Friday, January 8, 2016

London Eye, Anglophile Friday

We were walking along what I think is called St. George's Road, aka the A 302 in London, on our way to the Imperial War Museum, when we happened upon this lovely, warm invitation to the neighborhood. And of course, I got such a kick out of it that I had to take a picture.

'It ain't much, but it's home.'

The pipe, where the Eye lives, 
is in that big tree that grew around it.
Can you see the two white dots? Those are the hands.
Yes, the Imperial War Museum is in the background,
but that's another story.

The other Eye.



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*Do you think that Julian Fellowes can give
poor Anna Bates a scene in which she's not
driven to tears??  Poor girl needs some happiness!

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Have a great weekend, everyone!


P.S. Happy Birthday, General Longstreet.


  1. Great pics and stories, Judy. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Rumor has it that Bates and Anna will be happy, smiles. I am so delighted with the Mrs. Hughes storyline, lol. Sadden to know this will be the last season...anyways--enjoyed your photos. Have a lovely Friday and p.s. I just opened up the Lady Mary soap--divine, my friend, divine.

  3. I think that is funny too...I like weird stuff too. YES Downton is back...I loved what Carson said about Mrs. Hughes!!! I am a fan of Edith...I hope she finds her "place." I hope we see Tom and Sybie again!

  4. Goodness, I never noticed that. I will check to see if it is still there next time I am in the neighbourhood!

  5. Yikes, that weird for sure:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Happy New Year. What fun to walk upon this interesting setting. Love DA too and sorry to see it end after this season. Have a great weekend. hugs

  7. Judy what a creepy thing to run across on a lovely walk! Fun.

  8. Love it, Judy!! Did you go on the London Eye--the wheel? I so enjoy your Anglophile Fridays! I couldn't agree more that poor Anna needs a scene without tears! Hopefully there will be a happy ending! ♥

  9. weird, but unusual and i like unusual...unexpected, seeing sights that were not expected!!! i have never watched Downton, maybe this season as i know it is a big hit and the last season, i think!!!!

  10. Downton has ended here, so I won't spoil it for you be relating any of the story! We do miss it.

  11. The Brits have a great sense of humor.

  12. i like both eyes and would be happy to visit them. kind of looks like the Grinches hands but not green.. very creative of the artist.

  13. Fun post. Love the artwork you spotted on walk. I had somewhat a similar experience on a walk in a forest in British Columbia.


    PS - I'm finding it really easy to follow you via, although I still follow you via a variety of tools.

  14. Interesting...but weird. No offense! lol

    The other eye is rather cool and I'd enjoy hearing about the building behind the eye.

    Have a great weekend.

  15. Isn't it amazing how you can sometimes see some strange and weird sites sometimes ... fun too!

    I bet the view from the London Eye was breathtaking ... well I hope it was!

    ALl the best Jan

  16. Love that shot from the Eye! Looks like you had a wonderful start to the new year with family too! We have had a few snow touched days that have made our usual dull winters brighter. Time for the long slog now I think. So nice that you came by to cheer my day too!

  17. I love those eyes! I will have to look out for this when I am next down. Ah, Downton Abbey, I've seen series 6 and the fabulous Christmas special and will give nothing away apart from you will absolutely love it! My family are so glad it's over so that I don't keep saying "I've walked down those stairs", "I've stood in that room" etc etc. It drove them mad apparently. Have a wonderful weekend xx

  18. What a very strange sight to happen upon! Glad you got those photos!! Yes! Downton is back and we loved the first episode. I sure hate to see it end this time. We may have to find it on Netflix or Acorn and start all over again. Wishing you and yours a great weekend!

  19. Judy, I bet this is the most unusual picture of the day. So funny. What a hardy old tree, amazing. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, xoxo,Susie

  20. What a surprise to see those eyes staring at you.

    BTW have you come upon this Blog:
    The writer is quite the historian. You may enjoy it.

  21. I bet you took a double take when you came upon that little spooky surprise. That is a hoot. The Imperial War Museum is one of my favorite shots in London...have been there many times. I only went up in the eye ONE time. That was enough for me. I like my feet on terra firma thank you very much ;-)

  22. I'm not a Downton Abbey fan, so I can't comment on that; but I will say the photos of the eyeball and hands is interesting....
    Have a good weekend!

  23. 1. I can see Mr. C doing something like this. ;-)
    2. I think Sam and Atticus would love it!

  24. Oh, that is too funny! And strange! I can't imagine coming across this on a dark night :) I love the sense of humor here! Happy weekend! x Karen

  25. Hi Judy - thanks for coming by my blog - what an amazing site to see ... I'm delighted you took a photo of "that eye" ... wonderful ... I haven't watched Downton - but it's been a real hit. cheers Hilary

  26. That eye and hands cracked me up!

  27. That is pretty creepy. Someone, ahem, has a twisted mind. I would decorate with an owl if I wished to be creepy or with a cute little robin's nest with three blue eggs. I know. Totally predictable and pedestrian. Wait. I think I have it...this is not meant to frighten, it is meant to amuse. Takes me time to catch up.

    Joanne Froggatt is such a good actress that tears are no problem for her. She is so good that we hate to see her cry. Now there's an irony. I have good hopes for Anna.

    Sunday evenings are so pleasant now that Downton Abbey has returned to us. I read that a fun difference between British and American viewers is that American viewers cross the street to tell DA actors how much they love the show while British viewers cross the street to tell them that they have never watched.

  28. Judy, I can see why you wanted to take a picture of this, it's unusual, isn't it? But it gets your attention, that's for sure hahaha. Can you believe I've never seen Downton Abbey before? Now, I must watch an episode. The dress styles, the elegance, and the era is everything I like.

    Have a relaxing weekend, Judy.


  29. Fun photo! Glad you showed the second picture of its location as it's much smaller than I thought. Happy 2016! Stay warm, too; we hear it's very cold in the upper Midwest.

  30. What a great photo- Looked like a HUGE eye in that first photo and was kinda creepy. lol Hope you are having a great weekend! xo Diana

  31. fun ( and strange! :) photo!

    I don't have cable TV anymore but have my Downton DVD ordered from Amazon to ship towards the end of the month.

    SO SAD that this is the last in the series!!!


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