Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hodgepodging Simon and Garfunkel

Autumn Silence
October 21, 2015

Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1. Are you comfortable with silence? If you're home alone, do you like silence or do you need regular background noise? Do you seek out times and places to be silent? What's your favorite place to find silence/be silent?

Oh yes, I like silence. I'm much more comfortable with silence than I am with constant noise. I like complete silence when I'm reading, studying, praying, and pondering. If doing thankless tasks like cleaning or washing dishes, I like to have music or talk radio in the background.

Actually, right now I have Nuria Rial singing Handel on Spotify. Beautiful!

Where I read and study
One of my two favorite quiet places
The other is the porch.

2. October 28th is National Chocolate Day. Can't let that go by without a mention now, can we? Will you celebrate? How? Let's say you can have one of the following right this very minute... a cup of hot chocolate, a strawberry dipped in chocolate, a bowl of plain chocolate ice cream, or a slice of chocolate pie...what's your pleasure?

If y'all don't mind, I'm going to pass on all things chocolate right now. I sort of overdid it with frozen yogurt  after watching the movie 'Bridge of Spies.' (Great movie, by the way) Nothing chocolate appeals to me right now. Normally, it would be Ritter Sport dark chocolate with hazelnut bar or Endangered Species Jaguar bar, but none of the above-mentioned are ever on my chocolate list. And I definitely don't want to ruin perfectly good dark chocolate or luscious ripe strawberries by combining the two.

 Mr. C's ancient jeans jacket

3. How do you feel about blue jeans? Favorite thing in the world to wear or nope, don't own a single pair? How often do you wear blue jeans in a typical week? Do you own a blue jean jacket?

Blue jeans are wearable comfort food. Blue jeans and T-shirt. How often? About seven days a week. Even if I wear something nicer to church, I almost always change into 'real clothes' when I get home.

 Near Sunset

4. Are you superstitious? If so, in what way?

I don't think so. I'm not bothered by black cats or walking under a ladder (depending upon whether someone is holding a gallon of paint above me, however), and don't carry a rabbit's foot. I could, because I found only a rabbit's foot and thigh out by the garden. Evidently, Jazzie had decided that she couldn't wait for a snack.

 Jazzie, when she's not tracking a bunny

5. If you had to come up with a costume using only things you have on hand right now, what could you come up with?

A gray-haired woman wearing blue jeans, t-shirt, polar fleece, and black Danskos. And that's about it.

6. What scares you a little? What do you do when you feel scared?

What scares me a little is hearing Mr. C., in the middle of the night, suddenly whispering urgently, 'I hear voices.' What I usually do when I feel scared is to smack Mr. C's arm and say, 'Stop it!' because it scares me to death when he does that, and I always accuse him of trying to scare me. Last night, however, he really did hear voices. There was a radio station playing on my phone, which was charging on the headboard. Strange!

The silent majority

7. Perhaps today will be the day I ______________________________.

Perhaps today will be the day I turn over a new leaf and actually get something accomplished.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

It's almost November. The drearies are about to set in.

Enjoy what's left of October, friends.

Barn and fence on 1 1/2 Ave.


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This post is linked to

Theresa's Good Fences 

and Eileen's Saturday's Critters


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great end of the season Fall pics. I think I would faint if the Mister told me that he heard voices in the night!! Have a wonderful week!

A Joyful Chaos said...

That's too funny how your husband likes saying he hears voices. That would scare me too!

I think you should teach me how to say no to chocolate. I can't quit comprehend that. :)

Bricks & Laurel said...

Agreeing with everyone else about your husband. Isn't it funny what people say when they're half asleep? I'm done with the chocolate too...hope I can keep it up through Halloween.

I love that you and Joyce were BOTH thinking S&G, what a coincidence!

Have a great week. :)

Barbara said...

You have a charming barn. I always enjoy your photography. And yes, blue jeans are my mainstay the majority of the time.

Your story about voices in the night was fun!

Blessings to you!

Changes in the wind said...

Love that porch and the views....

Tired Teacher said...

Many people can't stand silence, but I love it because that's when nature's rhythm can be heard. True silence can be found on a winter day after a snow storm when all sound is muffled.

Your "uniform" or costume is just like mine. I like casual attire and seldom "dress up."

Carla from The River said...

Mr. C :-)) Oh my!
I love your place of study, very cozy.
I also like your costume. LOL
Trick or Treat,

April said...

Judy...your fall photos take my breath away! Truly! I really love the one you took off the porch. WOW!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Real clothes! I laughed at that because I feel the same way. Thankfully I can wear a nice pair of jeans with a nice top to church ... but as soon as we get home, I change back to a Tshirt! ;-) Love your fall photos.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

The comment above is what I was going to say! Gorgeous photos! Love the ghost story! Enjoy what's left of October, Judy. I hope November will be good for you this year. ♥

Kathy said...

I loved all your shots of autumn and it was fun reading your answers to the hodgepodge questions.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

every single one of your photos today fit in the word "marvelous".. all of them, you are blessed to have these views from your home.
my costume is the same as yours, bob is deaf at night and i am the one who whispers i hear something and he can't hear me, which is what scares me.
i prefer quiet when reading but rarely have it. our house is small and the TV talks all day.. when i was younger i listened to music while doing house work, now it gets on my nerves and i like quiet... i think that is caused by the fact the house is never quiet.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

You live in such a beautiful area and love the cows the barn and the colorful trees.
Thanks for the lovely visit today to my blog.
Wishing you a wonderful day and Happy Halloween.
Julie xo

This N That said...

Beautiful fall pictures, Judy..

Billie Jo said...

Hello! So nice to meet you!
I so enjoyed visiting here with you...
And love your Blog Name. : )
I will be visiting often!
Have a cozy day...

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Love this Judy! These posts always kind of crack me up (love your humor), plus give me even more ideas about the lovely person you are Lady. I love all of the gorgeous photos too!

I'm not ready for the drearies either. Soaking up every last second of this month as I watch the last of the leave Fall. (sniff).

Sending you blessings and prayers for a lovely rest of October...and no more hearing of voices. Except maybe on Halloween as that's just fitting, isn't it? Lol


Gorgeous pictures. They made me smile. It is so rainy, gray, cold, and bleak here. The title of Joyce's Hodge Podge put Simon and Garfunkle's song in my head.

podso said...

I think this might be my favorite of yours so far. Though I had to look at it again as I didn't "see" anything about Simon and Garfunkle, but ah yes, the sounds of silence. Loved the cow picture. And glad you also liked the movie. And our phones do weird things, that's for sure.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

I like your answers to HPW!

I joined in the fun this time around, too.

Have a happy day!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That golden field is beautiful. xoxo Su

Sandi said...

Love, love, love the photo at the top! Well, all of them really!

Cute questionnaire!

1. Do you like silence? :) shhh...
2. Chocolate? Of course! But I have to avoid sugar, so only sometimes.
3. Jeans? Love them, but I am usually more comfy in cotton. Not sure why I have so many jeans,
4. Are you superstitious? Hm...I very much believe in the spiritual world around us, but superstitions are just things people made up to try to control the spiritual world.
5. A costume? I think I could be a Mom on laundry day. You wouldn't believe what I'm wearing. Bonus: problems with our water filter, so I can't even DO the laundry.

6. What scares me? Lack of clean laundry. I may have to wear a formal dress tomorrow or long johns.
7. Perhaps today will be the day I finally: meet space aliens!
8. Random thought... Be kind, it's easier.

Joanne Noragon said...

Beautiful photos, as always. I am hard pressed to wear other than blue jeans.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Pandora does that all the time to me...I will look all over the house for the noise and it will be my phone music that I forgot to turn off after my walk. Don't think I have ever heard it in the night though! Have a super Wednesday!

L. D. said...

Great things to read and your photos are so wonderful to see.

Terri D said...

The radio station playing would have made me jump right out of bed!! Oh my goodness!! I enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers! I could live in jeans and perhaps will once I retire. Yes.

Empty Nester said...

Gotta love a husband with humor. I would smack him too. LOL I'm hoping for some consistent cold weather in November. I'm still sweating. Our nice weather lasted about one week. Sigh. But I still don't want your cold extremes. You can keep those. :)

HWIT BLOGG said...

Some great pictures and I think I would love that soap :)
Best wishes for a lovely week, take care...

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

I could come up with the same costume. Beautiful/gorgeous pics especially the one with Jazzie on the porch-takes my breath away.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Oh to be surrounded by so much Fall beauty! We just don't get to enjoy the signs of Fall in the deep south as you all do further north. It sounds like your hubby is a trickster, but that sort of late night trick would warrant a slap on the arm in my bed too. Enjoyed visiting with you today.

Chatty Crone said...

Today is NATIONAL CHOCOLATE DAY? I am so excited. lol Have you ever gone to the Cheesecake Factory and order the Hot Fudge Sundae? Oh my gosh! (See what I got out of this post - lol)


Susie said...

Judy, I love the pictures !! Yes, I like when it's quiet...that's when I talk with God. I would eat chocolate everyday if I could get my hands on it. LOL I try not to keep it here.I wear jeans but not as tight as I used too. LOL Blessings, xoxo,Susie

The Cranky said...

All beautiful photos but the first one took my breath away; what a view!

Chocolate is usually 'meh' for me, although occasionally I'll have a bit of dark chocolate... I do make bruffins (brownie muffins) for the Great Scot pretty regularly; usually stuffed with things like dried cherries and almonds, or candied orange peel with pecans, even a mini Reese's cup baked inside.

Sensory overload is a real issue for me, even now when I'm doing so much better in most areas, and can quickly reduce me to a tremor-y, spasm-y wreck, so I don't often listen to music except when I'm searching for some to put on my blog.

Rose said...

It's kind of scary...I really don't know if we are that much alike, but I swear I could have written most of these myself. I wear jeans 7 days a week...close to 365 days a year. I can't live without the pockets. I am done missing having weather nice enough to read on my of my childhood favorite places to read was the barn!

I am not superstitious at all, and what scares most people would not scare me. But there are a few things that scare me that other people would not give a thought to.

Jill said...

Love the gorgeous pictures, especially the one from the porch. Just so peaceful. :-) Hope you have a lovely evening.


Denise said...

good hodgepodge.

genie said...

This is a wonderful hodgepodge series. Your fall landscape pictures are absolutely beautiful.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I very much enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers. Now you are telling me it a Chocolate day YESTERDAY!! How could I have missed it!!! well I did eat chocolate anyway but I might have gone out and bought a chocolate cake to celebrate. More waarnig next time PLEASE!

Jim said...

Great Autumn shots

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I enjoyed reading your answers, great post. The images are beautiful, I love the view of the cattle. I am very comfortable with silence and I could never give up chocolate. Maybe cut back some. I agree jeans and a t-shirt are my favorite clothing too. Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy I received the soaps and love them!! Thank you so much. Will mention them on the blog next week.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What gorgeous fall pictures and hearing voices, that is scary! :o)) I'm with you on chocolate, I can take it or leave it most of the time. Just not one of my downfalls but I have plenty of others. Happy rest of the week!

Jean | said...

Judy, I always love your answers! Have never understood the appeal of chocolate-dipped strawberries -- agree with you that one only ruins the other.

reclaimed wood dining table said...

I always enjoy your photography. Love that porch and the views.
Great things to read and your photos are so wonderful to see.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post!

Hootin Anni said...

You and me both...jeans and a t shirt. THE MOST COMFORTABLE clothes ever. And I like the fact you called them "real clothes".

I'll probably enjoy a Mounds Bar since it's Chocolate Day then. Didn't know that little tidbit. And we'll have much more than needed for handouts for Saturday, so one gone missing won't be noticed. lol

As for the phone and voices heard...eerie Halloween tale to be sure.

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the fall views and dose of holsteins today! laughed at the 'hearing voices' story. :)

Debbie said...

i like an even blend of noise and silence, not too much silence but when i am knitting, don't mess with my quiet.

i am not a huge chocolate fan as in candy chocolate, but i like chocolate ice cream or chocolate cake!!! my body has "developed" slightly away from the jean's shape. i like stretchy pants, that don't look like stretchy pants!!!!

lot's of fun stuff today, your autumn is beautiful!!!!!

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

oh the rabbit's foot part....not sure whether to laugh or cry / better laugh! :) You usually do have me laughing when I visit here :)

Hootin Anni said...

ps...Mounds is MY favorite too. Yummy. Come to my doorstep on Halloween, and you'll get your fill. :-) No tricks! Just treats.

Debby Ray said...

These are great questions and answers. Although I like my quiet very much, I'm not so sure about dead silence, especially at night when I am wanted to sleep. I run a fan in the bedroom 365 days a year... I love the soothing, contant noise. As far as blue jeans go, I LOVE demin but do not find blue jeans comfortable enough to wear as everyday, knock around the house in clothing. I usually dress mine up a bit...for comfort I wear athletic-type pants (elastic waist band, you know) and when I get home from workfor the evening, you may find me in a holy gown or! Just bein' honest here :) Beautiful fall fences and country shots! Happy Thursday, Judy!

Paula said...

Beautiful pictures!!

NanaDiana said...

I always love reading your answers, Judy. That is really funny about the radio "voices". MyHero is deaf in one ear and can't tell where any sound is really coming from...SOMETIMES it is amusing---often it is NOT amusing. xo Diana

DeniseinVA said...

What beautiful and peaceful rural scenery and a gorgeous sky. I love your other photos too. I am very comfortable with silence and love finding a quiet spot in the day. I have just finished a cup of hot chocolate, feeling a bit chilled to the bone. I always get the hot chocolate out on a day like this. I like wearing blue jeans and this time of year a comfy old sweater. I try not to give in to superstition but my mother was very superstitious and perhaps some of it rubbed off on me but try to ignore it most of the time. Love your answer about a costume. I can’t think of anything I’m afraid of right now, I’m sure there is something though. I have company coming this weekend so I got a lot of housework accomplished today.

Ida said...

Darn I missed National Chocolate day....oh wait we did have some Chocolate Caramel Apple Dip yesterday so that counts and it was yummy.

Wow you have some beautiful fall colors going on in these photos. They were just so pretty. Nice fence shots too for Good Fences.

Enjoyed reading your randoms.

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! I love your cozy, comfy quiet area!

genie said...

I LOVE silence. After 54 years of teaching school, there is nothing nicer than silence accompanied by one of the books I am reading. Loved reading your answers to the questions. They were great. You put a big smile on my face.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Me too, I always wear jeans. I need to turn over that new leaf too! Love the photos.

Lady Linda said...

So fun to read your answers. It's a great way to get to know you. You Mr C sounds a lot like my Mr C!
Happy Fall!

Anita Johnson said...

I've heard voices too and then I realize it's a podcast playing on my phone, oh the down size of technology. I'm in jeans almost 95% of the year. Nothing else fits and feels so good. And I am trying to stay positive about winter...I just wish it wasn't so long!!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm another one who wears blu jeans all the time. They truly are comfortable! And I cannot believe it's almost November! Here in Ontario it's the most overcast month of the year!!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Beautiful pictures as you shared more about yourself! We are now in the season of drearies here - that lovely November drippy gray weather... but we need rain so desperately I am going to work hard not to complain! Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. I hope you can find a ray of sunshine in your day today :)

eileeninmd said...

Good morning Judy, just stopping back to says thanks for linking up your cute cows and post to my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

Pamela Gordon said...

Great post, questions, answers and pictures! I am a jeans gal too - 7 days a week. I dress them up and down depending on where I'm going but at home, it's jeans, tee shirt and sweatshirt (if it's cold), but I do dress up for church. I'm not looking forward to November's dreariness but there is beauty to be found if one looks until the snow falls and covers the landscape for the next 5 that's dreary!! Have a great new week and month! Blessings. Pam

A Colorful World said...

Such wonderful photos! Great hodgepodge answers! How funny about your hubby "hearing voices" and it was your phone. He sounds like a teaser hubby, like mine is! :-)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your answers. I like Simon and Garfunkel's music, and the Sounds of Silence--both silence and the song.


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