Monday, January 11, 2016

Round Barn Farm B&B, Red Wing, MN

Round Barn Farm B&B
Red Wing, MN

The above collage is of a beautiful B&B barn near Red Wing, MN. I thought the sign, 'Dead End,' might be a little scary if you were trying to find your B&B after midnight on a stormy summer night when even the windshield wipers set on high couldn't keep up with the downpour. You know the kind of rain I mean - an Alfred Hitchcock rain. There's something about the sign and the railroad tracks...It would be a great setting for a thriller, don't you think?  But that barn was so attractive, I'd probably rather stay in the barn than in the brick house, anyway.

 Red Barn at the intersection of
M and W, nr. Colfax, WI

Along the beautiful Red Cedar River
There's another fence in the very first photo,
but you might have missed it!


"Mom, what does 'olden days' mean?"
"Well, people sometimes say that when they're referring to things that happened a long, long time ago..."
Grandson, excitedly, "in a galaxy far, far away?!"


And since we spent the weekend in western Minnesota with another set of grandkids, I have lots of photos for Cranberry Morning, but I need to go through them first. Anyway, we had a great weekend, and one of the grandsons returned with us. He'll be enjoying our sub-zero weather, time with Grandpa, and homeschooling - and I hope having a good time here this week. As I'm writing this Sunday night, it's already minus 14 degrees Farenheit at the cranberry bush outside the office. (That would be -25.5 C. Brrrrr.)

Linked to Judith's MOSAIC MONDAY
and Theresa's GOOD FENCES 


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  1. I cracked up at the galaxy question! :)

    What a beautiful barn, and grandson!

  2. Good morning, it is nice thinking about the olden days. Your grandson is cute! I love that round barn, it is gorgeous. Great collection of photos! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  3. I can't even imagine what minus 25 would feel like! But the barn looks a delightful place to stay. Have a great week. I am joining you over at Mosaic Monday.

  4. Great Photo. You've reminded me of a round barn in our area I need to shoot.
    The galaxy quote is a keeper!

  5. That looks like a lovely place though I'd opt for a spring or summer or fall weekend. We had a stay at a BnB in PA after Christmas. Something about just getting away from home even for one night is relaxing. You look around and realize you don't need to worry about cleaning up or repairing. You can just enjoy each others company, talk or read or sleep. It was fun. I'll post about the place sometime soon. Right now must get my pantry put back together.

  6. I would love to stay at the B/B, it looks very intriguing. I wonder if this is where you stayed?

  7. A round barn? I wonder if it might have been a dairy barn? Very interesting. I have to laugh, the wisdom of children because sometimes we do feel like we came from a galaxy far, far away, doesn't it? Cute little boy.

  8. Love the round barn, there are so few of them around!

  9. Very beautiful and interesting photos!
    We have about the same temperatures here and practically no snow - people are worried about their garden plants.
    Have a lovely and warmer week!

  10. Judy, felt so sorry for the Vikings and opposing team yesterday playing in sub zero weather. I can't even imagine. It's been a long time since I was in such cold weather. Stay warm, my friend.

  11. The kids know better!!!! So much fun!

    A very interesting and beautuful B&B.

  12. Well Judy I hate to say it is cold here when it is a balmy 20 degrees this am. I am going to the mall to walk today!! Love all the pretty photos. Have fun with that precious boy!!

  13. That round barn B&B looks amazing. I love your spooky description of the road into it. I also enjoyed your grandsons response to your answer to his question. Another generation of Star Wars fans has arrived. Our 2 older grandsons are big fans too. We had heavy rain and mild temps last night but it's turning very cold very fast today. Enjoy your grandson's visit and have a wonderful week. Pam

  14. the New word for Olden. love it. that is a beautiful barn and i am with you. love to stay in it. but i looked at their web site and the rooms are beautiful.. i wanted to see inside the barn but did not find that.

  15. Brrrr is right. and I thought 17F was a little chilly. I hate it when it gets single digits above. My nose freezes. LOL
    Nice images. I have always wanted to find a round barn. there used to be one out this way but was torn down after it got too dangerous to leave standing. was a beauty too. But I have only seen the pics.
    Handsome grand child there.

  16. What an interesting place! I don't think I could sleep in the confines of that place but it's intriguing. I'd like to see the interior- perhaps if I google it I'll find it. We have a local round red barn that is pretty cool but it's not open to the public. You are a lot colder than us- it's 14 degrees here but not minus 14!

  17. I really enjoy seeing all the photos in Minnesota. We use to hit the north shore every year but haven't for years. Red Wing makes me thing of the pottery factory that must still be there. I am familiar with the Grand Rapids area and all the roads that get us there from Iowa.

  18. Hi Judy! Love the pretty barns. The tracks and the dead end are a bit creepy, lol. Enjoy your grandson time. Keep warm! We are in the deep freeze in southeast Wisconsin as well. Jane

  19. It looks so pretty there, but definitely too cold for me. Stay warm and enjoy your time with your grandson.

  20. I love the round barn photo, Judy! I've seen round barns in Vermont and I find them so interesting. Have fun with the grandson this week. Stay warm and cozy in the frozen tundra! ♥

  21. I have never seen a barn, or even a building quite like that before. It is wonderful! I would not be able to stop myself from visiting and trying some of that bread too!

  22. It's Star Wars all over again, isn't it! Very cute! Judy, you know I always love your photos and especially of the barns. I love the round barn. The dead end sign and tracks does paint a rather formidable picture!! I would love to see the inside of the round barn. Wow.

  23. Love that round barn!

    and LivingFromHappiness

  24. what a beautiful farm/b&b! laughed at your alfred hitchcock rain commentary - and, of course, your grandson. :)

  25. Lovely visit. History and beauty and a sweet grandson.

  26. Love your pictures!! The round barn is awesome!!!!!

  27. Hmmm, I rather like the idea that I could be from a galaxy far
    There used to be a round house we would pass years ago and I would have loved to see the interior. We had a crazy day of rain yesterday that turned into a nasty snowstorm by night but we still haven't reached temperatures in the minus-yet.
    Enjoy the time with your grandson, sounds like you could be in for more zingers.

  28. That boy knows his history! :-) And what a sweet little face to have at your house this week. I loved seeing the round barn. Do you know why? Not part silo? It's a beautiful photo and I like your imagination about the rainy night …. a grandma with an imagination like that should provide lots of fun for grandson's visit.

  29. Judy, I laughed out loud at what your grandson cute. I always love seeing your barn photos. You are so good at finding pretty farms. Blessings, stay warm. xoxo,Susie

  30. Once again, you have blessed us with stunning photos :) I really like the round barn and the berries in the snow are ever so enchanting :)

    Wishing you a lovely week, dear Judy. Hugs!

  31. Oh My!!!!! and I've been griping today about how cold it is here today.....45 degrees! But wait..I'm in the deep south. We don't know how to deal with cold weather......14 below????? Oh MY!!

  32. Oh, that might be one B&B I would want to stay is a beauty.

    And to think I have been complaining cause it is in the teens...I guess I will think again before I complain.

  33. What a delightful setting for a B&B! I would certainly stay there if I were in the area! Charming!

    Sub-zero temps? Not so charming.

    Sweet grandson visiting? Very charming! Have lots of fun!

  34. Your part of the country has the most beautiful forests and barns!

  35. The round barn is a thing of real beauty..would love to look inside. Wouldn't it make a lovely church or community meeting place?
    Enjoy the time with your grandson, and wrap up well! Brrr.

  36. O gosh, I love what kids say!! They always bring a smile. Cute little guy. I don't think I ever saw a cranberry bush but I want to get one in the spring to add to our pond area. I love round barns. We have one or two around our area, but not stone ones. Love it.
    xx, Carol

  37. I have been there! I did not stay, however. We visited Redwing back in 2008 or 2009, after a Mayo Rochester visit. I have been a Mayo Patient since 2007. They replaced both of my hips. They will RE-replace both of my knees (which were replaced here). Mayo Phoenix did a revision of an unsuccessful ankle fusion (done here in 2011) in 2012. Just got home from a week at Mayo Rochester...looong week. I am trying to catch up. Hug.

  38. I love that round barn....beautiful photos, Judy. Have a lovely day, friend.

  39. In a galaxay far, far away hahahahahahahaha... That's hilarious. Proof positive that the human mind is always searching for connections, often with very amusing conclusions. I hope that his mother let him down gently.

    That B&B is very reminiscent of a home in my corner. The train tracks, etc. I don't think it is a brick home. I understand that brick homes can be very chilly places; otherwise, I really like the look. The barn is way cool.

  40. What a beautiful post . I am a new follower and look forward to coming back to visit often . Wishing you a wonderful day ~Blessings Angela

  41. Oh the Round Barn B&B looks like it would be so charming, just loved it the moment I saw your post open. Then add in that it is in MT, that makes it even better. Thank you for your dear comment on my blog. Have a wonderful week. Mary

  42. I love that round barn. How cool is that!!

    Hope you have a great time with the grandson this week!

  43. "Mom, what does 'olden days' mean?"
    "Well, people sometimes say that when they're referring to things that happened a long, long time ago..."
    Grandson, excitedly, "in a galaxy far, far away?!"

    Now the above is just so lovely and funny and just great, and the photo just adorable.

    The B&B looks a great and interesting place.

    All the best Jan

  44. Oh Judith, now that is C_C_C_C_COLD. The grandson is a handsome boy! Just a doll. Love that round B&B, too. Thanks so much for your visits and comments on my blog. It's always a pleasure to see you've stopped by. Susan

  45. Wow...that is about the coolest barn I have ever seen! Wonderful, wonderful images of the lovely snow and beautiful barns...they just go so well together. Your little grand boy sure is a cutie! I hope you enjoy the rest of your week :)

  46. What an intriguing B&B. I would love to stay there. You are definitely have a nippy weather. xo Laura

  47. Love the round barn and the red barn..Great shots and color...Grandson is a cutie!!

  48. I love the round barn in Red Wing! I live in Wabasha...have you heard of it? Anyway I go pass it several times a week traveling to the Twin Cities and even did before it was a B&B.
    Thanks for sharing!

  49. I think the barn is fantastic. You find the most interesting places. Always a treat to visit.

  50. Hi Judy,
    Are you staying cozy?
    We are trying. :-)

    I love the round barn. I am going to look up about the B&B, it is so unique.


  51. I always love your photos! I forget how truly beautiful all the areas around us are in our northwoods and farm areas. So pretty...ok and maybe that sign and tracks are a little creepy. ;)

    Your grandson's comment was priceless! Lol Hope he's having a fun visit.

    It has gotten so cold, hasn't it? Stay warm and cozy and snuggle up in a good blankie and sip some tea.

    Blessings on the rest of your week Hon! xoxo

  52. So gorgeous! and im laughing so hard at the olden days comment lol!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  53. Oh my! -25.5°C is a tad chilly! I love the way young people think so thanks for telling us about the "galaxy far,far away" comment.

  54. what a beautiful place, love that round barn...ha, your grandson is cute!

  55. I like the reference to a "Galaxy far far away"

  56. Grandson is so handsome! ~ Love the round barn and lovely shots!

    Wishing you a joyful weekend ~ ^_^

  57. Kids say the funniest things! Its great that you can go spend time with them and along the way see lovely barns and scenic countryside!
    Have a great weekend!

  58. That is a super cool barn. - I did laugh at the "Galaxy Far, Far Away" comment. Have a great time with the grandkids.

  59. I read the grandson quote about olden days to hubby! We got a big laugh. How cute is that! And the barns and roads look so pretty with the snow! Stay warm! Hugs, Diane

  60. you built the scene for that horror movie so well....I am just glad it is day time while reading your post..LOL! and Brrrrr....that is cold! Have a great weekend!

  61. How cool is that round barn? Thanks for sharing this gem with The Barn Collective this week. What more is there in your neck of the woods?

  62. A round barn...very cool!

  63. Judy...I can see from that picture why you are staying in the house. It looks so cold. I have never seen a round barn. It is so interesting built out of the stone. I am sure it makes for a beautiful B and B. I need to research round barns.

  64. Kids say some of the funniest things, don't they?


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