Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Already -Missing -July Hodgepodge

Neighbor's Windmill

Join Joyce and the Gang

  She writes the questions,
we write the answers.
Answer on your own blog
and join in the fun!

1.  I recently read here about four secrets to happiness from around the world. They were-

Overcome your fears by facing them head on, allow yourself to relax and reset, work to live versus living to work, and find the good in life. Not sure if these are the actual secret to happiness, but which of the four do you struggle with most? Which one comes most easily to you?

Most easily? Definitely, finding the good in life. There's a lot of good if you're tuned to see it. I pray daily for God to open my eyes to his mercy and grace - in creation, in people, in circumstances. 

I tend to avoid fear-inducing situations. For example, I have a fear of falling off the edge of a cliff, but if I tried to face that fear head on and walk closer to the edge, it could prove to be counter productive.

 July Clouds

2. How would you spend a found $20 bill today?

I would spend it as quickly as possible before the value is even less than it is today. Have you noticed how a $20 bill buys you so much less than it did ten years ago?  Just keep paying attention. It's getting worse, fast.

3. Ego trip, power trip, guilt trip, round trip, trip the light fantastic, or trip over your own two feet...which 'trip' have you experienced or dealt with most recently? Explain.

'Trip the light fantastic' is such an odd phrase, isn't it. It definitely doesn't apply to me. Round trip might be the one most recently applicable.

 Raspberry- Yogurt Mid-afternoon Protein Treat
1/2 c. Fage 0% Plain Yogurt
1/3 tiny packet Raw Stevia
1/3 c. fresh raspberries

4. If you could master any physical skill in the world what would it be, and how would you use that skill?

Do you mean master with effort, or just be able to do it? This reminds me of our oldest son (last week's Hodgepodge birthday boy) who would listen to his younger sister play the violin beautifully (I mean, beautifully!) and would say, 'I'd do ANYTHING to be able to play like that...well, anything except practice.'  That cracks me up every time I think about it.  And yes, I'd love to be able to play violin well, but I'm counting on a computer chip being implanted in my brain. I'll hold off a while longer before I resort to practicing. (Y'all do know when to take me seriously, right?)

 Mr. C. and Middle Son Building Porch Ceiling

5. As July draws to a close, let's take inventory of our summer fun. Since the official first day of (North American) summer (June 20th) have you...been swimming? enjoyed an ice cream cone? seen a summer blockbuster? camped? eaten corn on the cob? gardened? deliberately unplugged? watched a ballgame? picked fruit off the vine? taken a road trip? read a book?  Are any of these activities on your must-do-before-summer-ends list?

I can hardly stand the thought of summer coming to a close. Even July coming to an end means we're going into August. That means things are winding down and autumn is soon upon us. And that means that winter is just around the corner. How did this happen so quickly??  Are you done with your Christmas shopping?............................In answer to the question, I've gardened and picked fruit off the vine and read a book or two - well, reading a few books and reading parts of others. There's always something interesting that's a Kindle temptation. Non-fiction mostly, theology - or historical fiction or a good mystery. Diane from Lavender Dreams mentioned a couple mysteries she found at the library. The Fleet Street Murders and A Stranger in Mayfair. I'm going to look into those.

Currently reading or sitting in my Kindle queue:

Who is This Man? Ortberg
Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child - Esolen
Lectures by N.T. Wright
A Method for Prayer, Matthew Henry (What an interesting, amazing man.) Probably more on him at a later date. 
Alan Turing, Unlocking the Enigma, Boyle
Grantchester (No, I've not finished it because I'm easily distracted by the other above-listed books and non-fiction is always more attractive to me.) 

6. The Republican Presidential candidates will debate on August 6th. What's your question?

Didn't the term 'liberal' used to mean favorable of individual rights and freedoms? That is so far from what the term means these days. Now it seems to mean favorable  only to the approved opinion - and the government will tell you what that is.

How are you different from any other politician who wants more government, not less, and who wants to use other people's money for their own pet projects? Can you prove that you're not bought off by big corporations? What do you think of the idea of letting people have more control over their own lives, rather than government dictating and taxing the working American citizen to death? Do you favor rights for illegal immigrants over the rights of legal immigrants? What do you think of promoting a culture of life, rather than a culture of death? What do you think of doing away with the death penalty but also doing away with funding Planned Parenthood, who has used taxpayer money to kill 6.8 million American babies since 1970 - and is now known to be selling baby body parts. How can anyone think this is okay? Who are you most afraid of, that you're not willing to be a real statesman and stand up for what is good and right, but simply cave to what you perceive to be popular opinion - because you care more about re-election than you do about the survival of this country?

Were we allowed more than one question? And I've a few more, if my time's not up.

Raindrops on the Garden Pond

7. What's your most listened to song so far this summer?

The tones of the wind chime on my front porch. It's my favorite right now.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

 Tuppence with her knitting

I'm actually progressing on the little peach sweater, finally. I have an amazing friend who solves my knitting problems, including the one yesterday, where I put a buttonhole on the wrong side of the button band. Then I did stockinette? stitch for 10 rows, ignoring it, hoping the problem would go away. It didn't vanish, oddly enough, so this morning I took it to my patient, engineer-brilliant knitting friend who actually managed to take out just the button band stitches back 10 rows, fix the problem, and then knit it back up. It was like watching a magic trick, one that I'll never ever learn, but one that gives me even more appreciation of the brilliance of my friend (and her generosity). 

Thank you, Bethany.


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  1. Now I need to go read about Matthew Henry. Christmas shopping! Noooo! : )

  2. Those books sound fascinating, I may have to look up a couple of them!

    I love to knit, but I'm not sure my skills are up to doing more than a scarf.

  3. Good Morning ~

    I just read the Alan Turing book, not all of it because it is HUGE. Very interesting.

    Great questions for the politicians.

    I love the snack!


  4. Hi Judy... that raspberry yogurt snack looks positively delish!! You knit like I use the computer - I am always getting into some kind of glitch. When I do I turn off the computer and hope that works. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Your porch ceiling looks great! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  5. My skills, scarf level!! What a great post, I've got to sit and ponder now!
    Hope you have a great day!

  6. Loved #6!! And...Christmas shopping? It is only end of July, smiles. Blessings sweet friend...

  7. Loved number 6, loved the pictures...especially the windmill and that yummy looking protein snack. I copied the recipe....Frank and I have started juicing first thing in the morning and I have been looking for something to take to school with me for a snack. Loved it.

  8. Skill I'd like to master? These days, that would be walking, lol.

  9. Oh I had to laugh at your knitting dilemma Judy. I do the same thing with some of my craft projects. I left a mistake in my counted cross stitch sampler until I could stand it no more and finally took it out and redid it. When will I ever learn? Like you I enjoy mysteries( I am reading Murder at the Birches by Katherine Hall Page..set on an island in Maine over July 4th!) and I want to look up the ones Diane recommended as well. I guess I am really looking forward to fall as these 100 plus heat index days are starting to wear me down!

  10. Love these posts. They are fun to read. Does Tuppence get frustrated knitting without thumbs? Deb

  11. Wow! I'm hodgepodge....who knew? heehee! Thanks for the shout out! I hope you like these books. They are easy to read...not gruesome like some mysteries. And I love the time and place they are set in. Enjoy your day my friend. Hugs, Diane

  12. That snack looks good,may have to try it! I love Christmas in July but I have not done much shopping yet!

  13. Good morning, great post and questions. I enjoyed reading your answers too. I can not believe it is the end of July already, I am not looking forward to winter. The mystery books are my favorite, I will have to remember these favorites of Diane! Have a happy day!

  14. Good response to #6. It's crazy, too, how MANY candidates there are at this time. Can't we gather round some of them and show them support instead of every man for himself?!!

  15. Judy I enjoyed your answers today. I love your photos too - and that yogurt with raspberries looked so delicious!

  16. Hi Judy, I loved reading this post! I love the photo of the cat and your knitting! Thank goodness you had your friend to help you out of your knitting problem!
    Have a nice day and enjoy the rest of the week.
    Julie xo

  17. Do I have a skill I'd like to master today? Resting! Yep, a good long rest! :) Thanks so much for popping in to see my little doll's dress!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  18. As always, I enjoyed your answers to today's questions, as well as the pictures :)

  19. Seeing your picture of the windmill makes me homesick! I will be going home this weekend, unfortunately most windmills are the modern windmill farms…not so pretty. Enjoy the rest of the summer. I hope it slows down!

  20. oooooooh now, i do love a man in a tool belt, especially if it's my man!!! the windmill is gorgeous, that beauty has seen a lot of sunrises and sunsets!!! a nice variety of images today!!!

  21. I always enjoy your Hodgepodge posts and the photos you post with your answers. Reading your replies is like having a conversation over a cup of tea.

    Love the photos of the windmill, the raindrops and of course, Tuppence.

  22. I thought the same thing for #1. Love your answer on the presidential candidate. Greek yogurt with berries- yum. I feel like summer just started so I am not going to think about Christmas shopping yet :)

  23. Interesting questions and answers, I'm pretty much in agreement with them too! Your son has the right way to have any tool at his reach, they look to be doing quite the professional job too! That treat looks delicious and I should try it. Kitty cat and clouds sure round off your lovely photos just right!

  24. Great hodge podge question and answers! Your photos are always so the one of the ripples in the water's edge. July means that we only have 2 months of hot, sweltering weather left...I am always ready to welcome fall for that reason but I understand why you are not since your season is so short. Happy Wednesday, Judy!

  25. I hadn't thought of wind chimes when answering the question about favorite summer song. I really loved listening to my wind chimes this summer too!

  26. I just had Fage yogurt with strawberries this morning with some oatmeal mixed in! That's too funny, 'I'd do ANYTHING to be able to play like that...well, anything except practice.' I do enjoy listening to wind chimes.

  27. Judy, loved your answers to the hodgepodge and the pictures you posted along with your answers. Love your kitty.

  28. Loved those questions...good luck on getting answers. Laughed out loud over the "I'd do anything to play like that." Stop going too far ahead; do not mention Christmas again before November 1, please!

  29. The porch ceiling looks like it was in good hands. Good job guys. I too liked your political questions. Party definitions and goals of themselves have changed so much that it is hard to find any truth. Hope and change has bummed me out for a life time.

  30. Love reading the answers! So fun. I realize I have not done nearly enough off of my "summer to do" list - so thanks for the reminder. I give up on doing all the reading I'd like as I just know it's not going to happen. Maybe this Fall when kiddos go back to school.

    I loved your wind chime answer and I have deliberately unplugged recently just to listen to mine. ;)

  31. Lovely post - enjoyed looking at all your photo's especially the July Clouds and that wonderful raspberry yogurt.

    All the best Jan

  32. I loved the questions and answers, Judy. I think my favorite was your favorite song--how peaceful and lovely. ♥

  33. LOL I always enjoy your posts and I am taking away wind chimes versus politicians :)

  34. LOL I always enjoy your posts and I am taking away wind chimes versus politicians :)

  35. Wow - some of those questions are deep. I think that if I found $20, I would buy junk food! :-)

  36. I will never try to knit again. Just can't do it. I can crochet, but not knit. Good for you having a friend to help! I enjoyed your answers and agree completely with your questions for the candidates!

  37. I love the raindrops on the pond photo, stunning!

  38. Judy, I love 'Tuppence with her knitting'! She and I look good in peach, so good choice!

  39. What a fun hodge podge. Yay for knitting friends, says she of the scarf level!

  40. Aw, look at that sweet kitty! I got a chuckle from some of your answers. :) I'm the same way about the violin. Including the practice part. LOL

  41. Good Morning, Oh, Judy, your photos are so amazing. Tuppence looks so soft and cuddly! Your winters are so extreme; I know you dread the end of "outdoor" weather. I hope you and yours enjoy the weekend.

  42. Well, this was fun! Part 2 of your answer to question one, haha, I had to laugh. Questions for the politicians -- yes, somebody needs to ask them these questions. and your kitty is so sweet.

  43. I would give similar answers to Question 1. :)

    Oh, the passage of time. Two-thirds of the summer gone already? Even though autumn is my favorite, I am not quite ready to say good-bye to summer.

    Tuppence is adorable with her knitting.

  44. Good morning, I just wanted to stop back and say thank you for linking up your sweet kitty. Have a happy day!

  45. I love these posts of yours...and I miss July already too. Is it because the Wisconsin winters are so long? I could comment on every single answer of yours, but I will just keep it simple as my iPad battery dies...I enjoy John Ortberg too.

  46. I always love to read the Hodge Podge posts...

  47. Thanks again for linking up your sweet Tuppence! Happy weekend!

  48. I will start off by saying that cat is pretty darned adorable, and, I might add, beautifully photographed. Secondly, I'll respond to two of your points. First, I'm a klutz, so I've definitely tripped over my own two feet more than a few times, including recently. Fortunately, a couple of weeks usually clear up any scraped knees or pulled muscles. Secondly, I realized that I wasn't quite sure what "trip the light fantastic" means, and found out on Wiki that it means to dance nimbly. That ties into your question about the physical skill I'd most like to have. Dancing would definitely be up there on my list :)


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