Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Vintage Treasures and Wisconsin Barns

This Old House

Note: I just saw Debby's comment and thought I should add that this photo is exactly as it came off the camera. I did nothing to it except crop it and add the watermark. The same is true of the others.

(See Hodgepodge answers following the photos.)

Although weathered and abandoned today, this old house looks like it might have been quite a nice home in its day.

As I was going through my photo files and adding the following photos to this post, I first thought that I must have saved them in black and white, as I'd recently done with some other photos. But no. This is just how they came off the camera on that gray day. All of the photos were taken at the same farm southeast of Chetek, WI on a frosty January morning.

Look at those sharp, frosty fingers!

A shed on the same property

Somehow, I always see old buildings like this as vintage treasures. I like to imagine them in their younger years, but now they hold a certain charm that wouldn't have been possible then. Wouldn't it be nice to think that this applies to us as we age too. I'm not holding my breath.


And this barn just happens to be my favorite Wisconsin barn because it's the one across the road from our place.

I decided to make it black and white so that it looked a bit more like the others.


And now a bit of Hodgepodge.

Join Joyce and the Gang

1.  Speaking of skating...when did you last 'skate on thin ice', 'skate over the details', 'encounter a cheapskate', or just plain skate?

It's been a while since I've skated, and I tend not to skate over the details or skate on thin ice.

2. What would you say is the biggest problem of people your age?

Being considered irrelevant.

3. What's your favorite accessory? Is it something you wear every day, often, or only on special occasions?

My German Shepherd dog pin, which I recently lost when it fell off my coat. :-(

4. January 20th is National Cheese Lover's Day. Are you a lover of cheese? What's your favorite dish made with cheese? Last thing you ate that contained some kind of cheese?

I live in Wisconsin. That should be enough to answer the first question. My favorite dish made with cheese is my chicken penne pasta casserole with cheddar and mozzarella.

5. What's something guaranteed to make you roll your eyes?

Hearing the brash, irritating voice of the most recent endorsement of Donald Trump.

6. Your favorite book series?

Dorothy L. Sayers' Lord Peter mysteries. There are others, and more recently N.T. Wright's '...For Everyone' series, which I'm using in my daily Bible reading.

7. Why did you choose your profession?

Homeschooling my children, writing a phonics curriculum, writing a book for children on dog care and training, or starting a soapmaking business?

8. Insert your own random thought here.

A bright spot in our sunny but brutally cold January days, the Burpee seed catalog arrived and has such wonderful photos of all the perfect fruit and vegetables one could ever hope for.


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MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love them all and really love the first one with the faded reds.. so beautiful and would love to live across the street from that barn if you can promise no snow or ice LOL

Arlene G said...

My friend and I were just talking about how we feel that our sensibilities are being left behind with the rise of the millenials.:) And I guess that makes me officially old. I try to keep up as much as I can with technology etc but the change in our culture is alarming to me. For example, I was picking up the communion cups at church after communion on Sunday night. Well it looked more like a movie theater than a sanctuary. Coffee cups, water bottles etc just strown around for someone else to pick up. It really saddened me to see God's sanctuary treated so shabbily.

Elizabethd said...

Somehow we don't see too many barns of that sort in the UK. I think they are magical, with such links to time gone by.
I'm interested to read that you wrote a phonics curriculum. So did I, in my many years as a Teacher of children with Special Needs.

Denise said...

praying for your friend.

Cheryl said...

The house, the barns, the wintery scenes all hold such charm!! Winter is incredibly beautiful (although the bitter cold can temper the enjoyment of it).

Sorry you lost your pin. Any chance it will turn up somewhere?

Stay warm!!

TexWisGirl said...

love the hoarfrost and old buildings!!! WISCONSIN CHEDDAR OR COLBY PLEASE!! (cheese curds if i'm up there!)

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Gorgeous photos! Interesting careers. xoxo Su

Barbara said...

I'm kinda shivering from viewing your photos of snowy winter, but I love them. So beautiful, clean, and white!

Linda said...

{{{giggling over #5}}}---don't count me in on those millennials---giggling (reading Arlene's comment)---what is a millennial anyway? lol

Enjoyed your photos and your post...have a beautiful day regardless of the weather.

Gayle said...

Loved this post!
I caught a partial audio clip of what you might have been referring to in #5. My reaction to the clip---good grief---(based on the behavior, not politics)

Carla from The River said...

Hello Wisconsin Cheese Buddy,
Yes, Wisconsin cheese please. :-))

I am sorry about your pin. I hope it turns up. I am still looking for my letter opener. ;-)

Pamela Gordon said...

I love the old house, as sad as it is. And the barns are beautiful too.

Theresa said...

Writing a phonics curriculum? Wow! Your casserole sounds delicious.

Nancy said...

I love that old house in the first shot; I bet it was something in its day. I am like you in that I also image what life was life in old abandoned buildings. There's something in me that always wants to bring them back to a livable state. You have shared some gorgeous shots of the snow; just beautiful....

wildirishrose said...

That cheese dish sounds wonderful!

Debby Ray said...

Love, love, LOVE these photos, Judy! Whatever effect you used on that old house made it look like a painting. I love to think about the history and the families that lived in these great old houses. We are supposed to get some snow today and more over the weekend...yay! :)

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, oh I love the first picture, but the others are beautiful too.... Prayers for you dear friend,Hugs Francine.

A Joyful Chaos said...

I'd like to hear more about the phonics curriculum that you wrote.

Love all your winter pictures. So pretty!

Sylvia said...

I love seeing old houses and barns, and photo's of them when I can't see them in person. Loved all your photo's.

Joyce said...

Excellent answer to #2. So so true. We have had some cold weather but bright blue skies. Maybe some snow this afternoon which will be treacherous I'm sure since it's a rarity here. Enjoy your day! Stay warm!

Joanne Noragon said...

I visit Wisconsin, and eat anything my friend puts on the table. To quote her, there is nothing that isn't made better with cheese and butter. She's an Ohio native, but is approaching half her life in Wisconsin. She's become a real Wisconsinite.

This N That said...

Great photos as always..Brrr!

Terri D said...

I actually shivered looking at those photos! They are beautifully captured, however! I agree with your #2 - sad. I also agree with your #5. Lost a little respect for her with that one! Cheese is good anytime, with anything. I love cheese. Enjoyed your Hodgepodge!!

Tom said...

Sad, that was and could be a beautiful house. Thanks for sharing this week at Tuesday's Treasures. I hope that your life constantly filled with treasures.

Chatty Crone said...

Those frosty fingers look so beautiful and yet so cold - how can they be so pretty and so cold at the same time!!!!!!!!
Sorry you lost your pin I know you must miss it.
I don't like to skate on thin ice either. Haven't skated anywhere in a long time -
I agree with being irrelevant.
And I bet you have your choice of Cheeses!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your photographs always delight me, Judy! The frosty fingers one is amazingly beautiful. You should enter them in a photograpy contest--it's wonderful! Stay warm and cozy! xo ♥

podso said...

Always your photos are good but that top one is amazing with the faded red, peeking through. Worth a frame! The painful arthritis in my husband's ankle is a reminder of the last time he skated--in college--when a resounding crack was heard echoing throughout the valley as his ankle splintered, ruining the rest of basketball season for him that year. Like Debby we are hoping for some snow here this weekend.

Susie said...

Judy, Those photos sure make it look cold there. Today has been a bit of a warm up since it snowed. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

Deb said...

That frosty finger photo is fabulous. Deb

Amy at love made my home said...

What incredibly beautiful photos!!! xx

Mary said...

I said this on another comment, so I'll say it again: I don't understand the big deal about Trump's endorsement. It doesn't mean a thing to me at all.

White Lace and Promises said...

Beautiful. I don't like ice. Awoke with a limb in my ceiling a few winters ago. But is sure is lovely.

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

Sorry that you lost your pin :( The photos are beautiful.

Lady Jane said...

I love the frosty finger pic. I feel cold just looking at it because of the detail. I haven't been skating for a few years but went snowshoeing yesterday and lo and behold I am not sore today.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, loving the cheese and proud of it, right? Your pictures of the frost and snow are wonderful, but I'm glad you have that and I have the warmth and sunshine in Texas.

Michelle said...

These are some beautiful photographs. The first one of the house is my favorite.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Judy these photos are absolutely gorgeous, every one of them. What beautiful winter captures.

Cold here too and I think worse since I was so spoiled by a mild December! And while you had comments closed I added your friend to my prayer list this morning.

The Cranky said...

Beautiful photos, especially that frosty lane. Lovely old houses like the first one always sadden me when I see them mouldering away; I want to rescue them!

Rose said...

Your comment about old building hold vintage charm, and that applying to us sure made me smile...I really loved your photos. Not sure which I would like best, but sure wish that old home could speak.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Very beautiful 'vintage treasures' and amazing photos of the frost! I love cheese, too and can never get enough. xx Karen

abrianna said...

That second shot looks like it was taken with an infrared camera. And the frosty fingers and cool blue row of icy trees is lovely. I bet that old house was considered to be fine in its day.

Your blog assistant is rather handsome :).

Stephanie said...

What beautiful pictures, Judy. The pictures of the frost, espeially the "Frosty Fingers," are astounding!

I was delighted to read that you homeschooled :) I was homeschooled and am now teaching my son. It's truly a joy to see him learn.

Enjoy the remainder of your week. Hugs!

Debbie said...

Gorgeous images of the snow, they are all so beautiful!! It's just amazing how Mother Nature decorates the trees with snow. I am still waiting, very impatiently for snow but I think it's coming this weekend.

That first image is stunning!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Loved reading your answers. The Barn and the snow photos are all gorgeous.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness....the images are just abso-bloody beautiful1!! "In the Frosty air" comes to mind. And that 'this ol' house' is getting feeble image is stunning, intense and the definite epitome of a picture paints a 1000 words.

So wonderful, your photos are.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such lovely photo's you've shared here, great to look at, although it does make you feel a bit Brrr!!!

All the best Jan

Daniela said...

Praying for your friend, I'm still feeling in awe after having watched the wonderful photographs you've posted here above, they're truly amazing, so charming, I love the snow and the magic with which it surrounds everything!
Thank you for sharing this gorgeous poat,
sending dear love and sweet hugs to you

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Absolutely magical photos Judy!!

I'm so with you on the Trump irritation, the cheese love, and the fun gardening books!

Hope you're enjoying these "balmy" temps!! Lol

Blessings. xoxo

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos of Wisconsin, it makes me homesick.
I love all of your answers for the hodgepodge!

Jean | said...

Judy, these photos are amazing! I like how you decolored the barn photo. I've always intended to try some digital black and white, but don't seem to get around to it (as with so many other things!).

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I like to think about the families and how life was back then when I see old homes and barns. It's rather nice that the photos turned out with a vintage appearance, they're all nice.
My hubby and I were doing some FB trivia and one of the questions was about materials used for slippery roads. We couldn't believe Wisconsin will use cheese?
Hopefully the storm won't be too bad for you, a couple of other bloggers have mentioned it coming too.
Stay safe and warm!

Ida said...

Those were just beautiful to look at.

J_on_tour said...

I'm a sucker for snow scenes. I'm loving the opener and the snow fingers in particular.


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