Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Last Hodgepodge of March

Farm Fuel Tank
Sand Creek, WI

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in.

1. What are two or three expectations you have of yourself?

1. Walking better by fall. 2. Being a nicer person (or maybe I should just stick to one thing at a time.)

2. In what way does your outdoor space need sprucing up this spring?

I think this photo of our garden pond was taken in 2010. Our yard needs sprucing up in just about every way possible, including getting another dog. In fact, getting another dog would be a good start.

3. According to this site (Roadtrippers), six of North America's most wondrous waterfalls are-Webster's Falls in Ontario, Upper Whitewater Falls in North Carolina,Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon, Multnomah Falls in Oregon, The Lower Yellowstone Falls, and Niagara. Have you seen any on the list? Which one on the list would you most like to visit? Prettiest waterfall not on the list that you've seen in person?

Hardraw Force
North Yorkshire

I've been to Niagara Falls, but not the others listed. I like Hardraw Force better because it's surrounded by Yorkshire: hills, valleys, sheep, stonewalls, etc. and no weird tourism places.  Also, there are some pretty falls in northern Wisconsin, including Gooseberry Falls.

4. Looking back, what's something you wish you'd done as a teenager?

I wish I'd tried harder to understand my teachers, and...

I wish I'd returned my library books.

5. Ham...yes please or no thank you? If you said yes please which of the following do you like best-baked ham with all the trimmings, a ham and cheese sandwich, prosciutto with melon, a ham biscuit, a bowl of split pea and ham soup, or a slice of pizza topped with ham and pineapple?

I don't like ham in any form. It gives me a fierce headache. I'd rather have a chicken stirfry any day.

6. Are you typical of your generation? How so?

I think it's typical of my generation that we're sick to death of the circus that is the 2016 Presidential campaign and want to discuss the issues. And I wish there were real debates.

Campaign Buttons
in former Texas school book depository
Sixth Floor Museum, Dealey Plaza
Dallas, TX

7. April rolls in at the end of the week, and in keeping with that theme...'act the fool', 'nobody's fool', 'a fool's errand', 'could have fooled me'...which foolish idiom most recently applies to you? Explain.

I guess it would be 'could have fooled me.' We were shocked to learn that Eric had not been feeling well for the past six months. He kept himself to himself. It's that stubborn, self-sufficient Norwegian blood. ;-) We will miss him.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

You never know when it's going to be your time.
Make a will.


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Instagram: @cranberrymorning

Have a wonderful Wednesday!



  1. "Cranberry's" questions and answers have me reflecting . . .
    Like the teenage question . . .
    Ham . . . not for me either . . .
    Waterfalls . . . I just mentioned this "how about" to mister IGH . . .
    My "do yard section clean up" in the past few weeks has paid off . . .
    First I did sticks and branches, wheelbarrows full of acorns,
    always leftover leaves, achy shoulders for the entire yard raked, (one section at a time),
    thatched, mowed, ready . . . yay!
    Still thinking about that teenage/teacher question . . .

  2. I have been thinking about having a will drawn up. I know I'm way past due. I have some things that need to be done before I get to that though and I just haven't taken the time. I have, however, taken the time to talk about it. Ha!

  3. Chris and I have a will, but it definitely needs some revision. I mentioned to him just the other day that we need to take care of that soon. Appreciate the reminder, Judy! Enjoyed your photos!

  4. Your answers and your photos are grand! Truly. I know firsthand how important a will is as we had none when my first husband passed away. DH and I do have a will, but I realize now we need to make a couple of changes to them.

  5. Hi Judy,
    Jeremy and I have a will. I think with kids it is important to have. My grandma did not have a will, she passed in 2014. You are right, MAKE A WILL. Death does things to family members and folks are not thinking straight. So make a will.

    Love the campaign button photo.

  6. Hello, Great answers. Getting a dog is top on my list. Now I just have to talk hubby into having another dog. Yard work always needs to be done here. Hubby and I do have wills! I have seen the Lower and Upper falls at Yellowstone, Multnomah in Oregon and Niagara. Have a happy day!

  7. Good morning, my friend! Wow, look at all of those glorious books! Are they really all from the library? :)

    I always enjoy your posts and once again I am leaving with a smile. Enjoy the day, Judy! Hugs to you!

  8. Great answers this morning, Judy. You really do need to return some books to the library.

  9. Your answers are spot on.

    I learned this morning a lifelong friend died. She told no one how she suffered the last six months. It makes me sad when people exclude their family and friends when they need them the most.

  10. Your outdoor water feature is so pretty! Have a great day!

  11. So sorry for the loss of your friend and cousin, Eric, and now a another. It is nice that your grandkids are moving back. I seem to be out and about a lot these days, and I have been enjoying your Instagram.

  12. Love your header photo! Chicken stir fry sounds good to me too! Use to like ham but not much anymore. Yes this campaign is a big fat mess! That is very sad about Eric. We have a living trust, they are important. My aunt and uncle had one and it made things so much easier. Enjoyed all of your photos.

  13. I'm always surprised at how many people my age and older don't have wills. Everyone with children should for certain have a will. We updated ours when we moved back from the UK ten years ago, but now that we're in another state and have added a son-in-law we should probably make some changes. Once we're in the new house I think. The address changes are streesing me out : )

  14. Judy we have also lost some friends and I know it will become more common as we get older but I do not like it one bit!! I have really been disappointed with my library books lately...all the new best sellers leave a lot to be desired. I guess I will have to re read some old favorites.

  15. Agree with you on Niagara Falls... just seems like a sad tourist trap. And you're right, a dog does make any yard much better :)


  16. Rescuing a new (to us) dog has been very uplifting to us. I wish you all the best in seeking a new furry friend. Thanks for sharing such a gorgeous waterfall. I am very tired of the ridiculous politics going on with all the important things that we should be discussing. Seeing your chicken stir fry makes me want to make that...I think I have everything I need!

    I hope you can walk better too. How do you feel that gas tank up in the air? How many library books do you have out girl? I am sick of politics too.
    Love, sandie

  18. Judy, I always enjoy your Hodge Podge answers. I bet you will be enjoying walking much better in the summer! Then you can return all of those library books! Lol Have a great afternoon, dear one. ♥

  19. What a very creative, cool post. You certainly gave me things to ponder!

  20. Spring is probably a good time to get a new dog!! Keep us posted!! I enjoyed your answers! I am also sick of politics and sick of what Obama has done to this country. Hoping you can walk better, too. I'm also looking forward to that myself....

  21. Loved all your answers. Surely these are not all library book? You are joking, i hope. I think that offic door must be Irish!!! Madee me laugh as did the llibrary!

  22. AMEN sista' on #6 and politics. I had a good chuckle over the books, thanks, needed that. Have a beautiful rest of the week, friend.

  23. Such beauty abounds and the one of your dog that has passed, such a beauty! I know that you live in Wisconsin, but in case you do not have a local Long Coat German Shepherd breeder in mind. I highly recommend Von Haus Dettmer out of Iowa. Theresa is a dear friend and you have to wait on litters as she tries to only breed two dogs once a year, but they are amazing dogs. You can find her on Facebook. Take care~

  24. Hi there Judy, love reading thru your hodgepodges:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  25. Even though we do not have much but a will be will proper! The thing that attracted me most is the garden pond. I like it very much and that is a beautiful dog!

  26. Judy, I always love these posts! Regarding #5: Have you tried UNcured ham? I don't eat any cured meats (for the same (and other) reason as you, but I don't have a problem with uncured, such as Niman Ranch.

  27. Lovely post and photos ~ Love the waterfall ~ ^_^

    Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^

  28. Hi Judy, this is a wonderful hodgepodge of photos and narrative. Enjoyed it immensely, thank you :)

  29. the chicken stir-firy looks amazing, really yummy!!!

    your books made me laugh out loud and realize i don't read enough.

    and my yard is in good shape but our pool is a disaster. brick pavers around it need replacing, it needs a new cover and a new liner. in other words, lots of $$$$$!!!

  30. oooooh and i forgot to say, i think you are nice!!!!

  31. Don't get me started on the 'circus' 2016....and the campaigning hasn't really begun yet. Oh my, oh my.

    As for the yard needing improving....yes!! I say a new puppy is priority!!

    Love the pond.


  32. " I think it's typical of my generation that we're sick to death of the circus that is the 2016 Presidential campaign and want to discuss the issues. And I wish there were real debates."

    AMEN / Is this election year typical of the result of the "Dumbing Down of America" ? that's been going on for awhile now? :) I particularly see it on Facebook..

  33. Out of all the waterfalls I've only been to Niagra. My geography is so bad I didn't even know I was near it until I saw a sign pointing hat way. It was in December an so cold for this old south Texas country girl.

  34. Am I the only one who loves the rusty fuel tank? I adore that rusty kind of stuff.

  35. I like getting to know you better too. Library books overdue? hahaha! And I love your new banner. How beautiful! Hugs, Diane

  36. this is a really great post...enjoyed it all...
    Michelle, I like that rusty fuel tank, too. :)

  37. Just have to agree with you about the outside...everything is a much stuff going on in the fall we did not do much. As for the politics, I cannot even bare the thoughts of the next few months.

  38. Really enjoyed your post - especially the pictures you used to go with it. Thanks for stopping by my A-Z post. April is going to be a hectic month keeping up with that and my regular posts such as the Hodgepodge.


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