Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Hodgepodge That Never ENDS

Birthday hayride, minus passengers
Guess who missed out on getting the photo...

Join Joyce and the Gang


She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog and join in!

1. It's hard to believe, but next week's Hodgepodge will find us in the month of September. What's one thing you want, need, or hope to do still before summer officially ends?

Visit Duluth. It's kinda like going to the ocean...for Wisconsinites.

2. When were you last at 'your wit's end'?

That would probably be when knitting that peach colored sweater, which I ripped out and started a couple times. Now it's been so long since I've worked on it that I'll probably have the same problem. I need to set a deadline for myself.

 Diaper Covers
The shadows in the photo reminded me of another photo
which I took in the spring of 2007
in the Yorkshire Dales

You're right - it's moles on a gate!

(Since so many were asking, I wrote an
explanation of the moles in a comment, below)

Wider shot of the same gate 


 Here's the shepherd who's lost his sheep
and doesn't know where to find them...
(photo by his mama)

...and whose birthday it was on Saturday:

 Party by Mama and Daddy
at Grandma and Grandpa's house

3. Describe a time you were figuratively thrown into 'the deep end'?

I think it was when reading through this week's Hodgepodge questions. No synapses firing.

  First year for this sweet dahlia

4. Does the end always, ever, or never justify the means? Explain.

In many cases, such as sending young people off to war, I'd say that the end rarely justifies the means, plus it usually brings a ton of long-term unintended consequences. Giving my dog a treat to teach her to be happy to come when called definitely justifies the means.

 Visitor to my algae-filled pond

5. What makes your hair stand on end?

Literally, humidity. Figuratively, the movie 'What Lies Beneath.' 

 Lots of green beans already canned
with many more blossoms portending a long canning season

6. I read an article on the website Eat This! Health, that listed 11 foods we can eat to help end bad moods. Basically it's a feed your brain so you're less anxious, grouchy and lethargic. The foods are-mussels, swiss chard, blue potatoes, grass fed beef, dark chocolate, greek yogurt, asparagus, honey, cherry tomatoes, eggs, and coconut. Which of those do you think would most help end your own bad mood? Which do you fear, if forced to eat, would put you into a bad mood?

Definitely not the first three. Beef, maybe, if it's dinner time. Dark chocolate, Greek yogurt (daily), asparagus, cherry tomatoes (daily), and coconut are among my favorites. But they don't act alone. One needs a good movie and dark chocolate or a good book and Greek yogurt for them to be really effective.

Anything, if forced to eat it, would put me into a bad mood. Especially mussels and eggs. Yuk!

 One thing I love about late August

7. What project around your home, office, or life in general feels like there is 'no end in sight'?

Cleaning the basement. And that's simply because there literally IS NO END IN SIGHT.

 Cute little place (and fence and ash tree)
across from the post office in Chetek 
which I visited yesterday to mail a birthday card.
(another August family birthday coming up!)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

It will be a while before I'm back posting regularly. With the quickly-ripening tomatoes in the garden and the number of them already waiting on the picnic table, I think that tomato canning is in my immediate future.

Also, fall is definitely in the air. When I came into the house yesterday morning after picking tomatoes, little grandson was wearing polar fleece and a hat because it was that cold in the house! But it just seems wrong to turn on the heat in August, and building a fire would quickly cook us out. It's supposed to be in the 80s by Saturday, so I think we're going to get a bit of summer back. I'm already missing it. I'm definitely not ready for Polar Fleece Season.


This post is also linked to


as you may have noticed,
there are a number of fences in the photos above.

And because there are a few critters in this post,
I'm also linking it to Eileen's



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Have a great Wednesday, everyone!



Joyce said...

Your little shepherd boy is a doll...happy birthday to him!

The Cranky said...

What an adorable little shepherd; I'd keep sheep just for him to herd!

Arlene G said...

That shepherd is adorable!! We are having cool mornings here but it is up in the 80s in the daytime. Perfect weather in my opinion. But it will be warm here on up into November and sometimes December! January and February are our coldest months!
Good to hear you have tomatoes to can Judy...the ones down here did not do too well this year. Lots of okra however!!

Elizabeth said...

Looks like a wonderful party! Yes that little sheperd is adorable! I am ready for fall, it has been so hot and humid this year in Florida! You live I a beautiful place!

Joanne Noragon said...

Happy birthday to Oliver--too sweet.
My canning days are over and I do not regret it. My daughter texted the other day, why was she dealing with eight quarts of tomatoes for her seven quart canner. She did four and four. When I see her, I'll check if her spaghetti pot plus cooling rack is deep enough. That was my old go to for that damned left over quart.

Barbara said...

Your photography is always good, but all your pictures in this post are especially pretty/fun/interesting. Your little shepherd is sure cute!

April said...

I always enjoy your photos, Judy! Happy Birthday to your grandson...looks like quite the celebration!

Carla from The River said...

Happy Birthday to cute little Oliver. :-)

Why do they hang the moles up on the fence?

I love the photo of the diaper covers out to dry.

Debby Ray said...

To answer your first hodgepodge question...What's one thing you want, need, or hope to do still before summer officially ends? answer would be to be able to enjoy our new front porch that is being built before the weather gets cold! At least our warmer seasons down here last a lot longer than many, so I am looking forward to this! Beautiful those sheep (not the moles so much Happy Wednesday, Judy :)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Looks like your grandson and mine share a birthday, Judy. The moles on the gate? I must find out what that means! City girl here without a clue. Loved the photo in the Yorkshire Dales though. Your garden is enormous---You must share all your canning photos after you've finished! I bet your pantry is going to be full. ♥

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Iloved reading all this post today, in fact I even had a few laughs. The shephard with the sheep was fantastic but I did wonder WHY the Moles you were hanging on the gate??

Deb said...

I've got to ask ..why are moles hanging on the fence? What a great photo of your grandson. I'd have that framed. :))

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hi Judy, Deb beat me to it. Why ARE moles hanging on the fence?
Your post today really sings Late Summer. How wonderful. My other friend, Judy
just got the most beautiful young goat namer Daisy. A Boer/Nubian cross. We thing she's pregnant.
As for a Never Ending task: we are repainting the entire inside of the house. But it's a lovely, warm Benjamin Moore color called moccasin. Oliver is a beaut.
:) m & jb

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I am so envious of your beautiful flower garden. I'm afraid the extensive heat down here in the deep south has scorched all of mine. Even the every other day sprinkler system has not been able to save them. I so enjoy seeing your pictures; they in themselves tend to lower the temperature. We are rejoicing over 64 degrees this morning because it will be back up into the high 90's later this week.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Basements do seem to be never ending! Our's needs to be cleaned too, on the fall list. But never a task anyone looks forward to!

Beautiful Dahlia! Our gladiolas are going crazy this year.

Did you see the Farmer's Almanac is predicting another frigid winter? I knew the spiders knew something!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love the diaper cover photo. The moles I could do without! Love the little shepherd. Looks like a fun party. Love the visitor in your pond. Love the photos, so pretty. Have a nice time canning.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, good luck with all your harvesting and preserving. That picture of the little guy with the stick is priceless.

Cranberry Morning said...

Evidently hanging moles on a fence stems from tradition (whoever heard of the English making a tradition??) ;-). of doing so by the person hired to catch them. It was proof of their work, in order to get paid according to the number killed, and also prevented the catcher from taking the dead moles to another farm and getting paid twice or more for the same mole.

tlcukjourney said...

You take the very best photos... seriously.
I have just started crocheting more detailed things, so I know about taking things apart and then redoing them again, a peach sweater sounds lovely.
I look at your fields in your pictures and there is just a part of me that honestly pines for where you live, or somewhere up North ... or England... somewhere green. The heat and drought of Texas can be so stressful to the eyes, just yesterday I was telling my mom that everything is brown or yellow... because of the sun burning it up, and I so muchly so miss the lush of green that we only get for a very short time in the Spring time... I love green grass, everything about it... even the smell of it being cut.
Ahh I do love your pictures.
Much love to you,
Tammy x

Terri D said...

The moles hanging on the fence are just a little macabre for me, but.....

Oliver is so cute and that birthday spread of delicious goodies looks wonderful! This was yet another very fun Hodgepodge!

Pamela Gordon said...

I'm definitely not ready for polar fleece season!! Oliver is SO cute!! His party looks wonderful and I like the colours. Have fun with your tomatoes and beans and whatever else you'll be canning. Our garden is pffft. I pulled the remaining beets the deer didn't eat and the beans and peas they ate off of. We'll get some carrots and onions and that's it! BOO!! Take care. Hugs. Pam

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Such fun Judy! Yay for wanting to visit my backyard and come to Duluth (aka the oceean!) Lov e that. ;)

I love seeing your photos from England and I love the diaper shot reminding you of the moles. That made me laugh! Interesting to read the explanation too.

Looks like it was a beautiful spread for the party! That shepherd sure is a Cutie! xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE THE SHEPHERD who has no sheep and i really love the sheep and the rock fence. i have been at my wits end with windows 10 on my laptop and have threatened to bash with hammer or drop in the pool.... i don't eat mussels, swiss chard, blue potatoes, grass fed beef, dark chocolate and rarely eat greek yogurt or asparagus but do eat the last 3, eggs only once a month if that. honey, cherry tomatoes, eggs, and coconut

Sandi said...

Poor moles...! Of course, my husband wouldn't say that. They dig up our yard. But...still...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's a busy time of year for you! Take care of yourself and have a good week! Sweet hugs, Diane

Denise said...

really nice hodgepodge.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, What a great post. I loved all the images. The sheep are cool and the cute froggie. But, best of all is your cute lil shepherd. He is adorable! WOW, so who got paid for catching the moles? You? Enjoy your evening and the rest of the week!

TexWisGirl said...

the mole thing is rather weird. but i've seen ranchers do that with coyotes and catfish here, too. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Oliver is a doll - happy birthday to him. What were the moles hanging on a fence??? I agree with you on the mussels. And happy canning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21 Wits said...

Always a warm and happy visit to your blog, incredible pictures and fun stories, and even the new things I learn at times. I have heard that about the moles, and even stories of mice as well, strange but true so many swear! Enjoy your week.

podso said...

Love that shepherd boy! I always look forward to your hodgepodges. Beautiful beans and farmland. The hanging moles reminds me of the lizard bones our cat would leave at our door each morning when we lived in Africa--proof his his labors.

Carla from The River said...

Thank you for answering the mole question.
And I looked at the birthday buffet closer, I love that rubber duck in the blue jello. LOL :-))

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Happy Birthday to sweet little Oliver! Looked like a fun party! The moles on the gate is just too gruesome - ugh! Love your pretty gardens.

Cheryl said...

Oh dear. The moles on the gate. My cat has brought such "treasures" on occasion, but stringing them up along the gate seems...

(Okay. Moving on.)

Happy birthday to darling Oliver!! (Wow, a year passes quickly!) That was a pretty party table.

I'd like to share a little of our heat with you. And maybe a crab cake. And an egg custard snow cone. ;)

Rose said...

I am afraid I would be sick if I had to eat mussel! I really enjoy reading the hodge podge posts...I need to remember and join it sometime.

EG CameraGirl said...

The little shepherd is extremely cute! You express yourself so well that it's a joy to read your Hodgepodge answers.

Celestina Marie said...

Great hodgepodge post!! What wonderful photos and the little shepherd boy is too cute.
Happy Birthday to him! I'll try and send some of our heat your way. We are far from turning up the furnace!! A bit cooler would be welcomed here.
Have a happy day. cm

Salt Lick Shop said...

Love them all, especially the sheep behind the stone wall. The most interesting though, as you can see in comments already is the mole pic lol. That is the first time I ever heard of that too, along with a lot of the other commenters I see, lol. Very interesting.
I came over from Good Fences. :-)

Vee said...

And he's walking! Such a cute little shepard boy! So many are eager for autumn after a long hot summer. Like you, I am not ready to leave summer just showed up a few short weeks ago. Enjoy those wonderful tomatoes. We are just starting to have some good ones at the Farmer's Markets. Off to find out the story behind the unusual laundry.

Vee said...

Well now...that makes perfect sense!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Hi Judy!

Hey another good "mood building" food combo: potatoes, fresh ginger and onions together. My husband swears by this, as it is supposed to build up wutg amino acids the nerve endings.
One cannot even taste the ginger either - not like the ginger we taste in Asian cooking.

Your colorful garden is beautiful.

Jean | said...

Judy, what an adorable little shepherd! Good times!

Anita Johnson said...

I always enjoy these posts and had to look through the comments to find the mole explanation. I had come up with some crazy reasons, the real one makes sense!

Ida said...

Wow that was a fun and interesting post. - The Moles hanging on the fence was ewwww...good to read the explanation why. - I think I liked the diapers hanging out better. - Loved the shot of the sheep (if those moles weren't there it would have been even better) and the adorable little shepherd. Also enjoyed the pretty Dahlia, The frog visitor & the House with the nice fence and tree.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

What an amazing shepherd, I'm sure he will be successful someday!


Bruce Clark said...

Interesting fence photos with the different hanging items.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

OH the little shepherd..LOVE! :) So adorable ;0

Lowcarb team member said...

Judy - I always love reading your posts and seeing your photo's ... it's such fun.

Your little shepherd is adorable,
What a lovely birthday table.

All the best Jan

NCSue said...

Wonderful series of photos (although the one of the moles on the fence is somewhat disturbing....) Of course, moles are disturbing when they get to work in the ground!!! But I love the one of your adorable little shepherd!
I hope to see you at, and please join us each week for Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Hi Judy... as always, you never let me down when it comes to photos. Dark chocolate is one of the foods that enhances good moods. I'm in a good mood just thinking about that thought!! Love the mole pic. Good luck with the tomatoes!!

Debbie said...

ooooh i hope that adorable shepard found his sheep!!!! and boy can i relate to ripping out, on the cowl, more times than i will ever admit to!!!!

you share so much fun stuff....but not those moles, didn't like those moles!!!!

have a great weekend!!!!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love the little shepherd and the birthday table. Great series of photos. Your blog is always awesome!

Judy S. said...

I always love reading your blog, Judy, and catching up with your life. Great photos! have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad to see dark chocolate and coconut made that list. It made me happy already! I'm with you on mussels!

Paige McDaniel said...

I cannot get over how beautiful your home is -- the flowers are to die for! Thank you for sharing the beauty!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, just stopping back to say thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lots of fun stuff in this post! Thanks for the explanation on the moles ... I would also have wondered. Enjoy your early Autumn ... And tell your sweet grandson about Indian Summer! I bet he'll be able to take that fleece off again for a while!

Unknown said...

I love the cute little frog!

Unknown said...

This was such an interesting read! The moles hanging on the fence...eeewww. I enjoyed reading the explanation though, and it really makes sense. They are so destructive, that I know farmers would want proof that they were being caught!

Fun post!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers and shots.

Michelle said...

Hi, I love the pictures of the flowers and trees.
The animals were a bit over me :)
The moles? Just freak me
Imagine getting paid for them.
I wonder if our cat wants to get paid for all the chipmunks he brings to our door...LOL
Actually this is a great post, Judy. very informative. xoxo


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