Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Heart-melting Hodgepodge

Waiting for Daddy
photo sent to us by our daughter

A heart-melting moment
for this grandma


Join Joyce and the Gang
for Wednesday Hodgepodge.
She writes the questions, we write the answers.
Copy the questions into your own blog post
and link up at
From This Side of the Pond
(click on button below)

1. When did someone last suggest you 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell someone (or want to tell someone) to 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell yourself to 'chill out'?

See Number 3. 

2. What most recently caused your heart to melt?

The photo above, 'Waiting for Daddy', sent to us by our daughter.

 January in Wisconsin

3.  "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton  

Your thoughts? When did you last experience either an adventure or an inconvenience? How did you see it at first, as an adventure or an inconvenience?  Does it feel the same in hindsight?

My thoughts are that I wish G.K. Chesterton had been my next-door neighbor. I love his attitude, I love to read him because he had such a contagious joy in Christ. It overflows into everything.

The most recent inconvenience was when I was walking my blind, deaf dog up and down the cold, snowy driveway, waiting for her to do her business, although, unbeknownst to me,  Mr. C. had already taken her out and she had done 'the full meal deal,' as he so crudely puts it.  Me: 'If I had known that, I wouldn't have spent time wandering 40 years in the wilderness,' I snapped, being annoyed at walking pointlessly in the cold for what seemed like ages. 'Why didn't you tell me??'  Him:  'You didn't ask.'  

Okay, fine. It's another example of the sinfulness of my human nature and why I need Jesus every day. Was it anything to be upset about? No, of course not. But I still would like Mr. Chesterton to explain to me how I could have thought of that as an adventure. I'd like to spend a whole day with that man, if he were not dead, listening to anything he had to say. The being dead part kinda puts a damper on that relationship. At least we have his books.

 Chesterton, in one of his less curmudgeonly poses
Believe me, I hunted!

4.  A Wendy's Frosty, root beer in a frosty mug, or a frosted chocolate cupcake...of these three, which one is your favorite 'frosty' treat?

All issues with sugar and dairy aside, I would say that I could eat a Wendy's Frosty every single  afternoon for the rest of my life. I love those things, enemy though they are.

5. Would you say your life so far this year has been more like a circus or a symphony? Explain why.

I'd say it probably only seems like a circus at times, but really, it is a symphony in the composition stage. Think Stravinsky, morphing into Bach.

6. Since it's a 'snow day' here, what's your favorite song containing the word 'white'?

'White is The Color of My True Love's Hair.'  (That's for Mr. C.) Other than that, maybe 'White Christmas.'

...and Baby Oliver

7. If you had to leave the city you currently live in, what would you find the hardest to leave behind?

I live in the country, and wouldn't find it hard to leave any city behind (well, maybe London). BUT, if I had to move away from the area I've lived in all my life, I would find the most difficult thing would be to leave the shared history and the invisible anchor of The Great Lakes.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Shared history: There are many people in my area that I don't know personally, but do know enough to say 'hello' when I meet them on the street, or even spend a few minutes in conversation with them. So it's not like we're best friends, but we have a shared history. If I moved to a new location, no one there would understand about Wisconsin's long and cold winters, about ice fishing (I don't even understand that, actually, but I do know about it), about the beautiful old court house 

 Polk County Courthouse
similar in style to the former Barron County Courthouse

that was torn down so that a very utilitarian and ugly Soviet looking courthouse could be built, about the old Farmer's Store (where Butterfinger candy bars were about a dime) that is now the Dollar Store, about the First Baptist Church that was torn down to build a Hardees turned Subway, about the little gas station on the corner where Mr. Ecker would give us kids caramels when we would run across the street to his station after VBS; about the Treat Shop, run by a little old man who I think had escaped Nazi Germany in the late 1930s and ran a treat shop for the Junior High kids to get their Mallo Cups during recess, etc. etc. etc.

Who in Texas or California or Florida or anywhere warm, would know that stuff? No one there has a shared history with Mr. C. and me. 

 Who else would know about the old Woodside School?
(where I broke my arm in second grade)


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties:  Amaze Me Monday and Inspiration Monday and Mosaic Monday and The Barn Collective and    Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Our World Tuesday and Tuesdays at our Home and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and Artsy Corner Thursday and  All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Simple Saturdays Blog Hop and Saturday's Critters


Joyce said...

I almost wrote something similar about Chesterton too. He is one of my absolute favorites, and I quote him often. Such wisdom, and a wonderful way of expressing it too. Sweet picture of the grands!!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Good Morning, Judy!
Shared history is right there at the center of family, too.I've lived in Maryland almost 18 years. I have come to love it and it does feel like home. However, New Jersey -especially central and southern NJ, well...I know them in a way I will never know MD.
We are considering moving back to be by the grandkids (three hours away is just too far and I don't travel well) and, strangely, I don't want to leave here. I think the Lord wants me to. So, HELP! Prayers, please?
Your photo of the schoolhouse is great. Schoolhouse is great. Hope it isn't torn down.
Your grand babies are precious. So precious.
xo, m & jb (who seems to be recovering from a cold, Praise God)

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Oh Judy, that first photo needs to be on the front of a Hallmark card. Beautiful!

Bethany Carson said...

The courthouse is absolutely beautiful! So sad to hear the one in your county was torn down. What were people thinking?!

There is something very special about having a shared history...and I would say there's something special about rural Iowans--I imagine that holds true for rural Wisconsinites as well.

Great quote from Chesterton! I am saving that in my quote collection. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Have a beautiful week!

Arlene G said...

Oh judy..your grands are just lovely!! I am so glad technology allows us to peek in on our grandchildren who are miles away! I have left my hometown but I understand your thoughts on remembering things that are "history". I really feel at home in Alabama now and have a history here after 25 years here in Decatur. I would find it hard to leave the South. I lived in Louisville Ky for several years and found it to be more miidwest than Southern but a nice city. I was glad to move back to the Deep South. And those husbands...what would we do without them as agrravating as they can

Bethany Carson said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention...I really like your photo of the old schoolhouse. It's awesome that it is still there. There still are a few we see here and there as we drive through the state, but many have been moved or taken down, and a few seem to have fallen down. All that's left of the school house my grandpa attended in the '30s is the front steps, but we were happy to find them still in place at the now vacant lot.

Theresa said...

LOVE that first picture of the two little ones waiting on their Daddy! It really made me smile:) So nice to read all of your thoughts! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Debbie said...

Oh that picture had my heart a puddle too...sooo cute! Honestly it would be nice to have such a connection and a history with where you live..loved your thoughts. Enjoy your day!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, great post this morning. I do share some of your history, living in Illinois all my life until moving to Texas 6 years ago. It's a whole new world to explore, so I love the adventure of being someplace new. And I don't miss the cold winters, for sure.

Chatty Crone said...

That photo makes my heart melt too! Love it. And I love Chesterton too - a very passionate man.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your first photo and baby Oliver are both heart melting and i don't even know them..
i would NOT have been chilling out if i walked the dog for no reason in the cold..
i must say no one has ever said chill out to me, but i have needed to chill out almost on a daily basis.
I LOVE THAT School House.. broken arm or not. i love buildings with history and character...
I am one who loves to move. i married and Anchor 30 years ago and i miss moving. i love moving to new houses and new places and would miss nothing here. I did miss KY when we left and i was 15 but have never missed a thing in Savannah when i left there 30 years ago

Cheryl said...

Have I already said that I always enjoy your hodgepodge posts? Oh yeah, I have.

That first photo is precious! That's enough to melt the coldest heart. I think that is one to frame!

I enjoyed your thoughts on shared history. And the quote on Christianity by Chesterton...

Pamela Gordon said...

These are really sweet photos of your grandchildren. Precious little ones. I enjoyed reading your answers this week. Living in the country and not far from the city is a big blessing to me. I'd miss both very much if we had to move away. Mostly I'd miss my friends but also the small town feel and old beauty of the city and, of course, our beautiful countryside out here. Great post Judy! Have a super day.

maddie/cadesmimi said...

That picture was absolutely heart-melting!
I've never heard of the song you mentioned, but white is the color of my love's hair, as well :)
I enjoyed reading all of your answers, today, as well as the history of your town!
Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)

Theresa said...

That picture sure is precious! I loved reading about the history of your town. So true how only our neighbors can relate to so many things about where we live.

Nancy said...

You are spot on with the "shared history" being a part of the sense of community. It's a concept that many people do not experience; thus, they do not understand the strong connection to an area.

TexWisGirl said...

love the white hair of your hubby. and love those sweet grands, too.

when i left wisconsin at age 20, i had no idea that i would be cutting ties with so much and so many.

Michelle said...

Oh, Judy, I just love reminiscing with you.
I don't know about those things, but it brings back childhood memories. Often times things I had forgotten about.

How said that they tore down a church to make room for a restaurant.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I find photos of grands like the one you've shared endearing.
After reading the sharp reply to your hubby I can identify with it. Every day I pray to be a more positive person and get away from the negativity I'm surrounded with but I must not be on the right track yet. I'm starting to think I'm turning into a cranky pants as our daughters say. :-(
You can't beat small town atmosphere except in our situation of living in a rural pocket village where the majority of people commute to work. We're called a bedroom community and it's hard to meet new friends here, let alone get to know your neighbours.

April said... need to frame that photo of your grandkids. Just too precious for words! Love the shot of the old schoolhouse, too!

Judy said...

Sweet grandbabies!
Isn't it a bummer when foods we like don't like us?

Decor To Adore said...

Oh the "Waiting for Daddy" picture is simply precious. I also adore the schoolhouse.

Have a beautiful day!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

I really liked your answer to the moving away question. I think I would miss the midwest attitude and life style. The Lakes are certainly an ever present factor that I would miss too. Visiting Texas and Florida is very nice, but I know I would definitely get bored with no seasons! Ohio would be tempting.... and I have never been East, which I think I would like.

podso said...

I wonder if Chesterton is the most quoted guy? He sure has many good ones. The phone pic is great, what a thoughtful daughter. Heart melting for sure.
I agree with you about the move. This is the longest I've lived anywhere and I do like having a history with people and places.

21 Wits said...

A heart warming post all the way around. Precious babes. That is an incredible school too!

Unknown said...

Good Morning Judy...I loved this post (and am trying to link up to my own Wednesday Hodge Podge). Wisconsin is a very special place and no one but those of us who live here would understand... If you get down here to Westby, look me up, I would love to have Coffee sometime! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sweet photo that your daughter sent.
I understand your frustration with the dog. My husband did something like that recently. I get so upset and I don't want to be this way. Like your song choice, that would work for me. I said White Christmas.

Ginny Hartzler said...

For me, when we move I am lost. Lost to the neighbors who are not really friends, but we know each other. Lost to the history of our place and the feeling of really being at home. YEAH, I finally get to see Chesterton! I love his brilliant quotes! I have been wanting to try a book with some of those good quotes, can you recommend any? Your grandchildren waiting for their dad is priceless, and beyond sweet! My True Love's Hair would be my favorite too. The kid size Frosty is under 200 calories, so it is O.K. to have one once in awhile. Except you may have issues that are too prohibitive. and now I wonder if there is really any dairy in them?

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow I haven't had a Wendy's frosty in FOREVER!!! And I remember the term "chill out" but I don't hear it used as much these days it seems.

Debby Ray said...

I do have to say that I thoroughly enjoy your hodge podge answers from week to week. The pictures of those sweet babies is just so precious! I would possibly think about turning that into a large watercolor print to hang up somewhere in your home :)

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

That is such a nice, warm and interesting post. OK - THAT photo - I disagree with one of your followers; it is too good for a Hallmark card. I like the sound of Mr C's humour. Alas, for my sins (and they are many) I have not read any GK Chesterton. I know I should. I would also say that London's great to visit; I like it much more now that I'm not working in it most days. Love your thoughts about shared history; you should put those into something more substantial - if you haven't already done so.

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Precious picture of your waiting grand babies!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Another special photograph for you to keep. I remember my 2 doing the exact same thing.I enjoyed reading all your thoughts.

Phoebes World said...

Oh my gosh...the photo of your grandbabies was so melted my heart too
Wonderful answers...wonderful pictures..Thank you for sharing
Phoebe x

Terri D said...

Loved your random, especially! I can only wonder about shared history. I lived in one town until I was 10, then another until I was 18, then three more places until I was 28, then three places until I was 33. Now I've been in Lakeland longer than anywhere else and can't imagine leaving here. I guess I have more shared history here than anywhere else. Interesting to think about! Great Hodgepodge, and I love a Frosty, too!!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Sweet photos of the grand kids. I also like the one of Joe. Such a happy Daddy! :-)
Have a great week,

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Judy, I so enjoyed reading your blog today. And those babies! That picture would melt any grandmother's heart for sure. I loved the common interest aspect of living in the same place for many years. Although I have moved a bit in my lifetime, I still treasure those memories of childhood and small village atmosphere of shared history and events and kin. In this time of constantly demanded change, it is good to have the grounding of the past. Thank you

Rachel said...

Love your pictures!! Those little ones are adorable! And now I want a Wendy's Frosty!! :)

Tanna said...

Judy, I so enjoyed reading this post. Your writing (and sense of humor) are wonderful. Your sweet grands melt my heart too... in a way that only another grandmother's heart can melt. ;) Having history with people... with places... it is a good thing. I love that old school... it needs someone to help it some though. I hope it doesn't go the way of that beautiful old court house. blessings ~ tanna

Gail Dixon said...

The photo of the children waiting for their dad is too precious.

Susan said...

Hello Judy....Enjoyed reading the answers to the questions.

Thanks so much for your visit today, too! Susan

Lovable Derek said...

♫ White is the colour of my true love's hair ♫
.... My wife sings that to me every day.

Your waiting-for-daddy photo is quite beautiful.

I emigrated, but not to Wisconsin nor from Yorkshire. Leaving my twelve year old dog behind was toughest. I can keep in touch with people, and places are only places - I didn't start to miss them until I'd been gone for about ten years, and then didn't miss 'em much.
My dog died two years after I left.

Thanks for this lovely and stimulating blog post.

Have a nice day.

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the photo of your grandkids waiting for their dad! So precious!

Alex said...

I enjoyed ALL of that post,
Those grands in the top pic ~ so sweet.
The little one always has to do what the bigger one is doing...adorable.


Rose said...

Oh, Judy...I loved your inserted random thought. I have lived in Indiana almost 40 years...I was raised in Tennessee and left there when I was 20...Tennessee is still home. I know of no one here that went to a 4 room school house...where there were 4 teachers for 8 childhood friends are still my best friends.

Anonymous said...

That first shot is just adorable!

Jean | said...

Judy, I like what you said about shared history. It's something I've always thought about in regard to marriages with huge age differences. Not that there's anything wrong with that, not that they can't be happy; but myself, I would miss that sense of shared history.

Jean | said...

Judy, I like what you said about shared history. It's something I've always thought about in regard to marriages with huge age differences. Not that there's anything wrong with that, not that they can't be happy; but myself, I would miss that sense of shared history.

Judy S. said...

Great photos, Judy. Reading your dog- walking story gave me the shivers! I know about those cold Wisconsin winters. When I lived in Denver, I missed the water as I grew up about a mile from Lake Michigan. Here in the PNW, we have water and mountains along with the rain, but at least you don't need to shovel rain.

NanaDiana said...

Judy, What wonderful thoughts and answers. I went to a school in PA that looked much like the one you attended.
Hope you are doing well...even if you do have to wait extra long for your sweet old dog to "deliver" a happy meal. lol xo Diana

GretchenJoanna said...

Two things here make me stop and ponder: the idea of Stravinsky morphing into Bach is a wonderful musical metaphor...and the fluid, ever-moving waters of the Great Lakes as an "anchor." Thank you for this poetry. :-)


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