Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gathering The Moments - September 2014

September was a trip to visit Eric and the Amish in the Westby, WI area.
Cows, pastures, barns, flowers, signs, handcrafted items, etc.
I've already shown many of the other photos of chickens, goats, and other things, but here's one of my favorites, for the second time:

 Sam's rooster, peeking out from the coop
Yep, Donna, I think he does look like Donald Trump.

 I love the lines in the silo and the barn

September also took us a couple hours east to visit family in Wisconsin, the making of Oliver's baby blankie, visits with the kids, dinner with Carla's wonderful family (visit her at The River Flowing blog and see her boys' colorful schoolroom/playroom, above).  And this week our gorgeous northwoods are alive with color!

Another sunrise shot, September 24, 2014




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Lots of Fall & Christmas Soaps!

Large 4.5-5.oz bars

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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties: Inspiration Monday and  Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday

Monday, September 29, 2014

Vintage Camera, Various and Sundry

I am sitting on the front porch as I write this, Saturday afternoon. The fall colors are just beautiful. From where I sit, I can see the woods to the east, southeast, and south, along with the golden soybean field. We have a pretty strong breeze right now, so the chimes are busy serenading the dog and me. Mr. Cranberry is at an auction, Jazzie and I are enjoying the gorgeous fall weather, with the exception of the occasional Asian beetle or whatever those ghastly little lady bugs are that swarm this time of year.

We had the outside of the house sprayed last week, so we no longer get armies of Asian beetles crawling across our ceilings or plotting congregating in the corners. They die before they ever get that far. And looking around me at the porch floor, I see that I have some serious sweeping to do this afternoon.

The day the guy came around to spray our house, I asked him how long after spraying before it would be safe for the dogs to go out. He said 'Half an hour.' Then I asked him how long before it would be safe for me to go out. He said, 'Twenty minutes, unless you plan on licking the walls.'  So, naturally, I waited an hour. Then I let Jazzie out. FIRST thing she did was lick the wall. No kidding. She walked out the door, turned, and licked the wall! I couldn't believe it. I made her go back indoors. What kind of a dog licks the wall??? Anyway, she's fine, and I gave her a dog cookie to get that taste out of her mouth.

 'Maples and Cattails'

Those chimes are medium-low tones, and with the great breeze and the sound of the occasional car driving past, I could easily take a nap out here, but winter will give me enough time for naps. I'd hate to waste the gorgeous fall weather for a nap.

'Out of Commission'

I hope you all had a nice weekend. You better get to Wisconsin fast if you want to see this area at the peak of color. Should be sometime this week.


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'Pumpkin Spice'
'Woodland Flowers'

Large, 4.5-5 oz. bars

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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties: Inspiration Monday and  Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and Vintage Bliss Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Vintage Inspiration Wednesday and Ivy and Elephants Wednesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sunrise, Sunrise

Sunrise September 24, 2014
From our Porch

Sunrise, September 24, 2014
From our Porch

On Wednesday morning I awakened to this gorgeous sunrise. In a few minutes it had turned from that deep orange to pinks and blues. It was breathtaking.

Whenever I see such amazing beauty, I am so grateful to God for giving us sight and perception. I know I've said that before, but each time it strikes me anew as to the generosity of our loving God.

 PSALM 95: 6-11

 Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! For he is our God,
and we are the people of his pasture,
and the sheep of his hand.
Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah,
as on the day at Massah in the wilderness,
when your fathers put me to the test
and put me to the proof, though they had seen my work.
For forty years I loathed that generation
and said, 'They are a people who go astray in their heart,
and they have not known my ways.'
Therefore I swore in my wrath,
'They shall not enter my rest.' 

 'For there is one God, and there is 
one mediator between God and men,
 the man Christ Jesus,
who gave Himself as a ransom for all...'

- I Timothy 2:5-6
My Bible study group is studying I Thessalonians. In a commentary on that book, one author wrote, 'Repentance is not a philosophy of life. Repentance involves an allegiance to Jesus as Lord and Christ. For the Thessalonian Christians, repentance meant a change of allegiance from Caesar to King Jesus. For new Christians, that initial moment might be very clear, but idolatry is deeper than simply going to a temple to worship a false god. Idolatry is anything we put in place of God...People make idols out of history and nature and economics and politics...It is simply not true that once you say a prayer or have a certain kind of experience you are in...These Thessalonians had to keep turning to Christ for the rest of their lives, and so do we. They had to be continually delivered by Jesus through repentance and faith...Our final salvation does not rest on how good we are or how much we have changed. It rests upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus provides forgiveness and righteousness, and Jesus is continually at work to deliver us from the wrath to come.' 
 - from I & Thessalonians - The Hope of Salvation, James H. Grant Jr., edited by R. Kent Hughes. You can find this book in hardcover or for your Kindle at Amazon.com

Have a blessed Lord's Day.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Good Fences and Churches

Fall is coming to Wausau!

 This contribution from our daughter!

The grands with their newest mode of transportation
I couldn't resist...

Ash, Spruce, and a bit of fence
Westby, WI

Moen Cemetery

A fence around the cemetery.

Coon Prairie Lutheran Church (and cemetery fence)
where some of Mr. Cranberry's relatives are buried

 Neighborhood sumac

Neighborhood horse and foal


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Frosted Apple Spice
Clover Blossom

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Falling into the Hodgepodge September 24

Deer in the front yard
Love that sweet little face!
Wondering why that creature on the window seat is barking at them


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1. It's fall. Y'all. My favorite season of the year! What's something you love to do this time of year that makes you feel it's officially fall? And unrelated to that, do you ever say-'y'all'?

I drive through the neighborhood, taking photos of some of the many beautiful woods. And yes, I say 'y'all' quite a bit. It seems like a very useful word. But I never say 'y'all's', as in  'The party's at y'all's house. Useful or not, I can't quite make it feel natural. :-)

2. When did you last have a falling out with someone? Has it been resolved?

I'm a resolver by nature, hate to have people mad at me, but would rather confront to resolve, than let things fester. So, these things don't happen too often. I think there are some people who refuse to have things resolved, and like to keep a little 'starter' for another conflict. Me? When that happens, I just dismiss it and move on. Who needs conflict.

Early-morning fog over the creek

3. A song you love with the word 'fall' in it's title?

'Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my Head.' Yeah, a really old song. And I could play it on the piano when I was a kid. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I walked over to the piano right now, my fingers would play it again. Amazing thing, that music/fingers memory!

 Shadows on a lawn chair

4. What's something you've recently let 'fall by the wayside?'

The garden. For this year. I've managed only to plant and harvest, but not anything in between.

 Vegetable scraps left from making soup
But I did put the celery leaves in it later

5. When did you last attend an event, read a book, watch a movie, try a new recipe, or visit a shop-town-tourist attraction that fell short of your expectations? In what way?

When we went to see The Hobbit in the theater (a long time ago), I wondered why on earth anyone would try to get there opening night. The only redeeming feature was Richard Armitage, whom I kept thinking of as Mr. Thornton. That helped. A lot.

  You have to read the book and see the movie.
It makes all the difference.

6. Describe a time you said or thought, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

All our grandsons. In many ways at many times. :-)

 Rock launcher

7. Was today better than yesterday? Why or why not?

Today was better than 6 months ago at my dental cleaning. Someone involved with the Inquisition had worked on my teeth at that time. I think she crawled back into the crypt, for a new girl was there this time and was much, much better and more gentle! I went home with all my teeth intact and didn't need a blood transfusion or anything.
Today was a bit better than yesterday, in that I got out there with my camera and got some first fall pics.

Sumac along the fence

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Is it just me, or are those people who wait WEEKS IN LINE to get an iPhone totally CRAZY?? I mean, are there going to be only a limited number made? Don't those people have jobs?? And it's the same thing when people camp out days at a time before a concert, or have to be part of a crowd that pushes into the theater at midnight on opening night. Whatever that gene is, I don't have it. I never even plan to go to a movie on opening night. I PLAN to go at least a week later, so that I can choose where I want to sit and not have all those other people using up the oxygen. And if the movie's gone from the theater then, I can always watch it later on DVD, in my home, which is more convenient and cheaper. We can buy a lot of Mike & Ike, make our own popcorn, etc. for what one ticket at the theater costs.

What's the longest you'll wait in line...for anything?


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Fig & Brown Sugar
Thyme & Lavender

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Monday, September 22, 2014

Westby, WI and Vicinity, Amish Farm, Google+

Can you guess what this structure is?

 I love all the color!

I bet whichever kid mows this yard 
would love to have this:

Waiting for Dinner

Dear Google+ friends,

I don't want this to be a Dear John letter, but I can't tell you how much time I spend trying to track you down to thank you for your comment and to visit your blog. Did you know that Google+ does not allow me to leave a comment on your Google+ page because I'm not a subscriber? PLEASE include a link to your actual blog address (e.g. www.cranberrymorning.blogspot.com) in your comment so that those of us non-Google+ bloggers can easily reach you.

Thank you SO much!!  :-)


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Mandarin Orange Spice
Midnight Jasmine

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekend in Photos


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Frost Apple Spice
Pumpkin Spice

...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at