Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Rainy Day From the Front Porch

It's been raining since Sunday night. Poor Jazzie is exhausted from the trauma of fireworks on the fourth and the thunder and lightning on the fifth. I think she's getting a good nap in today, though. Only the sound of the rain and the wind chimes. It's quite lovely to sit out on the front porch, protected from the rain and yet hearing the sound of the rain on the roof and the occasional deep tones of the wind chimes. We also had a classical music radio station on for a while. It was the perfect accompaniment to the morning rain.

 Jazzie, on the rug next to my desk
Currently sleeping to Ralph Vaughan Williams'

I think she'll recover. :-)


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This post might possibly be linked to one of more of the following:

Mosaic Monday and Roses of Inspiration and  Treasure Box Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist  and  Tweak it Tuesday  and  Good Fences and  Freedom Fridays  and  Saturday Critters and  Vintage Inspiration Friday  


  1. Thank You Judy for a lovely post...poor Jazzie....Our German Shep., Coffee, is the same way, he was traumatized about the fireworks, thundering and lightening here too. Have a lovely week, my friend. Blessings

  2. No matter what the weather, the view from your porch is beautiful. I understand the trauma that fire-works and thunder causes our dogs and cats. Our Kane is deaf now and this is the first year he was not bothered at all by the noise on Canada's birthday. Before that he would hide in the bathroom. Is Jazzy your old dog, Judy?

  3. so sorry poor sweet Jazzie had to go through all that trauma drama.. she looks happy and like she is enjoying the music. and the sound of the rain... your view is to die for from your porches, front and back..

  4. We have really been lucky here of late. The storms go around us. They don't seem to bother the cat much but poor, poor Rags out little Shih Tzu shakes so bad.... If I know one is coming I make sure he goes out to do his business or he will pee in the house. Poor darling is either in hubbys lap or mine during the whole to do...

  5. We need a little rain here, but yours may soon drift our way. A misty day on the porch is nice.

  6. Sounds like a lovely way to spend a day!

  7. What a beautiful sight from your porch, love your photo,s and beautiful grandkids.

  8. Several of my friends reported that their doggies were sleeping off the weekend of fireworks!!

  9. Jazzie has a great idea for the day! I wish I could join her! Hug.

  10. I hate fireworks so. I sympathize with Jazzie. My dog is indifferent to them and can indeed sleep through them, but I hate the sound. Well, I hope Jazzie recovers soon; certainly your wonderful green landscape is a great remedy for emotional trauma. That green grass could even mend a broken heart, I bet...

  11. It's been rainy and cool here, too, and both are very welcome. I love being able to open up the house and windows on cooler days.

    My deck is covered and sometimes I sit out and listen to the rain fall. It's divine.

    Sweet dreams, Jazzie.

  12. I think you have sent some of that wet stuff my way. So I am inside watching the tennis at Wimbleton Your dog has the right idea!

  13. It's raining here as well. It's the perfect day for baking and crafting....and drinking coffee :) Happy hugs!

  14. We dread this time of year for our dogs. The fireworks are stressful for them. Sweet shot of Jazzie lying on the rug. :)

  15. On my way to your porch now STOP
    Please ensure conditions remain same STOP
    Bringing leftover goat STOP

  16. There is something special about a summer rain.
    The porch is a favorite place to sit during a storm too. And our pup Kerri loves watching it rain too. Oddly, she is very contended to sit out and listen to the thunder, but inside she goes crazy barking. We still don't have that figured out......

  17. I love listening to the rain..Yes, indeed..The week of the 4th is very hard on our poor doggies....I have to drag or carry poor Mollie outside and hope she will go when she gets out there..

  18. It sounds so peaceful! Rain on the roof is a wonderful sound and the wind chimes and music are the perfect accompaniments. Send some rain this way, please! We've had no rain in weeks.....And this is supposed to be rainy 'Seattle'! The poor pets this time of year really suffer. Their hearing is so sensitive. Enjoy your peacefulness while it lasts! :)

  19. Your environment sounds lovely, Judy. I hope you and Jazzie are enjoying the day. I think your view would calm me in a heartbeat. Along with music and rain on the roof, what could be better? ♥

  20. Our big dog lives in the bathroom when it storms and our older little guy doesn't hear most of it anymore so we don't have to cope with that.

  21. Ahh...there's nothing that calms my spirit like a quiet day listening to it rain! Beautiful, peaceful photos, Judy. Enjoy your Tuesday and welcome back :)

  22. We are having this type of weather, only ours started this morn....but have had a lot of rain in the past month.

  23. Our pets do have a hard time with the loud noises. Your view is beautiful, in spite of the rain. I'm sure sitting on the porch with the rain falling is amazingly relaxing.

  24. The Word would call your pictures--verdant!

  25. Those pictures are just beautiful, Judy! I do love a rainy day once in a while---but we have had such a weird, weird summer this year, haven't we? xo Diana

  26. Poor sweet Girl! Hope she got lots of good rest today. Sometimes that rain is the most beautiful nature music to listen to, isn't it? Sounds so peaceful. xoxo

  27. Well we need some rain - send it down so she can go out and play!

  28. Jazzie has a perfect spot to catch up on her zzzz's! You live in such a gorgeous area. I love sitting on the porch, especially on rainy days and I enjoy the windchimes, too.

  29. We've had rain too, and not just a nice light rain, but heavy downpours that have caused so many issues! Sweet puppy, I have one dog too that just can't tolerate fireworks, or storms!

  30. We've had rain on top of rain this summer. The mosquitoes are awful! My pups are not fond of thunder or fireworks either.

  31. Your words evoke the lovely freshness of a summer rain, enjoyed outside under cover. We'd surely welcome some of the rain - it's been hot here and the forest fires are raging. Hope Jazzy has recovered.

  32. Hello Judy, love the mosaic with all the pretty green. Poor sweet Jazzie, my old dog was afraid of the fireworks. I hope she has recovered. Have a happy day!

  33. Oh Judy... I know the feeling. Little Chili is a mess during storms and fire works and it takes forever to calm her down. Hope you're having a great week!

  34. Ah you described it all so well I can almost feel like I am there on your porch with you. That would be nice! Love a rainy day and to be in it but not in it, is the best. The sound of rain … well, you know!

  35. It actually sounds perfect. One day at my dads I laid down for a nap listening to the rain and thunder. It brought me back to my dad's cottage in Antioch Illinois. We don't get much of that in California.

  36. I feel a lot like Jazzy after everyone went home. LOL! It is nice to sit on a porch in a good rain. blessings ~ tanna

  37. Like Jazzy, I love a rainy day...if I can be inside. Glad that there's no thunder and lightening today to disturb her peace. Poor girl. (Our black Lab was terrified of thunder...and fireworks...so we know the deal.)

  38. Just love rainy days when you can sit on the porch and enjoy!!

  39. I would love to have a covered porch to sit while it's raining. We've certainly have had plenty of rain this summer! Your view is so peaceful and pretty.

  40. Good Morning, Judy! I love your cute Jazzie! And I am so happy you linked up your cute pup and post today! Have a happy weekend!

  41. I like to sit out on mine when it rains ...usually stay in during a storm, though...

  42. Foreworks are no fun for any dog or is all that rain!! Have a lovely weekend.

  43. Poor Jazzie! Our Rhodesian always got so upset every Independence Day too.

  44. Theda is scared of thunder, she even runs upstairs now when it gets rainy and *might*.

    But somehow she knows that fireworks aren't the same. Poor Jazzie!

  45. Delightful photo and post ~ Jazzie is a sweetie!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  46. Love the pictures! I also like wind-chimes...


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