Some Advent/Christmas resources for children
Mary's First Christmas
Song of the Stars (All Creation Has Been Waiting)
A Christmas Story
Good News of Great Joy
Papa Panov's Special Day (Tolstoy's 'Where Love Is, God Is')
Room for a Little One (especially for very little children)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (read it to middle schoolers)
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
Why celebrate Advent? Taking the time to sit down with the family and read the Scriptures in the weeks preceding Christmas keeps us focused on what exactly it is that we are celebrating. As Christians, we could complain that consumerism has hijacked Christmas and have nothing whatsoever to do with it, but why would we not want to contemplate the Creator and Savior of the world who loved us enough to become one of us, to save us? Why would we not want to be reminded, once again, of the message of the prophets and the fulfillment found in Jesus? He is our Light, our Hope, our only Savior.
My new favorite this year:
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift
A Book for Families by Ann Voskamp
The Jesse Tree, December 1 - 25 readings about the lineage of Jesus.
Not only a wonderful book for Advent, but beautiful artwork and printed on quality paper.
(If you're like me, you notice that kind of stuff.)
(If you're like me, you notice that kind of stuff.)
From the Preface:
'If we want our Christmas tree to really stand wondrous and full of meaning, the tree we really need to understand and be astonished by is the family tree of Jesus Christ. Because this is our story - your story.
God doesn't cut off all the big cheaters, bad liars, weaselly sneakers, battling brothers, fighting families, and brokenhearted from His family tree - He makes families just like these perfectly His! He adopts all the messy and broken and imperfect people into His tree and His story and His heart, and He gives us His family name. He gives us His absolutely perfectness and makes us alive and fully free.'
A few more resources for Advent
which I've used over the years
Come Thou, Long Expected Jesus by Nancy Guthrie and R. Kent Hughes
God Rest Ye Merry by Douglas Wilson
Family Celebrations for Christmas by Ann Hibbard
Christ in Christmas - A Family Advent Celebration by various authors
Along with those pictured above, I also have, on my Kindle, G.K. Chesterton's Advent and Christmas Wisdom and Dietrich Bonhoffer's God is in the Manger, Reflections on Advent and Christmas.
"There is a place in one of Martin Luther's Nativity sermons where he asks something like, 'Do you know what a stable smells like? Do you know what that family would have smelled like after the birth when they went out into the city? And if they were standing next to you, how would you have felt about them and regarded them?' He is saying, 'I want you to see Christ in the neighbor you tend to despise, in the political party you despise, in the race you despise, in the class of people you despise.
'Christmas is the end of thinking you are better than someone else because Christmas is telling you that you could never get to heaven on your own. God had to come to you..." - T. Keller, from Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Why did I post this a week early? Just as a reminder to gather your resources, and so that I could share some of my favorites, with which you may not be familiar. I encourage you to celebrate Advent. It will transform your Christmas season and perhaps even transform your life.
I am thankful for excellent Christian writers who help me better celebrate Advent.
I am thankful for excellent Christian writers who help me better celebrate Advent.
Have a blessed Lord's Day!
Thank you for posting this Judy. I'm going to be looking for Ann Voskamp's new book for sure and perhaps finding one for my grandsons that I can mail to them. They night have to play catch up but they are 4 and 2 so it won't matter. Have a blessed Sunday.
Thank you so much for these advent book lists. How insightful and thoughtful to think of the Christmas Tree as ones Family Tree. I love that! Many blessings to you and your family during this time of the year. I am enjoying your blog so much...even though I don't comment often...know I am reading and your words and pictures fill my heart.
Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
Judy I have gathered some of my favorites and placed them in a nice fabric box in our living room. I am also doing Advent with Father Robert Barron. Though I am not Catholic, I have enjoyed his previous advent reflections and I receive them every day in my email so I read them first thing in the morning. That Ann Voskamp book sounds great...will have to look for it.
Beautiful post! I love what Martin Luther's sermon says, makes you think about the people around you:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
thank you Judy, this book looks simply stunning~ I do want to teach my grandsons what Christmas really is about, and they are still just a little too young for anything except the simpler concepts...a book like this would be a great new tradition~
thanks for sharing some information I did not know. advent meant something a little different for me. books are great for kids, it looks like a really nice collection!!
great post. i like the candles in what i think is a cake pan. and i have often thought about that cave stable that He was born in. the smells and how it felt and even the fear they probably felt even knowing about the baby. and the fear of trying to raise him and keep him safe.. i never thought about Christmas in the neighobrs i don't like the politicians i don't like etc. i will have to try on that one.
love the advent wreath in the bundt cake pan! so creative!
i bet the fresh greens smell delicious! ( :
Morning, love the post once again. Always enjoy a good read. Blessings Francine.
A beautiful,thoughtful post. Thank YOU!
I have some of the same books -- they are so much fun to bring out this time of year.
I, too, was moved by the quote you share of Martin Luther's.
Wishing you a beautiful day....
I purchased Advent candles this summer because last year I could not find them in the stores when I needed them.
I love the angel food cake pan you used for your wreath - very clever!
YES, Judy--"Gather our resources"--for they are all gifts from Him. Some of your rec's I have, but others are new to me. Thank you for sharing--I look forward to exploring them.
How wonderful! And expectation of the Coming is such an important part of Christmas! I love that you have not only listed, but actually shown us these books. I know our Anne Marie will enjoy us reading one. I will be checking them out. I am also excited about looking at the Chesterton one...he has such brilliant quotes as well. Your decorations are unusual and lovely.
We used to have advent calendars as kids..I gave them to my grandchildren when they were little. Nice tradition..Enjoy your Sunday
We used to have advent calendars as kids..I gave them to my grandchildren when they were little. Nice tradition..Enjoy your Sunday
Thanks for the resources Judy--some are new to me. It's hard to believe the first Sunday of Advent is almost here. So much to ponder, wonder and rejoice about.
Thank you for listing these resources. I have got my three purple and one pink candle for a wreath, but will check out some of those resources you mentioned. Thanks for posting this early! It has snuck up on me!
Judy, thank you for these wonderful book suggestions. Hard to believe the time for Advent is upon us.
An excellent reminder of this wonderful, holy season.
I appreciated your "early post" and loved your Advent Wreath in the cake tin . . .
Thank you for posting Judy. It is such a special time. I have a new book I am going to read out loud to all of us this December. Can not wait.
xx oo
Wonderful post and great resources for Advent!
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift does sound wonderful (and pretty, I love beautifully illustrates books). It would be a great book to have. Thank you
Lovely post - I don't have grandchildren yet, but I will write down some of these titles for that magical time. Yes, we sometimes get caught up in the season for all the wrong reasons...a lovely reminder.
Oh, and I loooove the bundt pan with the candles and greenery! Have a blessed week. xo Karen
Great post, I love the wreath with the candles
Commercialism can spoil so much and it's easy for us to forget why we do some things in the first place. Your post says some wonderful things - and the photographs are great.
I really love that wreath!! Have a Happy Monday :)
Thank you! I love reading Christmas books. Have to get Ann Voskamp's new book. Thank you for keeping the "real" meaning of Christmas alive. We have an Old Fashioned Christmas program in a little country church. Dec 13 & 14 this year. There is a horse stable and hall across the road where we serve hot cider etc. It is a very informal program celebrating Jesus. I guess people feel that - they want us to continue every year. I use 'pieces' from the early 1900's. Blessing!
Martin Luther is right...
how would we have treated Jesus and His family.
Something to remember the next time I don't want to be around someone.
Your advent wreath is pretty Judy and I like the book recommendations.
I think a lot about how commercialized Christmas is and that there are many kids that have no idea of the true meaning of Christmas.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Moncay.
Thank you for the early post and the list of books.. Your wreath is beautiful..
We always did this as a child and raising mine...advent wreath on sundays and the calender :)
Lovely book choices
I will be going to The book store today and picking up a book for my grands and myself based on your recommendations. This is a lovely, inspirational and comforting post. My husband and I have 8 children between the two of us and harmony is challenging- I am always on the look out for uplifting ways to enhance this. Your advent centerpiece and wreath are gloriously natural and beautiful.
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