Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Hodgepodge and Good Fences

1. It's officially summer (in the northern hemisphere anyway). Which summer month is best and why?

August is my favorite summer month because my birthday is in August and I try to get all the kids and grandkids together for one weekend a year, my birthday being the leverage. It worked best the first year, 2013, but hopefully we can manage to get everyone together this August. It's a wonderful time. Family, food, fun, fire...

2. Can you swim? How did you learn? June 27th is National Sunglasses Day. How many pair do you own?

I learned to swim when I was about eight years old, just after water was invented. It was at the Barron Park, where the Yellow River runs through, and I took swimming lessons. I did manage to learn to swim and also get a permanent scar on my knee from a sharp rock.

3. What characteristic do you judge most harshly in yourself? How about in others?

Haughtiness/pride/self righteousness. I hate it in myself and I hate it in others. I try to be aware of it and keep a check on it. It's a horrid thing, so easily creeps up, and I don't like to go down that road. I mean really, as creatures whose very next breath depends upon the grace of God, who on earth do any of us think we are, that we would presume to consider ourselves better than anyone else. We are all God's image bearers. It makes me shudder in disgust just thinking about having a self righteous attitude. I am grateful for God's mercy and grace and the new life, joy, and hope he offers through his Son. I pray daily for the work of his Spirit in my life and in the lives of others.

Askrigg Common

4. Robert Frost wrote the now well known poem entitled The Road Not Taken. What's a road (literal or figurative) you've always wanted to travel, and where do you hope it takes you?

Any long and winding road in Yorkshire or Northumberland. I've explored quite a bit of Yorkshire, but none of Northumberland.

5. Popsicles-yay or nay? If you answered yay, what's your favorite flavor?

I've always loved popsicles, and banana or orange were always my favorite. I'm not sure why they bothered to make lime popsicles at all. They're disgusting. 

6. Brexit-on a scale of 1-10 how knowledgeable are you on what's involved here? (1=very knowledgeable and 10=what's Brexit) Is this news you'll follow or is it something you think won't impact your life in any way shape or form?

Mr. C. and I are both Brexit-Bremain junkies, so I think a 1. Definitely following the news closely. In such a small world, I think that anything that happens in Britain and Europe is going to impact us, most definitely. We're watching closely. I do think it's interesting that the Bremains already want to take another vote. Another vote? Really?You get to do that when you don't get your way?

7. Share a favorite song on your summer play list.

I don't have a summer play list, but the song that most likely will be heard by me is the theme song from Vera or Poirot or George Gently.

Vera, my new favorite detective
(Joe Ashworth's not bad either)

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
 Have a wonderful Fourth!


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Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Beautiful post!
My former blog, Debbie-Dabble was hacked through my Face Book Debbie-Dabble Page. I created a new blog, Debbie-Dabble Blog and I invite you to please follow me on my new blog.


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy... Thanks for the heads up on Vera - we are looking for a new show because we are winding down on Monarch on the Glen. You and Joyce should share a box of popsicles - she loves the lime ones!! Have a great week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your header view is amazing, love the flag, love the cows.. my favorite Popsicle is grape or mango or coconut. i guess that means i have 3 favorites.. my husband bleeds CNN and all news and i hate all news so i am UP with all of it even if i don't want to be. we have had some LOUD words over his repeating to me what he has heard on the news and his opinions.... how hard is it to understand I don't want to hear it on TV or repeated... yes, it does effect us but there is nothing i can do about it.. just leave me to play with my head buried in software not sand. oops, sorry about the soap box..

Stacy said...

Loved your photos at the end...especially the zinnias. They are my favorite flower. Have a wonderful week!

Linda said...

Totally agree on Brexit...and we had the same thoughts...enjoyed your answers...and haughtiness, I just don't see it in you, friend.

Have a joyful rest of the week. smiles

maddie/cadesmimi said...

I loved your random pictures at the end. Your zinnias are awesome!
Kathy (Reflections)

wildirishrose said...

Your pictures are so lovely!

Lime always seems to be the worst flavor of most sweets. I don't know why they keep doing it either.

Naquillity said...

your zinnias are beautiful... august is my favorite summer month. that's my wedding anniversary. yes, i can swim. learned at a public swimming pool. i love exploring old back country roads and the road i walk out my exercise on most days. i love seeing all the wildlife. strawberry or cherry popsicles are my favorites when i want them. hope all is well. have a great day~


Gorgeous pictures. Lime is gross. I agree....especially in popsicles and suckers.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, great answers. I love all the summers months. Beautiful images. I love the photo of the road, the zinnias are beautiful and I always love the cows. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I remember doing fires like that back in Illinois at my dad's cottage. Never dare do that in California! I would love to join you on that road......
Happy 4th of July to you and your family.

Debby Ray said...

Great answers, Judy. When I read your answer to #3, it was like I could have written it. Yes, it's a struggle for me too. But on the other hand, I detest banana popsicles and love the lime ones! Isn't it wonderful how the Lord created us all so unique, yet so much the same? Have a wonderful July 4th holiday!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

JUDY! It's Anita from Instagram, Les Dames D'Abord! HELLO! I had no idea you were an active am I! COme visit my blog under Castles Crowns and Cottages- just click on my profile here...

I see you, I see your world even broader now! Oh, what lovely photos.

So good to meet you even closer now! Anita

Wendy said...

Love Vera! Like your answers but not all of us that voted to remain want another vote. What's done is done. But the reaction that it has provoked is very concerning particularly over immigrants and lots of people saying they didn't realise what would happen if they voted no. The lack of information was dreadful.

Arlene G said...

Another Banana Popsicle lover here!!

Joyce said...

After reading your answers I realized I answered the Brexit question wrong. Confused by my own scale! I meant 2, not 8. I blame travel, exhaustion, and a 50+ brain : )

Empty Nester said...

I prefer cherry popsicles. My mother LOVES banana ones to this day. Vera is one of my favorites! Though I kept saying they're making her act so old. And then I realized I'm not that far off from her age so...LOL So, water was invented about the time you were 8? Your sense of humor cracks me up! I hope everyone makes it for your birthday!

Theresa said...

Love, love your answer for #3, so well said! There are a lot of summer birthdays at the Hodgepodge. I hope you get all of your family together and have a wonderful celebration :)

Terri D said...

I sure enjoyed your Hodgepodge today, and all the photos that you shared along the way! Hope you are healing well and progressing with the limited therapy/movement allowed. You remain in my daily prayers!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm very curious about Vera, too. I always learn so much when I read your hodge podge! Take care of yourself my friend. Hugs, Diane

podso said...

Always a pleasure to read your hodgepodges and learn something new. I think I like most any popsicle and reading this makes me yearn for one!

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the dairy girls. :) laughed at the lime popsicles and the 'when water was invented' comment. :)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

A fun hodge-podge, but I laughed at the lime popsicles. I love that! I like sour-patch candy too - they might be similar. Hope all is going well with your recovering. Happy 4th! x Karen

Susie said...

Judy, I always love to see your pictures. I remember having rootbeer popsicles once and they were delicious. We do sugar free now. ZZZ. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Lowcarb team member said...

I always enjoy your hodgepodge and I especially loved seeing the zinnias, what lovely colour.

Hope you are continuing to recover well.
My thoughts and good wishes

All the best Jan

Michelle said...

Lime is gross!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Loved reading all your interesting answers to these Questions adn your shot of the Zinnas adn cows is great.

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) Most of your hodgepodge questions and answers are foreign to me, but I like your fence scene with the cows and the pretty flowers.

Anonymous said...

Great fences and other fun stuff! We are enjoying Vera, too. We found George Gently on Netflix and binged on watching all of the series that was available. Hope you have a good 4th of July weekend.

Mama Hen said...

Lets start with the popsicles - a definite YAY! I would say raspberry or strawberry are my favorite. Mmmmmm! I LOVE Robert Frost and was so happy to visit his house a couple of weeks ago when we were in New Hampshire. I was so giddy. My daughter even commented on how happy I was to be there. I would have to agree with you with the things about others and ourselves that we may not like so much. Pride can surely get in the way of many things. I hope you have been well. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!
Mama Hen

This N That said...

Popsicle's look yummy..Have a happy 4th...

Ida said...

Lovely flagged draped fence & the one with the cows was nice to. I enjoyed your hodgepodge answers. Funny but the Lime popsciles are my favorites!

Jean | said...

Judy, great answers! But you're just wrong about the popsicles! Next to orange, lime is *the* best popsicle flavor ever! IMHO :D

Amy at love made my home said...

Interesting to read your answers! I don't think we have popsicles like you do in America, but I do like magnums which are ice cream on a stick with chocolate over the ice cream. They are very good!

Aritha V. said...

So great to read your answers. I enjoyed it! Popsicle's look jammie. And your fences are so nice (cows too)

BeachGypsy said...

I love the bright and colorful pictures but especially the on of the summer flowers!! Zinnias maybe???

Cheryl said...

Playing a little blog catch-up this always, I enjoy reading the HodgePodge answers for you always learn a little something about the writer. I love your answer for #3. I think being aware of the human tendency for pride is an important part of combating it! And yes, how can we think that anything that we are is apart from His grace?!

I hope your August reunion comes together!!

Cheryl said...

P.S. I pray that you're feeling better every day!!

Mary said...

The picture of Askrig Common reminds me of the isle of Sylt, on the German North Sea. Just beautiful!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I love reading your answers Judy and like you more and more every time I read and get to know you better! Your beautiful photos and wit (when water was invented,eh?) - as well as depth of the person you are is a blessing to know!

Hope you have a very wonderfully fun, safe, and blessed holiday weekend ahead!!

J_on_tour said...

Unfortunately the vote seems to have split the country with some unfriendliness from the remain side. It turns out that Nigel Farage from the UkIP party is not all what he seems and has probably misled some of the electorate, elsewhere the whole party politics is in a bit of chaos. It just needs some time to steady the ship.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Love the blossoms and cows!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I HAVE LEARNED NEVER TO EAT OR DRINK WHEN I VISIT HERE LEST I CHOKE ON SOMETHING WHILE LAUGHING : "when I was about eight years old, just after water was invented" LOL STOP!! :)

Debbie said...

it's always so fun to read this!!! my favorite month is september, it is my birthday, both my boys were born in september and i like the cooling off temperatures. my favorite song right now is by one of my fav's justin timberlake, "can't stop the feeling"!!!!!

your flowers are beautiful!!!!

Judy S. said...

Happy Fourth, Judy! Have a fabulous day.


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