Saturday, August 24, 2013

Where's Glinda?

 Waiting for Glinda

I watched 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' with the kids a few days ago, and the next day, when I saw the morning sun shining through this ball in the front yard, it reminded me of the scene where Glinda appears. Is it Glinda? Now that I'm writing this, something about that seems wrong. Anyway, I loved the glow of the leaves on the maple tree and also the way the sunlight made the ball look like it was glowing. I thought it was beautiful and magical (unlike Glinda, who is not beautiful, has an annoying voice, and could have spared Dorothy a lot of trouble by just zapping her back to Kansas in the first place.)

Maybe if we wait a little longer...

The grandpuppy
Still waiting...

Oh. And by the way, I thought The Wizard of Oz was a scary movie when I was a kid. Those monkeys! That wicked witch of the West! Very scary. I don't think my grandkids were scared. Did they take some of the scary bits out, or are kids just tougher these days??  or does it have to do with the fact that special effects are way more believable these days?

Were you scared?


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Have a great weekend, everyone!


This post may be linked to one or more of the following: Mop it Up Monday  and Get in My Tummy and  Cure for the Common Monday and  Clever Chicks Blog Hop and  Barn Charm and  The Marketplace  and  Mix it up Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and    Making the World Cuter Mondays and Make the Scene Monday and  Something I Whipped Up Monday and  Motivate Me Monday and  Making Monday Marvelous and Get Your Craft On and Efforts and Assets and   You're Gonna Love it Tuesday and Creative Showcase and Memories by the Mile and Crafty Texas Girls and  Tweak it Tuesday and  Coastal Charm Tuesday and  Take a Look Tuesday and  Tasty Tuesday  and Love Bakes Good Cakes and Mom on TimeOut  and Adorned from Above and Wildcrafting Wednesday and   Cast Party Wednesday and  We Did it Wednesday  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday  and The Girl Creative, Thursday and  Creative Things Thursday and Be Inspired and Time Travel Thursday and Thrifty Things Friday  and  Friday Fences and  Thursday's Inspiration and  The Self-sufficient Home Acre and  I'm Lovin' it Thursday and Creative Things Thursday and   Mandatory Mooch   and Foodie Friends Friday and Freedom Fridays and From the Farm and   Anything Blue Friday and Junkin' Joe and  Serenity Saturday and Get Schooled Saturday  and Inspiration Friday(ThursNite) and Vintage Inspiration Friday and Photo Friday and Share Your Creativity and   A Favorite Thing Saturday and Sunny Simple Sunday and Sunlit Sunday and  Market Yourself Monday and  Saturday Nite Special


Diane said...

As a kid, I thought the monkeys were kinda scary, but that didn't stop me from watching it!

Muffy's Marks said...

The ball photos are fantastic. Love the way the fall-ish sun has such a warm glow. Have a fun weekend, take a break from sorting stuff!!!

Ruth Kelly said...

I never saw the Wizard of Oz until I was older and babysitting for someone else so it didn't scare me. I think it depends on the child's age really and their tender heart.

RURAL said...

Never did like monkeys after first seeing that movie...

Know I know why.

Lovely light in your shots.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the put waiting patiently and that first shot of the ball is beautiful.

Suzan said...

The only part that made me afraid were the flying monkeys!! I thought the bad witch was actually funny! I'd crack up over her voice.

TexWisGirl said...

love your observation - and your beautiful grand pup! but laughed at your small opinion piece on what a b*tch glinda was... :)

Donna said...

I have to admit that those crazed monkeys were unnerving. They creeped me out, but it was my oldest brother who screamed like a girl, LOL!

Deanna said...

I first saw it on T.V. when I was about 5. It scared me. I didn't see it again until we were homeschooling our kids and I had them watch it while listening to Dark Side of the Moon. Yes, we were "those" homeschoolers. ;)

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to see this film until I was a cynical teen watching it on TV. I thought Glinda was very funny, a real case of mutton dressed as lamb! My mum took my brother to see it in the cinema when he was quite young, and he had a screaming fit and had to be taken out!

Samantha said...

The wizard of Oz was so scary I can't even bring myself to think about watching it!!

Judy S. said...

Me thinks kids are tougher now! Our daughter used to even cry when Frosty melted! And I was afraid of the Queen in Snow White. Have you seen Wicked? I think it might be Galinda?

Chatty Crone said...

Well to be honest I don't remember being scared watching the Wizard of Oz. I always loved it and think there is a lot of psychology in it. And I liked the new take on the before Oz - Wicked.

Denise said...

Have always been, and still am afraid of the wicked witch.

Terri D said...

The Wizard of Oz was my favorite movie, and one of the most memorable. The first time I saw it in color was at a friend's house, when I was in 7th grade. They had just gotten a color TV and my friend invited me there to see the movie in color. I will never forget how beautiful it looked when Dorothy opened that door!

Yes, I hated the flying monkeys and the wicked witch! And I agree that Glinda could have shortened the movie considerably had she just zapped Dorothy home! :)

NanaDiana said...

Love that lit up ball! It does remind me of Glinda. I was scared, too, of the monkeys more than anything. I think kids see so much more today than we did that they are not as shocked by things- xo Diana

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I don't remember being scared by The Wizard of Oz as a child, but Snow White definitely left me sleepless for many nights. The Queen was too mean and too ugly!

Leslie Anne Tarabella said...

I didn't even see Wizard of Oz until I was 18 years old, and it scared the crud out of me even then!

What a pretty scene you have!

Carla from The River said...

Amazing photo!! You have to enter that in a photo contest. :-)

I liked the Wizard of Oz. I just had the boys watch it. Scarecrow is our family favorite. :-)

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Yep, the monkeys always scared us. The wicked witch not so much. I haven't seen it for years, but we would always fast forward through the flying monkey part.

Ann said...

Love your post! That glowing ball is wonderful. The Wizard of Oz was my favorite childhood movie (followed closely by Lady and The Tramp). I wasn't scared by the monkeys, but was totally fascinated by them.


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