In case anyone wants to know, my favorite little sheep is a cross between a Scottish Blackface and Yorkshire. We met these delightful creatures in the Yorkshire Dales a few years ago. I never tire of looking at the darling little face which, I'm sure you've noticed, carries a sweet smile.
I wonder if I'll clean off my desk before we leave for the weekend. It's always such a dilemma: clean off the desk and never find anything again OR don't clean the desk, know where everything is, and have the mess staring at me. Worst of all, when my desk is piled high with papers and books, I can't view my Tube Map of London which is under my glass desktop. How will I know if it's Bakerloo or Circle and District that runs from Picadilly to Elephant and Castle.
Speaking of order, having lost the rabbies vaccination certificate on Bridger, my big German Shepherd, I had to pay for a duplicate so we could get a dog license again. Why, oh why, my husband asked, is your file labeled 'Vet Bills' under the D tab? What a stupid question. It's under D for dogs, of course. Where else would you expect to find it?? I could have been more specific, I suppose, and put it under B for Bridger. Alas, I was probably in a hurry and filed the rabbies vaccination paper under something like Vaccination or Health or maybe even Miscellaneous. I don't know. It was definitely worth the $3 to get another certificate from the vet clinic and not have to spend the entire day looking for the thing. They FAXed one to me immediately. Isn't technology wonderful!
My Friend, I can see right now that I am going to love reading your blog. It will be like visitng you at your home every day, except you won't have to serve me any coffee or cookies. :)
I will be back to visit soon.
Thanks, Deb. It was definitely your nudge that got me writing. But don't think for a minute that this will substitute for real life coffee and cookies. ;-)
Judy, since you weren't back from your break yet, thought I'd go back to the very beginning and read your first post. Fun! I would've followed you from the beginning had I known! Hope you're enjoying your break!
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