Monday, October 10, 2011

Real Pumpkin Tea Lights

Pumpkin Tea Lights

I don't remember where I saw this idea, but I thought it was so clever. I found a bag of those little tiny  pumpkins (or are they gourds?) in the produce section of my local grocery store. I think it was $2.95 for five or six of them.

So, you just hollow out the tops, making a space wide enough to sink a tea light, then set them out and light them.

Pretty simple, and I think they make such a cute fall decoration! :-)

This post is linked to: Making the World Cuter Mondays and Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and Making Monday Marvelous and Made from Scratch Tuesday and  Anything Related Tuesday and Take a Look Tuesday and   Wandering Wednesday and  We Did it Wednesday and Thrilling Thursday and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Favorite Things Friday and I'm Lovin' it Friday and It's a Hodgepodge Friday 



  1. Very cute! This would be great center pieces for Thankgiving. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a great idea! They look so warm and "fallish". Our grocery store has the bags of the little pumpkins, too. I'll definately have them in my cart next time I'm at the store. Were they hard to carve out?

  3. Actually, Terri, they were very easy to carve. I just used a paring knife, and made sure to cut straight in, rather than at an angle.They're embarrassingly simple. lol

  4. I love these...I've seen this on Pinterest and am definitely going to try!

  5. This is so clever! I've done this with apples at Christmas, LOVE the idea of mini pumpkins!

  6. I love this idea!
    Atticus decided to grow jack-be-little pumpkins. He had two make it. They did not turn orange. More of a yellow. We will have to get some and do this fun craft, the boys will enjoy it. Thank You for sharing! :-)

  7. What a cute idea! I absolutely love this.

  8. What a fun idea! I think I need to try this!

  9. Now is that cute or what? Thanks for the sweet idea........I will use it!

    You take the best pic's Judy! Hugs to your day! me

  10. Love it! I think that I am going to have to go today to the store and take these out for the grandkids to do. I'm helping a daughter today, and this will give the kids a project. I'm also impressed that you take the time to link up to all those places. It takes me forever, and I've basically quit doing it!


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