I am loving that gorgeous view! Just perfect!

  21. I really enjoyed reading your responses. Love dogs too.

  22. I feel the same way about idol, i liked the show at the beginning of the series but after season 8 or 9 it just was blah.. same old same old ya know ?
    What a cute photo! My aunt has sheep across the street from where she lives. Yes we have a lot of farm animals in northern CA. Enjoy your day!

  23. oh and of course i love dogs too!! We need to request a dog and cat question for the hodgepodge someday.

  24. I always enjoy reading yours. Someday I need to go read others' too. Amazing you notice the longer days already. Here we are having a burst of spring, which does wonder for the spirits but sure messes with the plant life!

  25. Those German Shepherd puppies are so cute! I love to chew ice, especially crushed ice, even though it isn't good for your teeth. Good thing I don't have any automatic ice maker on my fridge or I'd do it more often ;)
    Enjoy your visit with family :)

  26. Christmas has been my favorite part of winter, so far, too. And I agree, January is passing quickly!

  27. You sound as if you are desperate for a German Shepherd pup, if so go get one. Loved reading all this post. Getting to know you better.

  28. I enjoyed your answers and glad the family is there again - and I agree - usually January goes so slow and it has gone so fast this year!

  29. I like what your dentist's plaque reads- my grandfather was a dentist. He would have liked it! I started to put, If only I had something deep and thought-provoking to say, for #5. LOL I enjoyed Christmas too. Just because it was Christmas and everyone was home. It was wonderful.

  30. Afternoon, I am a dog lover, and Shephards hold a special place in my heart. Blessings Francine.

  31. The sheep and the rolling hills are truly beautiful! It reminds me of the book series " All Things Bright & Beautiful" by James Herriot. I love your little bird scene! I mush prefer America's Got Talent because it is lots of different talent and not just singing.

  32. I would also want to see a giraffe. i think they are so beautiful. Never have watched American Idol.

  33. I wouldn't mind a view in my back yard full of sheep and miles and miles of beautiful green pasture land!!
    Nice birdhouse arrangement!!

  34. Say, why don't you get yourself a German shepherd puppy???

  35. Thanks for your visit - glad you like the Dales. I am in incomer but my husband was born on the farm in Wensleydale where we now live. I love your photograph - looks like Swaledale to me.

  36. I agree with you, Judy, I love giraffe's. Plus, that landscape is awesome!

    I have only seen American Idol once, or twice. Now that we do not have t.v. reception I do not miss it.

  37. Hernandez Shepherd's you say . . .

  38. I love your pretty indoor flock and birdhouse..The scene with the sheep is lovely.. I'd say you really do need to get yourself a german shepherd..They are so cute, love the puppy shot..Thank for linking up your post, have a happy weekend!

  39. I love the sheep and the lovely scenery behind them.

  40. Haha, I have the same opinion about the equivalent singing show in the UK. Simon Cowell may be honest but I make sure I'm doing something else at the time whether that be in or out of the house.
    I once did a Safari trip but unfortunately didn't see any German Shepherds !!

  41. This is an amusing post. I love the view of the Dales(?). It rekindles fond memories of home.

    Have a good week.

  42. I think you must need a German Shepherd! :-) Love the shot of the sheep. I'm with you, I don't watch American Idol, but I LOVE Dancing with the Stars. It's mostly because our daughter was a ballet dancer and it used to be such a big part of our lives and I love the beautiful costumes and how a person with almost no experience at all will sometimes make the top five!


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