Friday, October 16, 2015

Rescued From Certain Death

We're expecting a hard freeze tonight, and I just realized that I'd been walking around the house with my jacket on. Time to turn up the heat, I guess.  While I was making my weekly chicken stirfry for dinner last night, Mr. C. went outdoors to rescue the dahlias. Bless his heart. They make a nice splash of color in big vases on the kitchen table.

Altogether, there are about 5 big dahlias and a few zinneas.

I toss a few cashews on top at serving time,
and it would look a little more interesting 
if it already had its generous sprinkle of cayenne.
My favorite dinner.
Jazzie, enjoying the cold air and the view from the deck

 ...with the skinny little elm

While I was out and about yesterday, I took a few photos of the fall colors in the neighborhood.

 A drive-by

It won't last long; the leaves are dropping fast.

Alfalfa, cut and drying
This is fourth crop, I believe.

 One of my favorite photos from October,
five years ago.
The train at Harper's Ferry, WV

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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This post is linked to

Saturday's Critters and Mosaic Monday and 

Good Fences 



  1. Fall in your neck of the woods is gorgeous, Judy! Your dahlias look so pretty and how nice Mr. C picked them for you. I love making chicken stir fry myself--yours looks yummy. Have a great weekend. ♥

  2. Oh how I just love looking at your photos - just love it.

  3. I love this post and your fall!!! It is still in the 90's here in Texas and it does NOT seem like fall here! Which is why I why I absolutely LOVE following you and your lovely blog!!! YOU have the fall I dream of!

  4. Beautiful Dahlias . . . happy you were able to save their life!
    Beautiful fall colors . . .
    amazing how fast the color arrived and then zap,
    the cold, the leaves are falling fast and furious here too.
    We are driving north tomorrow to catch as much color as we can.
    Our weather reports are telling us that this
    weekend is the peak and the leaves will fall fast.
    We heard reports from friends today that it was
    snowing in the Michigan UP. No snow for us yet,
    but the freezing temperatures have arrived.
    Your Stir Fry looks wonderful . . .
    Recipe . . . maybe I missed that in your post . . .
    Enjoy those "indoor Dahlias!

  5. Beautiful colors! We brought a few deck plants in too, tonight, that weren't nipped by last nights frost. I'm not ready for it to be that cold yet...but I have to admit, I have socks on my feet in bed for the first time and it feels nice and cozy ,

  6. I'd love to get the Great Scot to Harper's Ferry, haven't been there myself in yonks. Your dahlias (and zinnias) are gorgeous, love the colours - we haven't gotten to quite that colourful a stage yet, but it's coming.

    When is dinner ready?

  7. Gorgeous flowers - great save!

    Stir fry - yummy!!

    Colors are amazing! Beautiful capture of them my Dear. Love the train too. ;)

    Have a great weekend Judy. Xoxo

  8. Have stood on that very bridge many's the time. It IS a magical place, Harper's Ferry. And so is Point of Rocks, MD on the other side. And so is your beautiful fall colour. (Added the U just for thee.)
    xo, m & jb

  9. What a beautiful post. Loved all the gorgeous autumn poetry in your photos and text.
    You live in a wonderful spot of heaven on earth!

    So glad your dahlias were rescued from the frost -- such brilliant colours.

    Wishing you a beautiful day...

  10. The dahlias are gorgeous! Beautiful photos. Happy weekend to you. xoxo Su

  11. Yes, they are much too beautiful to let the frost carry them off. We are expecting our first frost tonight, I believe. I have a few flowers blooming, but the only ones I care much about now are the mums. Lovely color in your world. My very favorite photo is of the fence and trees or maybe the country road. Have a blessed weekend, Judy.

  12. Hello Judy, your dahlias are gorgeous. And I love the gorgeous Autumn colors. Your dinner looks delicious. And Jazzie is adorable, the cool weather does feel nice.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  13. Hi Judy
    Your photos are beautiful. How is jazzy doing?

  14. Those Dahlias are gorgeous and I'm glad for you the Mr. Cranberry collected them before the frost. I enjoyed your fall colours around your area too. They are really beautiful. Enjoy the beauty this weekend while it lasts. Blessings!

  15. Beautiful photos, friend. We are expecting a hard freeze as well, here in western NY--it is only 29*-32* now. Have a beautiful day, and I love the one of Jazzie...Big smiles. Blessings

  16. Oh Jazzie looks quite happy and content. We sure got hit with the frost last night, down to 31 or maybe a bit lower. I put what I could inside my small greenhouse which will make things last a bit longer, before winter takes over for good. We're going to have a beautiful next couple of days though. Even 70 by Monday!

  17. Autumn is really beautiful there. The weather has finally cooled down here so I am hoping that the trees will start to actually change. I love that train photo. xo Laura

  18. Still no hard frost here, which is practically unheard of for the valley. It's been a gorgeous a almost perfect Fall. I've been wearing a sweater and slippers in the house, but refuse to turn on the heat until it's colder.

  19. your post today screams Autumn Colors and they are all beautiful. i would love to have even just one of those Dalhia in my house and they match my colors. the train photos is awesome.

  20. sorry Jazzie, for no saying how sweet and beautiful you are looking over your domain

  21. Beautiful dahlias. Glad they got rescued. I must go out and rescue a few of my flowers as well as we are to get a hard freeze tonight. Thank you for sharing your fall colors. In a couple of days we will look like that too . Was that train "the eagle"? If so, I have been on it. Nice ride. Have a nice weekend.

  22. What a hero your hubby is and beautiful dahlias ~ Also lovely photography ~ Stay warm ~

    Happy Weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  23. Those dahlias are gorgeous - well worth rescuing. The autumn leaves are dropping rapidly here, too, so we must enjoy those colours while we can. The train picture is great!

  24. Your stir-fry looks delicious! The photos you shared are wonderful. Such beauty! Thank you!

  25. the stir fry looks yummy. this post is filled with beauty

  26. Love your pictures Judy. So sweet of your husband to bring in a nice bouquet for you both to enjoy, along with your delicious looking dinner. I love the firey sumac trees along roadsides. We have them here. I always loved seeing them when I took my daughters to Brown County State Park in the fall. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  27. So that's what fall is supposed to look like!

  28. Those dalias are beautiful. My Rags enjoys laying out on the deck now that cool air has come. Enjoyed your wonderful photos.

  29. So beautiful, Judy! It was so nice of your husband to remember the Dahlias - they are so pretty. I really enjoyed all the pretty views. I can practically taste the stir-fry - yum! x Karen

  30. So glad you saved those dahlias for the house, the colour they bring is so satisfying. Your autumnal colours are spectacular. I can't wait to get out and take plenty of shots of the colours on this side of the pond. Take care xx

  31. The dahlias are so beautiful, and it was so sweet of your Hubby to bring them in!!! The chicken stir-fry looks so delicious and very healthy! Your photos are so beautiful and I love the pop of fall color in them! I would love to sit net to Jazzie and enjoy the view too! Have a wonderful day!!!

  32. Your dahlia's are so pretty. Glad they got rescued. Enjoyed seeing all the lovely color and scenes from your camera and world. That stir fry looks delicious!

  33. It has started raining leaves here and today hubby will begin the raking so I can fill my compost bins. The chicken stir fry looks delicious, something I like to prepare using up the veggies in the crisper and a few cashews on top would be a nice addition.

  34. I love this post, Judy!! It satisfies my autumn-loving heart! So much autumn splendor in these photos!

    How nice of your hubby to gather those flowers before frost took them. I am sure that you're enjoying them inside of your cozy house. (Even here in the Mid Atlantic, we have had frost the past couple of nights. I think that autumn is really here now.)

  35. Oh my goodness, I love the rural and country setting where you live. I'm visiting from Mosaic Monday.

  36. Awesome post. - Your Dahlia's were gorgeous. - We haven't had a frost here yet so the flowers are still doing okay.

    Wow your fall colors are just stunning!

    Also I want some of your Chicken Stir-Fry, it looked yummy.

  37. Beautiful Fall color! LOVE the sumac! Jazzie looks sweet sitting there enjoying the crisp day. Glad you were able to rescue the beautiful dahlias!

  38. I am absolutely convinced that you live in one of the prettiest areas of our county! We're getting some fall weather, finally, but no hard freezes. Not that I want it to be THAT cold. LOL

  39. What a nice rescue bouquet your husband picked for you. I thought of you often as we traveled in your neighboring state (well, across the big lake), and saw such pretty farms. I'm sitting around here tonight layered up and still shivering and wondering why we so stubbornly try to hold off on turning on the heat til the end of October. We may not make it this year. Have a good week!

  40. You have a gorgeous fall. I especially like the combine doing its work. Seems that everyone will had a hard freeze this week. Our garden faded away because of the heat and the irrigation system has been turned off for the winter, so the garden it on its own now. Gorgeous photos.

  41. Your dahlias are gorgeous! I'll head out to rescue the dahlias before it freezes here but it looks like they might finish blooming before that happens.


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