Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wisconsin Barns and Good Fences

Barn SW of Chetek, WI
Springtime, 2016

It's beautiful countryside up here, folks, and you can't imagine how happy I am that the snow is gone. We drove out of snow that was in Westby and north to NO SNOW. I hear we're supposed to suffer a relapse on Thursday, but that should just be temporary. Spring is truly on its way to northwestern Wisconsin. The red wing blackbirds and robins have returned, and I'll be looking for springing beauties and May flowers in the woods when it gets a bit warmer. Daffodils, lily of the valley, and lilacs coming soon.

May flowers, April 2012
from my photo files

Happy Birthday sweet Lucy!! ♫

linked to Tom's Tuesday's Treasures
and Theresa's Good Fences

Instagram: @cranberrymorning

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  1. That Lucy is just precious Judy!! And I want a doll like hers! Homemade? I can see she has her grandpa just where she wants him!!:)

  2. Happy Birthday, Lucy! She is a cutie.

    Love that barn and the way the fence leads to it.

  3. I know exactly how happy you are to see the snow gone. We are close behind you. Even brown grass looks good. :) "Happy Birthday, to your sweet grand." Deb

  4. Happy days! those are beautiful little blossoms and of course your sweet granddaughter is precious! Looks like her doll might be from Ireland?
    Enjoy your week!

  5. Hello, Happy Birthday to your sweet Lucy! I love the barn and flowers, great photos. I am glad the snow and winter is over too. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  6. I made the doll and her hat and clothes for Lucy's auntie many years ago. I don't think there's a drop of Irish blood in our ancestry, but I loved the doll pattern.

  7. I made the doll and her hat and clothes for Lucy's auntie many years ago. I don't think there's a drop of Irish blood in our ancestry, but I loved the doll pattern.

  8. She really is adorable! Happy birthday to her. Love the pretty wildflower too! Hugs, Diane

  9. Judy, I am sending birthday wishes to Lucy. She so cute, squeeze her for me. :):) I always love your photos. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  10. Happy Birthday to Lucy!
    You found a beautiful barn and the little flowers show, that spring is approaching.

  11. Happy to hear that spring is in the Wisconsin air!

  12. Happy birthday to Lucy!! Love the spring flowers and your barns always take me back....

  13. Sweet photo of Grandpa and Lucy - happy birthday to her! I love your pretty barn photo and I'm thankful spring is coming to your area!

  14. Congratulations, you made it through another Wisconsin winter! You're probably used to it, but I'm sure I would wimp out about halfway through. I'm most definitely better suited to our warmer climate.

  15. Lots of treasures in your life Judy. I'm sure that Lucy is one of your prized treasures. Thanks for joining this week and please come back soon.

  16. I'm so glad your weather is turning toward Spring, Judy. How adorable is that photo of the birthday girl and her grandfather! Happy Birthday, Lucy! ♥

  17. Lovely barn and so happy to hear that your snow is gone! Also Happy Birthday to Lucy.

  18. Hi Judy!

    Such beautiful photos. Loved catching up on your Texas photos too. Sorry about your cousin. So sad - especially when so unexpected.

    Congrats on the news about your family moving back to WI though! It is wonderful to feel Spring starting to show real signs now. It won't be long. ;)

    And your grandkiddos are so adorable!! Sweet Oliver and Happy bday to Lucy!

    Blessings on your week ahead. xoxo

  19. remember those days of spring relief :) love the old barn and cool silo!

  20. Great old barn and silo. Sweet photo of you dear grand, too.!

  21. I know you must be so relieved that the snow is gone!

  22. Beautiful pictures...and Miss Lucy is adorable.

  23. Hi Judy... the Mr. and I just re-did our wills because they were 15 years old and done in another state. Our girls were very attentive to us when they heard we were re-doing them. hmmmm...Have a great week!

  24. Happy Birthday Lucy ...she is so lovely.

    I've just read your latest post too, hard to believe it's the last March Hodgepodge, where has this month gone?

    All the best Jan

  25. Happy Birthday Lucy..Love the barn photo..We may have flurries on Sat..It was in the 60's today but we have some freezing temps in our future, it seems...

  26. Happy birthday to Lucy! I love your barn photos. We are getting rain, here on the IL/WI border, extreme NE Illinois. It is actually a tiny bit humid!

  27. March is going out like a windy lion here but no snow--yay. Enjoyed your WI photos today.

  28. That barn could almost look like a church! It reminds me of the pitch of the roof on the garage my dad built and neighbors teased him there was a choir loft up there. He was just copying Wmsbg but most of the garages in that area had almost flat roofs.

  29. Very nice barn/fence scene. I'm happy you are seeing signs of spring there now. Lucy is super cute.

  30. happy birthday lucy! that is a sweet picture! love the barn and the flowers too!


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