Thursday, July 9, 2015

Wisconsin Barns and Good Fences

 Neighbors' Horse Barn?
That's not the kind of horse power I was expecting to see.

 Ah yes, here are the horses, standing in the shade.

The barn above kinda reminds me of our garage which currently has no room for my car! And no, FYI, we are not hoarders. But don't ask our daughter to verify that.

I drive past this cute little old hobby farm on my way to Barron. Usually there are horses or a few cattle out in that yard, but not today, unfortunately.

 Where's Waldo?

Can you find:
Barn scraper
Burdock plant
Lawn tractor
Dinner bell
Wagon Wheel
Electric meter
Four wheeler
Invasive box elder trees


P.S. I think Waldo is in the house having his morning coffee.


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This post is linked to Theresa's

Good Fences 



  1. The last barn appears to have a few stories to tell. ;o)

  2. Great series! I love the horses in the shade. And the barns are wonderful. I had to go back and look for the dinner bell. Have a happy day!

  3. Nice finds in the country.

    You have a nice day.

  4. I'll have to get back to you....after another cup of coffee! heehee! Fun post and beautiful photos my friend. Happy fences! Hugs, DIane

  5. Lovely barns and horse under the tree. Happy day!

  6. I very much like Waldos barn and fence and all those other things and the horse pic is wonderful... i like how they have the hay and ATV so neat in their barn in the first pic. my place would look like Waldo's and it does

  7. Love all the barn shots and of course the horses are very wise to stand in the shade.

  8. Hey-ya Judy!
    Chuckled internally at the first shot. Looked like Big, Fat HORSE BUTTS. You know, when they turn around to make it abundantly clear they are Not in the mood for a chat. Or when you are following a horse trailer down the road. Yup. You grow 'em big up there in WI. Can't wait to see what you do with goats.
    :) m & jb who is absolutely not a snacker, wishing to keep her kittenish butt. apparently. only treat she deigns to eat is a little vanilla ice cream given off of a finger tip

  9. Love that old barn in the last two shots with it's weathered walls and wavy roofline, very Good fences indeed.

  10. i liked your list of things to find - like those kids' games in the newspaper where you circle things in the photo. :)

  11. I found the fence! ;)
    And those horses look a little like me...hovering around the shade on a hot day!

  12. That is *some* fancy barn. I say kick the horses (and all that other stuff) out and let *me* move in!

  13. I like the fence, which seems to be a series of gates, cobbled together.

  14. So hobby farm means not for real, right? That first barn is a sort of show stopper --not your usual red barn kind of edifice.

  15. Fun photos today! My husband has always wanted one of those windmills! He wanted a dinner bell too and I bought him one of those. A young man visitor saw it the other day and said, "I like your triangle!"

  16. Looks like a working farm for sure!

  17. That was fun. I enjoyed the Where's Waldo photo and loved the barns and the fences.

  18. Great post, barns and fences. I enjoyed play Where's Waldo.

  19. Just love this Judy!! And feel right at home with these photos. ;)
    Love the "find the..." game. Will have to show my daughter later so she can play!

    Blessings on your day. xo

  20. Well I did find everything but Waldo and yes it makes sense he was having coffee:) Nice fences and horses. Hug B

  21. Cute post, Judy! I found everything (maybe)! Is the barn scraper just the handle beside the bottom barn? Sorry, I'm a city gal! Lovely horses and beautiful scenery. ♥

  22. Love those pretty old buildings.


  23. What beautiful shots of fences you share with the vintage barns. The horses are so smart to gather in the shade. I guess they have horse sense. What fun to look for the things in the pic.
    Have a great weekend. cm

  24. It was fun to read the post, then go back again and look for the items in your list. Great looking fences. I love the barn in the last shot.

  25. A very fun commentary and lovely photos, as always. The scenery is a far cry from what I have been looking at this week!! :)

  26. Judy, I really like your barn pictures. The horses are so pretty together in the shade. I love seeing them . Horses do not seem to get a dirty as pigs and cows. LOL> Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  27. Hi Judy,
    Wonderful photos, I love all of them.
    Happy Thursday :-)

  28. "Hobby Farm"--I assume this means not a making my living farming, but only a hobby? GREAT pics---as always!

  29. Well loved and cared for horses!!
    Neat barn area!!

  30. Judy, this is such a charming old barn, and those horses! The brown and white one is a beauty. I really love horses, and often see this white horse while driving the country road by my house. Wisconsin barns are wonderful.

    Have a good rest of the week, and thank you for the birthday wishes for Nel.
    She's 34 today, I can't believe it!


  31. So pretty! I love Midwestern country scenes like this.

  32. Like the horse power in the first barn... that's my 'iron steed'

  33. It's been so hot and humid where I am all the farm (and not farm!) animals are trying to lay low or stay inside.

  34. Lovely scenes,greeting from Mons in Belgium

  35. I love your pictures of barns. I take them from time to time too when out traveling the back roads.

  36. Nice barns- even the old ones have such charm.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  37. As one whose car is now parked half in and half out of the garage, I hear ya. And my daughter had better not start giving me a hard time about it. You have an eye and a love for the farms of your corner.

  38. Hi Judy, I really enjoyed looking at these barns, horses and fences! So pretty there! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend.
    Julie xo

  39. Love the barn photos! Beautiful horses too. Have a wonderful weekend!


  40. Fun post. Glad you got to see the real horsepower! I can't blame Waldo. ;)


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